
- TTT -


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- - - - - CONTENTS - TTT - T T T - - - - -

. tabako-ire 煙草入れ tobacco pouch .
- - - - - tabako-bon たばこ盆 pipe-smoking tray or set, literally "tobacco tray"
- - - - - kiseru 煙管 long pipe

. tabi 足袋 split-toe Tabi socks .
tabiya 足袋屋 making split-toe Tabi socks / 足袋店 shop selling Tabi

. Tabineko 旅猫雑貨店 Mingei store Tokyo Zoshigaya .

. Taigan jooju 大願成就 prayer for realization of a wish.

. Tai, tai 鯛 sea bream, auspicious dolls .

. Taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels .
taichoochin, tai choochin 鯛堤灯 lanterns with sea bream

. Taihei odori 泰平踊り "Peace Dance" dolls from Miyazaki .

. taihooguruma 大砲車 a man on a cannon car .

. taikomochi dooji 太鼓持ち童子 child holding a drum . - Aichi, Gifu

. taiko-uchi karako 太鼓打ち唐子 "Chinese Boy" beating the drum .

. Taima, oonusa 大麻 - おおぬさ special fuda amulet .
shinpu 神符
gofu, gofuu 護符/御符

. Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛 dolls .

. Tairyoo 大漁 large catch, good fishing .
tairyoo kigan 大漁祈願 with a wish for a good catch
tsuri yuki anzen 釣行安全 safety when fishing
tsuri omamori 釣り御守り amulet for fishing
tairyoobata 大漁旗 ship flags for a good catch
tsuri shugo 釣守護 protection when fishing
..... ruaa mamori ルアー守 luer amulet
..... kajitori mamori 梶取守 taking the rudder safely

. taisoo ningyoo 体操人形 dolls doing gymnastics .

. Takamatsu harkio 高松張り子 papermachee dolls . - Kagawa

. taka nyuudoo, Taka nyūdō 高入道 Takanyudo Monster Legends .

. Takaoka imono 高岡鋳物 Takaoka Casting . - Toyama
. Takaoka shikki 高岡漆器 Takaoka Lacquerware . - Toyama

. Takarabukuro 宝袋 the treasure bag of Hotei .
takarabukuro no omamori 宝袋お守り amulets with the treasure bag

. Takarabune 宝船 treasure ship, treasure boat .

. Takarakuji 宝くじ Amulet to win the lottery .
with Daruma

. takasago 高砂 pine and old couple .

. Takasaki hariko 高崎張子  papermachee dolls .
Gunma. Many Daruma

. Takata ningyoo 高田人形 dolls from Takata / Rikuzen Takata 陸前高田.
- - - 気仙川 River Kesengawa / 高田人形 Kesen Takata dolls - Iwate

. Takayama tsuchi ningyoo 高山土人形 clay dolls .
Hida Takayama 飛騨高山 - Gifu

. take gangu 竹玩具 bamboo toys .
take ningyoo 竹人形 dolls from bamboo / takebina 竹雛 hina dolls from bamboo
takezaiku 竹細工 bamboo ware, handicraft / take koogei 竹工芸 / take geihin 竹芸品bamboo art

. take-hiki kintoki 竹引き金時 / 竹引金時 Kintoki pulling out bamboo .

. takenoko 江戸の筍 bamboo shoots in Edo - bamboo design .

. takenuri shikki 竹塗漆器 bamboo items coated with laquer .

. takeuma, chikuba 竹馬 stilts, "bamboo horses" . .

. Takeda ningyoo 竹田人形 Takeda dolls .

. Takefu tsuchi ningyoo 武生土人形 clay dolls from Takefu . - Fukui

. takemitsu 武光 (竹光) "bamboo sword" .

. Takechi Juujiroo, Jûjirô 武智十次郎 Takechi Jujiro doll .

. Takeshi-Uchi 武内宿禰 Takeshiuchi no Sukune . - clay dolls, Chiba, Kagoshima
- - - - - Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰 / 竹内宿禰 / 建内宿禰 - legendary statesman and Kami

. Tako 凧 kite wadako 和凧 Japanese Kite
- - - - - . - Japanese kites collection - encyclopedia - .
- - - - - . Kites from Kyushu 九州の凧  .

. Tako 蛸 octopus amulets .
- - - - - . tako sanbasoo 蛸三番叟 octopus dancing the Sanbaso .

. Tamago ningyoo 玉子人形 dolls made from eggs .
Fukui, Oita

. Tamago mamori たまごまもり amulet like an egg .

. Tama-nori usagi 玉乗兎 rabbit on a ball . - Yamagata

. Tama-ori, Tama Ori 多摩織 Woven Fabrics from Tama .

. Tama-usagi 玉兎 treasure rabbit / hare Gassan tamausagi 月山玉兎

. tamatori ningyoo 珠取人形 doll taking a pearl / 珠取獅子 . Kagawa, Takamatsu
Dolls by 大崎豊五郎 Osaki Bungoro

. Tanabata ningyoo 七夕人形 dolls for the star festival .
the Star Festival on July / August 7
- and
Tanabata uma 七夕馬 horse for Tanabata
makomo no uma 真菰の馬 horse from Makomo wild rice
kusakari uma 草刈馬horse from cut grass
mukae uma 迎馬 welcoming horse

. Tanao ningyoo 棚尾人形 Dolls from Tanao, Aichi .

. Tanegashima 種子島 samurai guns . - Kagoshima

. Tanekashi ningyoo 種貸人形 "seed lending doll"

..... tanekashi san 種貸しさん to get pegnant, Sumiyoshi shrine, Osaka

. tanemaki Gonbei 種まき権兵衛 Gonbei sowing seeds . - Tochigi

. Tango chirimen 丹後縮緬 silk crepe - Kyoto .

. Tanikaze Kajinosuke 谷風梶之助 . Sumo wrestler dolls

. Tanishi ningyoo たにし人形 - 田螺 dolls made from mud snails, paddie snails .

. tanmono 反物 / たんもの fabric, cloth .

. tansu 箪笥 / 簞笥 -- たんす chest of drawers, Kommode .
tansuya 箪笥屋 Tansu maker in Edo

. Tanuki 狸 Badger amulets, toys and mingei .
..... 狸谷山不動院 Tanukidaniyama Fudo Temple, Kyoto
..... Tanuki and Kappa 狸と河童
- - - - - .Tanuki and Sake Legends 狸とお酒 .

. taorezu kappa omamori 倒れず勝破お守 amulet to win against the misfortunes of life .
with the help of Kappa from 雲八幡宮 Kumo Hachimangu in Oita

. Tarooboo 太郎坊 天狗 Taro-Bo Tengu - masks and amulets .

. Tarumimizu tsuchi ningyoo 垂水土人形 clay dolls from Tarumizu .

. taruya 樽屋 making barrels .

. Tategahana ningyoo 立ケ花人形 dolls from Tategahana .

. Tatsu 辰 Dragon zodiac dolls / ryuu 龍 / 竜 dragon.

. tatsuguruma, tatsu-guruma 龍車 dragon on wheels .

. Tatsubina 辰雛 Dragon hina dolls .

. tawara nezumi 俵ねずみ mouse on a straw bag (filled with rice) .

. tawara ushi, tawaraushi 俵牛 cow with straw bundles .

. tawashi たわし / 束子 scrubbing brush, Scheuerbürste, Handschrubber .
and - shuro hooki 棕櫚 ほうき broom made from shuro hemp palm


Teabag, tea bag dolls

tebneri ningyoo 手捻り人形 hand-twisted dolls
--- . from Aomori 青森県  .
--- . from Chiba 千葉県 .

. Tegata omamori 手形お守り Tegata. wooden tablets .
"to pass a barrier"

. temari, mari 手毬(てまり) 鞠(まり)toy balls .

. Tenaga, Ashinaga Tenaga 足長手長 "Long Legs, Long Arms" .

. Tenbata 天旗 "heavenly flag", kites from Miyagi .

. tengen reifu 天現霊符 "amulet to show your heaven" .
- 天光寺 Tenko-Ji, Tama, Tokyo

. Tengu - pedia 天狗 superhuman "heavenly dog" - "celestial dog" .
- - - . Tengu 天狗 art motives with the Tengu Goblin .
- - - . kanban to tengu 天狗と看板 shop signs with Tengu .

. Tengu no ha-uchiwa 天狗の羽団扇 "feather fan of a Tengu" .

. Tenjin Sama 天神さま Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真

. Tenryo Hita Dolls 天領日田雛人形 .  - Oita / Fukuoka

. tenteko suzu てんてこ鈴 Tenteko clay bell . - Mikawa, Aichi
Tenteko festival てんてこ祭り / tenteko sasa てんてこ笹 Tenteko bamboo grass dance

. tenugui 手ぬぐい small hand towels .
- - - - - machiya tenugui 町家手拭 from the town houses of Kyoto

. Terasawa ningyoo 寺沢人形 dolls made by the Terasawa family .
Yamagata, Yonezawa

. Teri-furi ningyoo 照り降り人形 "weather forecasting dolls" .
- - - - - . teruteru boozu てるてる坊主 "Teru-teru Bozu dolls" .

. Teteppopo ててっぽぽ - Akasaka clay dolls 赤坂土人形 . - Fukuoka

. Teteppuu テテップウ Teteppu, pidgeon whistle . - Saga

. tetsubin 鉄瓶 iron water cattle . - Nanbu tetsubin 南部鉄瓶 from Iwate, Nambu / chagama 茶釜 tea kettle

. tetsue, tetsu-e 鉄絵 iron glazing on pottery .

. tezuma 手妻, wazuma 和妻 traditional magician .

. tezutsu hanabi 手筒花火 handheld firework .
- hibashira 火柱と伝説 Legends about a pillar of fire


. Tobe-yaki 砥部焼 Tobe ware, pottery . - Ehime

. . TOCHIGI - Tochigi, Nikko . .

. Tochio ningyoo 栃尾人形 dolls from Tochio . - Niigata

. tohe no uma とへの馬 Tohe straw horse . - Yamaguchi
tohetohe uma とへとへ馬 in Toyoura

. Tohoku Daruma - special collection .

. Toire no kamisama トイレの神さま God of the Toilet .
Ususama Myo-O 烏枢沙摩明王
..... toire de kokenai トイレでこけない toilet amulets

. TOKAI 東海 [ 愛知 岐阜 静岡 ] - Tokai region .

. tokotoko ningyoo とことこ人形 "Tokotoko dolls" from straw . - Yamagata

. . TOKUSHIMA - AWA - Tokushima. .

. . TOKYO - Edo - Tokyo . .

. Tokyo 2020 Olympics Mascots .

. Tomioka hariko 富岡張り子 papermachee dolls from Tomioka .

. Tomobiki Ningyo 友引人形 doll to put in a coffin

. tomoe 巴, tomoe-mon 巴文 Tomoe pattern .

. tondari hanetari とんだりはねたり "jumping and hopping" .
- dolls from Asakusa, Tokyo

. tokin 頭巾 / 頭襟 formal hat .

. Toochi 十市人形 Tochi Dolls / 十市土人形 Tochi clay dolls . - Kochi

. Toogoo ningyoo 東郷人形 Togo ningyo dolls .
Kagoshima, Yamagata

. toogyuu 闘牛 fighting bulls toys . -
tsunotsuki 牛の角突き getting the horns to clash

. Toojin tako, tojindako 唐人凧 Tojin kites with Chinese faces .

. Tookaichi tsuchi ningyoo 十日市土人形 clay dolls from Tokaichi .

. tookibi ningyoo とうきび人形 dolls from corn (mais) . - Kumamoto

. toonan yoke 盗難除け amulet to prevend robbery, burglery, thieves .

. toonasu nezumi 唐茄子鼠 mouse in a pumpkin . - Saitama

. Tōno monogatari 遠野物語 Tono Monogatari - Legends of Tono .
..... . Story Nr. 99 死者の想い Thinking about the Dead .

. tōrō, tooroo 灯篭 Toro stone and other lanterns .

. Tooso ningyoo 桐塑人形 toso dolls .
. . . . from a paulownia sawdust composition modelling material

. Tootai ningyoo 陶体人形 (totai dolls) ceramic dolls (with enamel) .

. tooyugami 桐油紙 oil paper with paulownia oil, Tung oil.
油桐 "oil-paulownia", Tung tree (Vernicia fordii)

. Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 Tiger Toys .
- tora nori 虎乗り唐子 Karako child riding on a tiger .
. . . . . . tora dooji 寅童子 Tora Doji doll and Tokugawa Ieyasu .

. tori 酉 Rooster (chicken, cock) .
... shinkei 神鶏 sacred rooster / ... kake かけ【鶏】 rooster
... niwatori 鶏 chicken
- - - - - . torisaru 鶏猿 - 取り去る to go away (of bad luck) rooster and monkey .

. torii kuguri 鳥居潜り crawling under a Torii gate .
when a wish is realized

. Toriyama Sekien 鳥山石燕 (1712 – 1788) Painter .
Gazu Hyakki Yagyō 画図百鬼夜行 The Illustrated Night Parade of A Hundred Demons
Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki 今昔画図続百鬼 / Supplement 今昔百鬼拾遺
Gazu Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro 画図百器徒然袋

. Tosa tsuchi ningyoo 土佐土人形 clay dolls from Tosa . - Kochi

. Tosa Washi Paper 土佐和紙 . - Kochi

. toto awase 魚魚あわせ fish card memory game .

. . TOTTORI - Tottori . .

. Tottori hariko 鳥取張り子 papermachee dolls from Tottori .

. . TOYAMA . Toyama .

. Toyohashi Dolls 豊橋人形 - Mikawa, Aichi .
Toyohashi hariko 豊橋張子 papermachee dolls
Toyohashi tsuchiningyoo 豊橋土人形 clay dolls

. Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 dolls / Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 .


- . tsubaki 椿 camellia blossom art motives .

. tsuboya yaki 壺屋焼(つぼややき) Okinawa .
dachibin 抱瓶

. tsuburosashi つぶろさし Tsuburo fertility dance . - Sado

. tsuchibato 土鳩 clay pidgeon, clay dove .

. tsuchigumo 土蜘蛛 the Ground Spider mask .

. tsuchimochi dooji 槌持ち童子 Child with a hammer or mallet, like Daikoku .
- from Fukui, Fukuoka - Hakata, Yamagata

. Tsuchi ningyoo, tsuchiningyoo 土人形 clay dolls  including Daruma

. Tsuchiura no hisago ningyoo 土浦のひさご人形 Hisago gourd dolls .

. Tsugaru 津軽 folk art . - Aomori

. tsugegushi, tsuge gushi 柘植櫛 boxwood combs .

. tsujigahana, tsuji ga hana 辻が花 "flowers at the crossroads" dyeing method .

. tsuijibei 築地塀 Tsuiji wall and other walls .

. tsuiki 鎚起 hammered metal ware . - tankin 鍛金 hammering 
. tsuishu 木彫堆朱 carved lacquerware .

. tsukegi no ema 北千住 付け木の絵馬 votive tablet on a wooden frame .
Kita Senju 北千住 Tokyo

. tsukimono 憑き物 bewitched .
Being bewitched by a fox, badger, a Yokai or other ill-meaning foe was pretty common in Japan,
there are many legends and tales about it.

. Tsukimoshi ningyoo 附馬牛人形 Dolls from Tsukimoshi . - Iwate

. Tsukinami hana mifuda, hanamifuda 月次花御札
amulets for flowers of each month .

. tsumami ningyoo つまみ人形 small clay dolls twisted with the fingers . - Takamatsu, Kagagawa

. tsumugi 紬 pongee, silk weaving, silk fabric .
in many regions of Japan

. Tsuneishi hariko 常石張り子 papermachee dolls .
Hiroshima, Tsuneishi town

. tsurebari ningyoo つればり人形 three ladies taking a pee together . Tosa / Kochi

. tsuri ruaa 釣りルアー luer for fishing .
Kaga Fishing Flies

. tsurizao つりざお【釣り竿】 fishing rod, Angelrute .
..... wazao 和竿 "Japanese fishing rod" / Edo Wazao (Bamboo Fishing Rods) 江戸和竿

. tsuru つる/ 鶴 auspicious crane art .
. . . . . . matsukuwaezuru 松くわえ鶴 crane holding a pine branch .

. Tsurugaoka 鶴が岡 Tsuruoka mingei 鶴岡民芸 folk art from Tsuruoka . - Yamagata
- 鶴岡土人形 Tsuruoka clay dolls

. tsurushibina, tsurushi bina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .   

. tsurushi mono 吊るし物 "hanging things" .

. Tsuruzaiku, tsuru saiku つる細工 craft from vines .
mostly akebi vine

. tsuugaku 通学お守り amulet for a safe way to shool .

. Tsutsumi ningyoo 堤人形 Tsutsumi clay dolls .
Miyagi, Sendai

. Tsuyama ningyoo 津山人形 dolls from Tsuyama .
. . . . . Fukumusubi Dolls 福結びの人形
. . . . . Yakko Daruma / 奴だるま
. . . . . Hime Daruma 姫達磨

. Tsuyasaki, Chikuzen 筑前津屋崎人形 Dolls from Tsuyasaki, Fukuoka .

. tsuzura 葛籠 / つづら wicker (or bamboo) clothes box .


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