Toyama Folk Art - 富山県
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム
Tateyama Mountain Range 館山連峰 / 立山連峰
Shirakawa 白河郷 Shirakawa village (part is Fukui prefecture)
Old domain of Etchuu 越中 Etchu
Toyama is rather small,
It is bordered by Ishikawa Prefecture to the west, Niigata to the northeast, Nagano to the southeast, Gifu to the south and Sea of Japan to the north. It has now only 10 cities.
氷見 Himi, 射水 Imizu, 黒部 Kurobe, 滑川 Namerikawa, 南砺 Nanto, 小矢部 Oyabe, 高岡 Takaoka,
砺波 Tonami, 富山 Toyama (capital) and 魚津 Uozu.
. Tateyama Shinkō 立山信仰 Tateyama belief .

Toyama Municipal Folkcraft Village - 富山市民俗民芸村
The village consists of nine buildings including museums for pottery, traditional Japanese life and medicine peddlers, and a tea ceremony house. The Gyujin Memorial Art Gallery is dedicated to the local Suiboku (black ink wash technique) artist, Takamura Gyujin 篁牛人. Traditional Toyama clay dolls are made and sold at the shop across from the tea house.
- source : city.toyama.toyama.jp/etc/minzokumingei -
With an English pamphlet.
. Medicine sellers from Toyama 富山の薬売り - kusuri-uri .
. Etchu Daruma 越中だるま
tako 越中だるま凧 Etchu kite with Daruma
Gokayama village 五箇山
. Gokayama Daruma 五箇山の達磨 .
Gokayama hariko 五箇山張子 papermachee dolls
. shiso ningyoo 紙塑人形 dolls made from paper mixed with clay .
mostly the 12 zodiac animals
Owara kaze no bon おわら風の盆 souvenirs from Owara
- source and more photos : gokayama_mura003 -
. kaze no bon 風の盆 "Bon of the Wind" festival .
kawaya no kami 厠の神, 厠神 dolls of the toilet deities
toire no kamisama トイレの神様

. kawaya no kami 厠の神 Japanese God of the Toilet .
Takaoka 高岡市
. Takaoka Casting - imono 鋳物 ironware .
. urushi 漆 Takaoka Lacquerware .
Toga village 利賀村
. hatsu uma no wara uma 初午の藁馬 straw horse .
- - - - - Toyama town 富山市

Toyama no kaemono 富山の替え物 things to exchange
Usokae うそ替え / 鷽替え exchanging carved bullfinches
. fukutoku ningyoo 福徳人形 Fukutoku auspicious dolls .
ippon kaku no shishigashira 一本角の獅子頭 lion head

Etchu mayoke no mayokejishi, mayoke shishi 越中魔除獅子
lion head to ward off evil
Usually carved from paulownia wood and made in many villages.
The big lion head is used in a lion dance and the small ones are placed at home.
They have been produced since the Meiji Restauration (1868). A lion would purify the road and lead its followers along.
. Shishigashira 獅子頭 lion head mask .
. Toyama Tenjin 富山天神人形 Tenjin figures from Toyama .
Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真
Toyama tsuchi ningyoo 土人形 clay dolls from Toyama

source : city.toyama.toyama.jp
Toyama has been a center for making clay dolls since the end of the Edo Period (1603-1867) when Hirose Yasujiro 広瀬秀信, a potter in Nagoya, presented a clay doll of Tenin on a Bull 天神臥牛 to Maeda Toshiyasu 前田利保, the lord of the Toyama feudal domain.
Hirose build the kiln 千歳窯 at the compound of 千歳御殿. The students of Hirose, the 渡辺家 Watanabe family is still making dolls as of 1970.
About seventy types of clay dolls are still being made today, now by a group of perserving the art of these dolls, とやま土人形伝承会. There is even a figure of a man pulling a passenger in a rikshaw 人力車人形.

dorei 土鈴 clay bells with the 12 zodiac animals
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Colorful clay hina dolls [Toyama]
..... clay dolls, which have round shapes and simple designs. The tradition dates back to the mid-19th century, when the lord of the Toyama clan invited a potter from outside to open a kiln and his son later produced clay dolls there.

The dolls were designated as a local traditional craft by the prefectural government in 2013.
- source : hokuriku.the-japan-news.com -
Watanabe Nobuhide 渡辺信秀
haha to ko 母と子 Mother and Child

source : blog.nihondorei.com
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
Nobuhide was in the third generation of doll makers, but had no follower.
So the townspeople started a special group to preserve the clay doll making 富山土人形伝承会.
- source and more photos : kyoudogangu.xii.jp
His line of work is followed by 古川圭子 Furukawa Keiko.
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Uriwari-no-shimizu 瓜裂の清水 Split-Melon Clear Water
Shokawa 庄川 in Toyama Prefecture is a town dominated by water. Water runs from the Hida Mountains into the Sho River and through Mt Goka to appear again at the edge of Tonami Plain, where Shokawa is located. Abundant water also runs to Tonami Plain from mountains in Nanto. Waterfalls and clear water springs occur, too, at many places along the slopes and at the foot of the mountains.

Shokawa features one of Japan's 100 best water sites: Uriwari-no-shimizu, which means 'Split-Melon Clear Water'. To find this site in Shokawa, look for some Buddha stone statues in a shallow cave near the road under a hilly terrace in Iwaguro housing development. In the cave, clear water wells up under the gaze of the Buddhas.
About 600 years ago, legend has it that Shaku-shonin 綽上人, a founder of Zuisenji Temple in Inami, was visiting this area when one of his horse's hooves suddenly broke through the ground and released clear water.
The 'split melon' name refers to a story that a melon once split naturally when cooled in the water here. The water never stops even for extended periods of hot weather, and is thus worshiped as holy water.
- source : nippon-kichi.jp -
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Inami chookoku 井波彫刻 Inami Woodcarving, Inami sculpture

When the highly skilled carpenters of Inami were rebuilding the main worship hall at Zuizenji temple after it had been destroyed by a fire in the middle of the 18th century, some woodcarvers with official patronage were dispatched from Kyoto to help with the work and it is thought that the carving techniques they passed on to the local carpenters marked the beginnings of woodcarving here.
At first the Inami carpenters did both carpentry and woodcarving, mainly doing pieces of carving for temples. By the Meiji period (1868-1912), however, specialist woodcarvers had immerged and they began to produce items of a more general nature including transom for domestic housing.
The principal timbers now used are
camphor (Cinnamonum Camphora), zelkova (Zelkova serrata) and paulownia (Paulownia Sieb. et Zucc.). When making a transom, they carve from both sides to produce a deep relief effect which is often cut right through and use a variety of motifs including birds, flowers, people and landscape. This form of traditional carving requires a high degree of skill and using upward of 200 different chisels and woodcarving knives, they complete pieces of breath-taking intricacy and beauty.
- reference source : kougeihin.jp... -
Shogawa woodcraft
Shogawa hikimono kiji 庄川挽物木地
Shogawa woodcraft is mostly woodcraft articles such as bowls or trays made in a wide area of the Toyama prefecture including the city of Takaoka and the city of Tonami.
Shogawa woodcraft was registered as a traditional craft by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 1978 for its simple yet beautifully made wood craftwork.
- source : kogeijapan.com/locale...-
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Toyama
. Toyama Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #toyama -
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