Okayama Folk Art - 岡山県 The capital of the prefecture is Okayama city 岡山市. The hero of Okayama is . Momotaro the Peach Boy 桃太郎 . ![]() Clay Bell from Okayama . Nihon Densho Daikan 日本伝承大鑑 Okayama collection . ....................................................................... . Fukiya village 吹屋 and red Bengara べんがら iron oxide red . benikara 紅殻 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . Bizenyaki 備前焼 Bizen Pottery - Introduction . At the shrine Amatsu Jinja 天津神社 many things are made of Bizen pottery, the koma-inu guardian dogs, the wall tiles, walkway tiles, rooftiles and more. ![]() The head priest makes some himself. For example the ema votive tablets for each year. ![]() He also invites people to make their own "Self-Gripped Amulet", nigiri Tenjin 握り天神. He gives the visitor a piece 20 grams of Bizen clay and had it gripped firmly while making a wish. Then the visitor paints a simple face on the top and his/her name on the back. The priest then offers it to the deity before firing it in his Bizen kiln. 備前焼「お守り」 Look at some photos of the shrine: source : okayama/bizensi ........................................................................................................................................................... . Bichuu kagura ningyoo 備中神楽人形 Kagura dance dolls from Bitchu . Nariwa choo 成羽町 / 神楽人形 Kagura dance dolls . . . and the Kagura Kaido かぐら街道 Kagura Mountain Road ........................................................................................................................................................... doodoo ningyoo, dodo ningyoo 百々人形 Dodo dolls Kita Wake 北和気 ![]() They have been made since 1935 by Fukuda Kooichi (Hirokazu) 福田弘一 (Koichi Fukuda), who began making them in the village of Kumegun Yanahara, Dodo 久米郡棚原町百々. He also made the doro tenjin in Mimasaka. But both are not made any more, when he died in 1967. One of his students, Nakanishi 中西熊夫 makde about 100 different types, like Tengu, Daruma and others, but he also died without a follower. His wife, Masako 政子, makes just a few dolls. 2013 - - 「百々人形」後世に 岡山・美咲、新生児に贈呈 source : www.sanyo.oni.co.jp/news ........................................................................................................................................................... . Katsuyama takezaiku 勝山竹細工 bamboo craft from Katsuyama town . In 1979, Katsuyama Take Zaiku was designated as a national traditional craft. ........................................................................................................................................................... Kibi ushi 吉備牛 cow from Kibi Tsuyama 津山市 ![]() The region of Sakushu 作州 is famous for its Japanese beef. The first design is from Shiroishi 白石靖 around 1955. It is made from strong bamboo, cut in circles with a smaller head from bamboo. They come in various sizes. They are plain "bamboo toys" 竹玩具. Apart from cows, there are tiger, rabbit pounding rice, sacred horse, dragon and others. ........................................................................................................................................................... Kibitsu Jinja 吉備津神社 Kibitsu shrine . Kibitsu no koma-inu 吉備津のこま犬 two dogs and a bird . Kibiji 吉備路 - The Story of Momotaro and Ura from Korea. . Kibitsu Daruma 吉備津だるま . ........................................................................................................................................................... koma こま spinning tops Yubara onsen 湯原町 Yubara Hot Spring ![]() Yubara has been a place of woodworkers since olden times. This hot-spring town is just in the middle of Japan, between the San'In and San'Yo region and trade roads passed here. There are quite a few souvenier shops. . Spinning tops with Daruma 独楽(コマ). ........................................................................................................................................................... Koorai inu 高麗犬 Korai Korean Dog Okayama ![]() Small clay figures, made by Azuma Takashi 東隆志 during WW2. He had a small tea shop near shrine Kibitsu Jinja, where he also sold souveniers. . Korai toys - from this blog . - reference : nichibun yokai database - 12 高麗 legends to explore ........................................................................................................................................................... Kurashiki hariko 倉敷張り子 papermachee dolls from Kurashiki Kurashiki jookisen 倉敷蒸気船 steam boat from Kurashiki Okayama ....................................................................... Kurashiki Mingeikan 倉敷民藝館(民芸館) Kurashiki Museum of Folk Craft 1-4-11 Chuo, Kurashiki-city, Okayama Pref. ![]() The Kurashiki Museum of Folkcrafts was founded in 1948 to exhibit folk crafts from all over the world. The architecture itself was originally built as a 'kura' or a traditional storehouse and was renovated in 1948. The collection includes pottery and porcelain, textiles, wood and bamboo crafts, metal arts and crafts, stone sculptures, as well as glassware. - source : e-yakimono.net/html/okayama-museums - KURASHIKI MINGEIKAN is the second folk crafts museum in Japan. The first is NIHON MINGEIKAN, the Japan Folk Crafts Museum in Tokyo, which was founded in 1936 by Muneyoshi YANAGI. He was a philosophical thinker on art, and it was he that coined the word ¨mingei (i.e. folk-crafts)¨. ... In Kurashiki, Kichinosuke TONOMURA, the first President of this museum, collected more than 10,000 items. His collection includes the whole range of practical goods for everyday use, such as ceramics, textiles, lacquers, baskets, wood works, metal works, pictures and so on. - source : kurashiki-mingeikan.com/english - ........................................................................................................................................................... nagashibina 流し雛 "floating old hina dolls" Kitagishima 北木島, Kasaoka ![]() The dolls are placed on a simple boat made from wheat straw. The boats are hand-made by each family and not for sale. Some other islands of the Kasaoka island chain also have this custom. The dolls are floated in the ocean one day after the festival on March 3. The boats are about 80 cm long. Inside are 12 paper dolls, also made by each family. (One imperial pair, one boatman, 9 palace maiden). On leap years there is one more doll of a palace maiden. On the sail of the boat, the letters Awashima maru あわしま丸 (boat bound for Awashima) are written. People hope they will float all the way to Wakayama, to the shrine Awashima Jinja 淡嶋神社 at Kada no Ura 加太の浦. The deity of this shrine has special properties to heal women's dieseases. His name is Awajima Myoojin 淡島(粟島)明神. The people in Japan believe that dolls have souls. Therefore instead of throwing them in the garbage, they take them to a shrine where they are blessed and ritually burned or thrown into the sea. . Doll Festival 雛祭り hina matsuri . Awashima Matsuri 淡島祭 Awashima festival . ........................................................................................................................................................... . suinkyo, su-inkyo 素隠居 retired elders dolls Kurashiki ........................................................................................................................................................... neri Tenjin 練り天神 hand-twisted Tenjin sama ... Kume no doro Tenjin久米の泥天神 clay Tenjin from Kume town Tsuyama 津山市 ![]() These dolls are given when a baby boy is born and has passed his first seasonal festival on March 3. The parents of his mother will bring this present. This custom is also known in parts of Tottori prefecture and Izumo in Shimane prefecture. ....................................................................... Kume ningyoo 久米人形 dolls from Kume village ![]() Momotaro from Kishikawa san ![]() source : kibidango_mail made by Kishikawa Tomeyo 岸川留代 - - - - - also called Miyao no doro ningyoo 宮尾の泥人形 mud dolls from Miyao village "mud dolls from Miyao Kume no doro Tenjin 久米の泥天神 Tenjin from mud 久米郡久米町宮尾172 ....................................................................... Kume hariko 久米張子 papermachee dolls from Kume village ![]() ![]() komochi Hotei 子持ち布袋 Hotei carrying a child Kume Daruma 久米だるま ![]() ........................................................................................................................................................... Okayama Prefectural Museum 岡山県立博物館 ![]() - quote - The Okayama Prefectural Museum was established to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Okayama prefecture's founding. It exhibits archaeological works, arts and crafts, folk crafts, literature, pottery and porcelain, as well as swords. T he regular exhibition is changed twice a year, special events are held twice a year. The collection of Bizen-yaki and swords is one of the best in quality and quantity. - and introducing Okayama Oriental Art Museum Okayama Prefectural Bizen Ceramic Museum The Kei Fujiwara Art Museum Hayashibara Museum of Art Morishita Art Museum Niimi Museum of Art Ohara Museum of Art - Kurashiki Kurashiki Archaeological Museum Kibi Archaeological Museum - source : e-yakimono.net/html/okayama-museums - 1-5 Kōrakuen, Kita-ku, Okayama City / 岡山市北区後楽園1-5 - English HP : - source : pref.okayama.jp/kyoiku/kenhaku - ........................................................................................................................................................... tako 凧 kite Kuse 久世町, Kashi village 樫西 ![]() They are made from special Japanese paper of this region. Kuse was also famous for its market of cows. .......................................................................................................................................................... . Tamashima Daruma 玉島だるま . Kurashiki .......................................................................................................................................................... . Tsuyama Dolls 津山 Yakko Daruma 奴だるま Hime Daruma 姫達磨 Fukumusubi Dolls 福結びの人形 dorei 土鈴 clay bells . . . CLICK here for Photos ! ........................................................................................................................................................... uwahan ningyoo うわはん人形 Uwahan dolls Okayama, 蒜山 Hiruzen ![]() They are a type of Kimi Folk Art clay dolls 紀美工芸の土人形. The dolls represent dancers of the Bon dance in the village Yatsukamura 八束村, Omiya odori 大宮踊り. There are also Kagura dancer dolls from the region. The first design was made by Nakada Masao 中田政夫, while his wife Kimiko キミコ made the dolls. uwahan is part of the song for the Bon Dance. 「なつかしやウワハン、大宮様ウワハンヨー」 ........................................................................................................................................................... Yakage Folk Art Museum - やかげ郷土美術館 Yakage-Cho,Oda-Gun,Okayama - Yakage Museum of Art / 岡山県小田郡矢掛町矢掛3118-1番地 ![]() - source : town.yakage.lg.jp/museum - ........................................................................................................................................................... yosegi saiku, yosegizaiku 寄木細工 yosegi-woodwork Kawakami son Village 川上村 ![]() In this village, the artist Toda Takatoshi 戸田卓利 has his workshop. It is different from the famous yosegi of Hakone. He makes toys from various types of wood blended together. The best are horses, cows, monkeys, sheep and birds. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide . . Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys . Momotaro goods of all kinds ![]() source : kibidango_mail |

おかやま伝説紀行 Legends from Okayama
Tateishi Noritoshi 立石憲利 (1938 - )
He is also a kataribe 語り部 professional story teller, often on regional TV.
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !
. Legends from Okayama 岡山の民話と伝説 .
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Okayama
. Okayama Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #okayamamingei -
1 comment:
おかやま伝説紀行 Legends from Okayama
Tateishi Noritoshi 立石憲利 (1938 - )
He is also a kataribe 語り部 professional story teller, often on regional TV.
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