Miyazaki Folk Art 宮崎県 (Miyasaki)

Aoshima jinja no kamibina 青島神社の神雛 hina doll deities from Aoshima shrine
meotobina 夫婦雛 hina dolls for a couple
gankakebina 願掛け雛 hina dolls to make a wish
. Aoshima Jinja 青島神社 Aoshima Shrine .
They are amulets for finding and keeping a good partner (enmusubi).
In former times, the whole island with its cliffs and subtropical jungle was considered the dwelling of the deities and people were not allowed to step on its ground. The whole island is considered a Shinto shrine.
The amulets extend to safety on sea, family security, easy birth and much more.
Aoshima Island (青島)
is a small, beautiful island just off of the coast of the resort beaches south of Miyazaki City. Aoshima is connected to the mainland by a bridge and is ringed by white beaches surrounding a subtropical jungle at the island's center.
It is a 1.5 kilometer walk around Aoshima's beaches with a number of canvas stands selling souvenirs along the way. At the center of the island is Aoshima Jinja, a colorful shrine set back in the jungle that is said to bring luck to married couples.

Make sure to follow the short path to the right of the shrine's main building through the jungle to a smaller outlying shrine. The scenery and silence along the way can be quite mesmerizing. At the small shrine you can buy clay disks which are thrown at a target for luck.
The shallow water around the island has a geological phenomenon known as Oni no Sentakuita, or devil's washboard. Visible at low tide, these perfectly straight rows of basalt rock look as if they must be the remnants of something manmade. They are natural formations, however, which can be found farther south along the Nichinan Coast as well.
source : www.japan-guide.com

Aoshima kai zaiku 青島貝細工 clam craft
figures made from local shells
. kaizaiku, kai zaiku 貝細工 craft from clams and sea shells .

denden daiko デンデン太鼓 toy drum
Miyazaki town
haniwa ningyoo はにわ人形 Haniwa dolls
Miyazaki town

. haniwa 埴輪 Haniwa clay figures - Introduction .
. ebiguruma 海老車 lobster on wheels .
ebikko エビッコ in the local dialect

itobina 糸雛 string dolls
Miyazaki town
from Takaoka village 東諸方郡高岡町
Hina dolls made from a bamboo stick and bamboo plate, with hair from hemp strings, hence the name.
They are influenced by the famous string hina dolls from Kagoshima.
. Satsuma itobina 薩摩糸びな string hina dolls .
Nobeoka 延岡

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com
noborizaru のぼり猿 / 昇り猿 climbing monkey
mayokezaru, mayoke saru 魔よけ猿 monkey warding off evil

Nobeoka gogatsu-nobori 延岡五月幟 flag for the boy's day

kookeiseki suzuri 紅渓石硯 inkstone from Kokeiseki stone
tairyobata 大漁旗 flag for good fishing
- photos are here:
- source : Nobeoka 伝統工芸 -
佐土原 Sadogawara
. Sadowara mingei 佐土原民芸 folk art and crafts from Sadowara .
- Miyazaki 宮崎県 Kyushu
..... Sadowara no bunguruma 佐土原のぶんぐるま spinning top making a sound
..... jindaigoma, jindai no koma 神代独楽 spinning top making a sound
..... Sadowara hagoita 佐土原羽子板 battledore (to play with)
..... Sadowara kazari hagoita 佐土原飾り羽子板 battledore as decoration
..... Sadowara ningyoo 佐土原人形 dolls from Sadowara
..... kujiranobori, kujira nobori 鯨のぼり streamers in the form of a whale

source : upp.so-net.ne.jp/u1cku/gangu5
taihei odori 泰平踊り "Peace Dance" dolls
. at the Obi Castle Festival 飫肥城 .
高千穂 Takachiho
According to Japanese mythology, Takachiho is the land where Ninigi descended from the heavens, sent by Amaterasu, the sun goddess. It also contains the Ama-no-Iwato shrine which is, according to myth, the location of the cave where Amaterasu hid until Ame-no-Uzume lured her out.
- quote wikipedia -
(Sacred Night Dance) Kagura Masks
Takachiho Kagura is a tradition recognized by the Japanese government as an "Important Intangible Cultural Treasure", and these masks are used when the dances are performed.

They are works of art, carved with bold expressive strokes into soft paulownia (kiri) or camphor (kusu) wood.

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. Takachiho Yokagura 高千穂 夜神楽 Night Kagura Dance .
. Shimenawa 注連縄 a sacred rope - Introduction .
In the Takubo family, special kinds of Shimenawa are made for all kinds of purposes, and Shimenawa are hung in homes at various places.
They are decorated with various symbols to ward off evil and demons and bring good luck to the house.
Since they are made by hand from straw, once a rope is twisted together, it will not come apart - thus bringing good luck to couples and the family.
天神七代、地神五代、日向三代 七五三注連縄 shichi go san shimenawa
Seven for the Heavenly Deities, five for the Earth Deity, three for the Deity of Hyuga, the name of the region.

根つき穂付き - with roots and ears of rice
The full rice plant is used for this auspicious piece.
- Look at more samples on this page :
- reference source : w01.i-next.ne.jp -

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. Uzuraguruma うずら車 quail car .
Miyazaki :
Temple Hokedake Yakush-ji 法華嶽薬師寺
Temple Hisamine Kannon 久峰観音
. WKD : Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .
. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
Climbing Monkey Toy
Miyakonojo-Daikyu bows
Himuka and Hisamune Arrows
Takachiho Kagura masks (see above)
Hyuga Go Boards of Kaya Wood
Hyuga Hamaguri Clamshell Go Stones
Miyazaki Rokuro Craft Wood Objects
Miyazaki Tetsumugi(Pongee) Silk Weaving
Martial Arts Equipment
Bamboo Basketry from Hinokage and Aya
Komatsubara Pottery
Japanese Paper (Washi)
Miyazaki Glass Crafts
Miyazaki Lacquerware
Sadowara Ceramic Dolls
- source : m-tokusan.or.jp...
. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Miyazaki
. Miyazaki Folk Toys - this BLOG .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #miyazaki #kyushu #takachiho #aoshima -
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