Anzan Kosodate 安産子育て - all about Children - Introduction - ko sazuke 子授御守 amulet for getting pregnant kodakara no ishi 子宝石 stone to get pregnant obi iwai 帯祝い amulet for a safe pregnancy . Amulets during pregnancy . . Boshijin, Hahakogami 母子神 "Mother-Child Deity" . . Awashima sama 粟島さま at Awashima Jinja 淡島神社 - Wakayama . with prayers for children .................................................................................................................................................................. ![]() Anzan 安産 is a special talisman is used for an easy delivery. Kosodate is the next step, to pray for the safe growing-up of the child buji seichoo 無事成長 "may they grow up healthy" Read more details here: . Anzan o-Mamori 安産お守り - Talismans for Safe Delivery . Haragomori Fudo 腹ごもり不動明王 / お腹ごもり不動尊 Fudo Myo-o granting pregnancy and easy birth . . chichi Yakushi 乳薬師 Yakushi Nyorai and breast milk feeding . Midwifes in Aomori praying to anzan no kami 安産の神 . Sake 酒 rice wine for rituals and festivals . .................................................................................................................................................................. How to make it yourself - - 本格的なお守り袋: ![]() - source : atelier.woman.excite.co.jp/creation .................................................................................................................................................................. ![]() During the Edo period, there was a custom to bring a child to a special temple every year after birth until it was 13 (juusan). . Annual Temple Visit for Children . juusanmairi 十三参り :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sukoyaka kodomo omamori すこやか子供守 amulet for children grow up happily ![]() . . . CLICK here for Photos ! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() an amulet from Meguro Fudo Temple 目黒不動尊のお守り Jizo Bosatsu is the protector of Children. source : hisaesan.exblog.jp . Meguro Fudo Temple 目黒不動 . - - - - - Kobayashi Issa - - - - - I went to Tokumanji Temple and prayed to Jizo there -- 段々に朧よ月よこもり堂 dan-dan ni oboro yo tsuki yo komoridoo gradually the night mistier hey, the moon deep in mist, hey above the Child Protector's Hall Tr. Chris Drake Issa climbed up to a Shingon-school Buddhist temple called Tokumanji and prayed to its famous statue of the bodhisattva Jizo, known as Child-Rearing Jizo (子育て地蔵). The Jizo at this temple became very famous after it cured a dying three-year-old child that was declared by doctors to have no hope of recovery. MORE . 徳満寺 Temple Tokuman-Ji . . WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo . ....................................................................... Kosodate Jizo 子育て地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu taking care of children ![]() - shared by Dougill John, facebook near Gojo-In, Kyoto ....................................................................... The Waka poet . Kakinomoto Hitomaro 柿本人麻呂 Hitomaru 人丸 / 人麿 . venerated at various shrines in Japan anzan no kami 安産の神 Anzan - Deity to grant easy birth - hitomaru 人丸 - 人生まる - hito umaru - giving birth - a pun :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() . . . CLICK here for Photos ! . Reference . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mikumari Jinja 御子守神社 and Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神. ![]() . . . CLICK here for Photos ! quote Also called Komori Myōjin 子守明神, a female deity who may appear in a triad known as Mikomori Sannyoshin 御子守三女神 (details below). This female deity of the shrine Yoshino Mikumari Jinja 吉野水分神社 is situated on a ridge above the village of Yoshino 吉野 in southern Nara. It is one of four major watershed shrines in old Yamato 大和 (i.e., Japan). Yoshino Mikumari appears in a record of 702 and was known as a site at which to pray for control of rain and water. Apparently through a misapprehension of the sound, Mikumari became known as Mikomori, a protector of children. Mikomori is one of the eight gongen 権現 of Yoshino, gongen being the forms taken by supernatural beings in order to manifest themselves on earth. There are twenty sculptures of the deity at Yoshino Mikumari Jinja. ![]() source : yosinomikumarijinjya Tamayori Hime from Yoshino Mikumari Jinja The most famous of these is that of Tamayorihime 玉依姫, dating from 1251. She appears in KOJIKI 古事記 (712) as the mother of Emperor Jinmu 神武. In this case she appears accompanied by two other deities and the three together are known as the Mikomori Sannyoshin. It is important to note that Tamayorihime is not identical with Mikomori Myōjin, since the latter is the collective deity of the whole shrine and includes a number of other deities. In paintings Mikomori may appear alone or in a triad. She is shown as a court lady, and she may be with children or shown holding a vajra (a symbol/weapon often held by Buddhist deities to represent their power to overcome evil). She and/or her shrine often appear in Yoshino Mandala 吉野曼荼羅. Mikomori Myōjin's Buddhist counterpart (honjibutsu 本地仏) is Jizō Bodhisattva 地蔵, and the bonji 梵字 (Siddham letter or mystical sound of the deity) for Dainichi Buddha 大日 of the Taizōkai Mandala 胎蔵界曼荼羅 may appear on paintings of her. source : Mark Schumacher ................................................................................. ![]() Uda Mikumari Shrine (宇太水分神社, Uda Mikumari-jinja) is a Shinto shrine located in Uda, Nara, Japan. It is dedicated to mikumari, a female Shinto kami associated with water. The honden hall was built near the end of the Kamakura period, and is listed as a National Treasure of Japan. © More in the WIKIPEDIA ! ................................................................................. quote Mikumarinokami - Mikumari no kami 水分神 "Water-dividing kami," tutelaries of the allocation of running water. The root kumari possesses the same significance as the modern kubari (allocate, distribute), and mi is an abbreviated form of mizu or water. Mikumari no kami are most often found enshrined at stream headwaters, or at the distribution forks of irrigation canals. The Kojiki describes the offspring of Hayaakitsuhiko and Hayaakitsuhime as the two water kami Amatsumikumari no kami (Heavenly Mikumari) and Kunitsumikumari no kami (Earthly Mikumari). Shrines devoted to these two kami as objects of worship (saijin) can be found in numerous locales, but the best known would include the shrines Katsuragi Mikumari Jinja, Yoshino Mikumari Jinja, Uda Mikumari Jinja, and Tsuge Jinja (all in Nara Prefecture); and the Take Mikumari Jinja and Ame no Mikumari Toyoura Mikoto Jinja (Osaka). Due to its domain over the allocation of water, the kami was also the object of worship in rites invoking rain (amagoi). With time, mispronunciation of the name Mikumari as Mikomori led to its association with a tutelary of children and childbirth (in this case, mi is understood as an honorific prefix, while ko-mori = lit. "child-protector," nanny, babysitter, etc.). In connection with the motif of water, Mikumari no kami is also sometimes identified with the kami of the rice paddy (ta no kami), and when enshrined at mountain springs, with the kami of the mountain (yama no kami). source : Iwai Hiroshi, Kokugakuin 2005 ![]() Mikumari shrine at Yoshino 吉野水分神社 ![]() 宝珠守 Amulet from Uda Mikumari Shrine . Tamayori Hime 玉依姫命 Tamayoribime . Ceremonies at Shrine Samegawa Jinja 佐女川神社, Hokkaido . komori 子守 / 子守り taking care of a baby . - all kinds of dolls - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: maria Jizo マリア地蔵 Jizo like Maria (Mary) at 大宝寺 Daiho-Ji - quote - Maria Jizo (stone statue) was found in a nearby bush by a local resident at the beginning of the Showa Period. It is believed to have been made for clandestine Christians to give a prayer in secret. Temple Daiho-Ji Nagano 長野県塩尻市奈良井423 大寳寺 - reference source : naraijuku.com ... - :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Protectors of Children - Japanese Buddhism, Shintoism Patrons of Motherhood, Fertility, and Easy Delivery 14 Deities of Children and Motherhood Koyasu Kannon / Koyasu Jizo - Mark Schumacher - .................................................................................................................................................................. chigo omamori 稚児守り . Shookei-In 松景院 Temple Shokei-In . - Kamitera Miyagi 神寺 . Kosodate Ebisu 子育て(子授け)恵比須 child-protecting Ebisu . . Koshikiiwa Jinja 越木岩神社 Koshikiiwa Shrine . - Hyogo The 10 meter-high Koshiki-iwa Rock is the shrine's deity, and has been believed to be the god of pregnancy and safe delivery since a long time ago. . Koyasu Fudo 子安不動明王 Fudo Myo-O as Child Protector . a very rare statue ! . koyasu Jizoo 子安地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu as child protector . . .................................................................................................................................................................. Koyasu no kami 子安の神 kinderschützende Gottheit In Japan gab es eine eigene kinderschützende Gottheit (koyasu no kami), die auch eine leichte Geburt gewährte. Ihr Name ist Konohana no sakuya hime no mikoto und sie ist sie Göttin des Berges Fujisan. . Kariteimoten (Hariti) - Kishimojin . Kinderschützende Kannon (Koyasu Kannon) Auch "Kindererziehungs-Kannon" (Kosodate Kannon), "Kindersegen-Kannon" (Komochi Kannon), "Barmherzige Mutter Kannon" (Jimo Kannon), "Säuglings-Kannon" (Jiji Kannon) u.a. genannt. Heute häufig für abgetriebene Kinder zuständig (Mizuko Kannon). Wegen der Ähnlichkeit mit der christlichen Marienfigur oft von den Heimlichen Christen im Japan der Edo-Zeit verehrt. Im Volksglauben besonders verbreitet. Bosatsu-Statue mit Kindern auf dem Arm und um die Füße. Mit weißen Gewändern und hoher Frisur. Manchmal mit nacktem Oberkörper, einem Säugling die Brust reichend. . Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 . ![]() :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() . Koyasu Daishi 子安弘法大師 Kobo Daishi . 子授招福大師 Kosazuke Daishi :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: kodomo omamori 子供お守り amulet to protect a child ![]() ![]() tamago mamori たまごまもり amulet like an egg from Saijo Inari, Okayama 最上稲荷 ![]() buji seichoo 無事成長 "may they grow up healthy" to become as strong as a sumo wrestler |
Kosasuke omamori 子授け御守 amulet to get pregnant
. Shrine Miyazaki Jingu 宮崎神宮 .
. Arima Tosen Shrine 有馬 湯泉神社 Toosen Jinja .
. suzume no sugomori 雀の巣ごもり sparrows in a nest .
and はらみ餅 / 孕み餅 harami Mochi rice cakes, to pray for a safe pregnancy.
- #anzankosodate #kosodateanzan #boshijin #mariajizo -
futamata no miki ni hitotsu ha Mizu Bunsha
a forked tree trunk
with one leaf - a shrine
for sharing water
Ibaraki Kazuo (Ibaragi) 茨木和生
(1939 - ) Haiku poet from Nara
Imamiya and bunsha bransh shrines . . .
shinzoo 神像 statues of Shishinzoo 神像 statues of Shinto kami deities nto kami deities
kosodate - Legends to explore
Miyagi 宮城県 / 栗原郡 Kurihara district
kosodate Jizo 子育て地蔵 child rearing Jizo
yonaki Jizoo 夜泣地蔵 Jizo crying at night - Legends
kosodate yuurei 子育て幽霊 / 子育幽霊 Yurei
legends about a ghost rearing a child
Legend about Jizo from Nagano 東御市 Tomi city 東上田 Higashi-Ueda
. kosodate Jizo 子育て地蔵 child rearing Jizo .
Once there lived a loving couple in the village, but they could not have children. So they went to a Jizo statue nearby and asked Jizo for help. They went there every day, rain or shine.
After a few years they finally had a child. When their beloved child was three years old, it became ill of an emidemic and died. THe parents were devastated.
When they went again to the statue of Jizo, they saw a light coming from the back and they heard a voice:
"Your beloved daughter has changed into this Jizo statue. Please love this Jizo like your daughter!"
The couple became happy again and took good care of the statue as long as they lived.
hayariyamai はやり病 / 流行病と伝説 Legends about epidemics
Saidooji 済渡寺 Saido-Ji - Niimi Okayama
In 811, 、空海(弘法大師) Kukai Kobo Daishi named the hut Saido-Ji.
The villagers asked Kobo Daishi to help them, since many children died at childbirth or soon after.
Kukai carved the statue of Kannon, using the special ritual
ittoo sanrai 一刀三礼 carving one part and praying three times
Since then healthy children were born in the village.
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