Tanukidani Ofudo Temple 狸谷山不動院 Tanukidaniyama ![]() . Tanuki 狸 Badger amulets and toys . ![]() Fudoin Temple, Fudo-In 狸谷山不動院 ![]() Musashi no Taki, Miyamoto Musashi Waterfall 武蔵の滝 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: quote Tanukidani no Ofudo-san “Tanukidani Fudoin” which is called “Tanukidani no Ofudo-san”. It is one of the head temples of Shugendo, and it has “Musashi no Taki (Waterfall of Musashi)” where Miyamoto Musashi is said to have trained his mind. It is said that Shugendo, which is one of peculiar Japanese religions, had come into being under the influence of “introduced Buddhism, Taoism, Onmyodo, from China”, the old Japanese mountain worship (the nature worship in which mountain is considered God and is believed that it has spiritual power), and Shinto, etc. ![]() One of these is “Torii” in the approach to there, which seems to be symbol of Shinto. Next one is the fact that “Fudo myo-O (Acala or the God of Fire)” of Buddhism had been enshrined in “Kimon" (the demon’s gate or the unlucky direction)” (the northeast of Kyoto city which is the capital on the Heian era), which had been determined by “Fusui” that is related to Taoism and Onmyo. And if you had done “Hiwatari gyo” that day, you have received “Ofuda” which has a close relation to Taoism. source : www.japan-hopper.com . Miyamoto Musashi (宮本 武蔵) . . Mokujiki and Fudo Myo-O 木喰の不動さま . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Homepage of the Temple source : www.tanukidani.com/ 京都府京都市左京区一乗寺松原町6 ![]() This temple had been constructed during the Heian period by order of the emperor Kanmu Tenno 桓武天皇 to protect the North-East (kimon 鬼門) of the town. The characters for Tanuki read 咤怒鬼 鬼門守護のタヌキ(咤怒鬼)不動明王 Tanuki Fudo Myo-O to protect the "Demon's Gate" This Fudo dispersed the bad demons coming from the North-Eastern direction. The statue has been in a cave since the Kamakura period and been venerated by the court nobles and their attendant nobility 公家殿上人 (kuge tenjoobito). And in the temple compound pilgrims have offered many statues of Tanuki. In 1604, Miyamoto Musashi came here to practise ascetics under the waterfall. In 1718, Saint Mokujiki practises zen ascetics in the cave for 17 years. These two are the most important ascets of this temple. Later this temple became more and more popular with the Shugendo Ascetics. In 1944, it became its name we know today 修験道大本山一乗寺狸谷山不動院 from the head priest Ryoei 大僧正亮栄和尚. ................................................................................. Now it is a famous spot in the Kansai region and many people come here to pray and partake of the power through the amulets sold here. ![]() ご尊影(おすがた)Fudo Myo-O ![]() toire no kamisama トイレの神さま God of the Toilet Ususama Myo-O ウスサマ明王 / 烏瑟沙摩明王 Tanuki Fudo 咜怒鬼(たぬき)不動明王 is also a "God of the Toilet" at this temple. . benjogami 便所神 Toilet deity and Fudo Myo-O . ガン封じ・難病よけのお札 amulet to protect from cancer and disease kiyome no o-suna 清めのお砂 sand for purifiction (for a new home, mixed with salt, for planting trees, for the grave of a pet and other situations) Here is a list of more amulets sold online source : mamoriform.html omikuji おみくじ to draw sacred lots ................................................................................. On July 28, the great fire walking ceremony 火渡り祭 On the third, sixteenth and 28 of each month, the fire ceremony Goma でお護摩 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Ususama Myo-O ウスサマ明王 / 烏瑟沙摩明王 Ucchusma, Ususama 烏枢沙摩明王 Fujoo no kamisama 不浄の神様 Deity of Impurities a Buddhist deity regarded as a devourer of stinking matter. ![]() source : www.nenjudo.co.jp Ususama, Usūsama Myō-ō 烏枢沙摩明王 Usūsama was introduced to Japan from China by the priest Kūkai 空海 (774-835 AD), and was invoked in rites especially for easy childbirth and for warding off the impurities associated with childbirth. In the Shingon and Zen sects, Usūsama is also revered as the tutelary god of the toilet. Fujō Kongō, Fujoo Kongoo, Fujo Kongo 不淨金剛 Read the details HERE : source : Mark Schumacher ![]() source : kanzeon76/diary Ususama in a little shrine, to put in the toilet ".. old people want to die without suffering from long-term illness so that their family members would not have to provide care for them such as helping them to the toilet and changing diapers." . pokkuri ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" . .................................................................................................................................................................. Uzusama (Uochusma) Auch Ususama, Usushima, Uzushima gelesen. Das Sanskrit-Wort bedeutete in Indien auch den Feuergott Agni, dessen Feuer alle Verunreinigungen beseitigt. Gleiche Figur wie Kongoo Yasha. Auch Feuerkopf-Bosatsu (Kazu Bosatsu 火頭菩薩) genannt. In der Tendai-Sekte an Stelle von Kongoo Yasha als einer der fünf großen Myo-O angesehen. Wird in Toiletten und anderen unreinen Orten von Tempeln verehrt. Beseitigt Unreinheiten, z.B. nach einer Geburt, durch Verfluchung eines bösen Geistes oder auch durch Schlangengift. Durch besondere Gebete kann Uzusama ein weibliches Kind im Mutterleib in ein männliches verwandeln. (Ususama henjoo nanshihoo). In China besonders verehrt; viele Abbildungen in den Höhlentempeln von Dun Huang. Als König Bonno (Bonten) beim Tode des Shakyamuni nicht zum Sterbebett eilen konnte, weil die Umgebung seines Schlosses total verschmutzt war, erschien Uzusama und wischte mit seinem Finger alle Unreinheiten weg. Dann berührte er das Herz des Bonno, damit dieser sogleich am Totenbett des Shakyamuni erschien. Häufig wurden Steinfiguren von Privatpersonen zur Erfüllung ihrer Wünsche gestiftet. Ikonografie: Ein Kopf mit drei Augen. Mit flammendem Nimbus um den stehenden Körper. Zwei oder sechs, häufig aber vier Arme. Manchmal mit Schlangen um die Arme gewunden. Verschiedene Gegenstände in den Händen: Schwert, Seil, Dreizack mit langem Stab, Rad der Lehre, Donnerkeil u.a. Sitzt auf einem Lotussockel oder Felssockel. . Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who . Gabi Greve ![]() うすさまみょうおう bronze statue, made by Inoue Koji 井上広司 source : www.daihorin-kaku.com ![]() source : Masato, facebook 阿州国分寺 - Kokubun-Ji at Awa no kuni 阿波国分寺 - source : wikipedia ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . kawaya no kami 厠の神 Japanese God of the Toilet . Not to mix up with : . Uzumasa 太秦 - God Madara, matara jin 摩多羅神 . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() . . . CLICK here for Photos ! . Reference : Tanukidani . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A straw ring amulet to hang in the toilet. It prevents diseases of the lower part of the body, like female problems, hemorrhoides, bladder diseases and more. It helps only one year, so you have to buy a new one every year, best during the summer purification festival. 下の病気 amulets for illness of the "lower parts" . Shrine Karasaki Jinja 唐崎神社 . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ![]() CLICK for more samples hakusei tanuki 剥製 狸 stuffed tanuki ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: - - - - - Tanuki Fudo - Fudo Tanuki 狸不動 不動狸 ![]() source : gondolina.cocolog-nifty.com/tamalog Fudo Tanuki 不動たぬき - Asakusa no Gankake Tanuki 浅草…願かけ狸 ![]() source : blog.goo.ne.jp/onsen_shouyou Hanano Onsen 花野温泉 たぬき湯 Tanukiyu Hot Spring Kagoshima - quote Tanuki Yu Tanuki Yu prides itself on having unaltered hot spring water which is a light emerald green. The type of onsen water, myoubansen, has traces of aluminum and is said to help with eye afflictions and skin problems. ![]() . . . True to its namesake, Tanuki Yu is filled with tanuki (raccoon dogs). From the little statues in the garden to the painted doorway, the little raccoon dogs add a mischievous air of jolliness. - source : en.japantravel.com ![]() source : tanupen.com Fudo, Tanuki and a Yakko . Yakko Daruma / 奴だるま . ![]() - source and more tanuki : www.yakimono.co.jp 特注で、こんなタヌキを作れます . . . We make all kinds of Tanuki ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: - - - - - Shigaraki Pottery 信楽焼 - - - - - ![]() source : v-biwa.com/2014/04/17 Shigaraki Tanuki Fudo 信楽狸不動 from Shigaraki pottery ![]() source : shinjyu.web.fc2.com/shiga Shigaraki Fudo 信楽狸不動 Fudo Myo-O from Shigaraki pottery ....................................................................... ![]() - source : www7.plala.or.jp/shigarakiweb Akibasan Juurin-in Hookoo-an Gyokkeiji 秋葉山十輪院法皇庵 玉桂寺 玉桂寺 Temple Gyokei-Ji in Shigaraki ![]() source : biwa108.jp/konan ![]() - Homepage of the temple - source : www16.ocn.ne.jp ....................................................................... . The Japanese Tanuki racoon dog and Daruma . with many Tanuki from Shigaraki Pottery 信楽焼 . |
. Fudo Myo-O Gallery .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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