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- - - - - CONTENTS - HHH - - - - -
. Hachida Jinja no korei 蜂田神社の古鈴 old clay bells from Hachida shrine . - Osaka
. hachinan yoke 八難除 avoiding the eight disasters .
at 阿佐谷神明宮 Asagaya Shinmeigu Shrine, Suginami, Tokyo
. Hadaka bina, hadaka-bina 裸びな, 裸雛 naked hina dolls .
. Hada mamori 肌守り amulet to keep on your skin .
. Hagi 萩 folk craft - Yamaguchi .
. Hagoita 羽子板 battledore, shuttlecock .
Edo Oshi-e Hagoita (Padded Collage Paddles) 江戸押絵羽子板
- - - - - . battledores from Kumamoto .
. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .
- tba -
. haiko ningyoo 這い子人形 babies crawling around - art motives .
. - - - Haiku, Kigo and Dolls . INFO .
. Haiku Amulets 俳句お守り .
. Hakata ningyoo 博多人形 dolls - 博多土人形 clay and papermachee .
- - - - - 古型博多土人形 old-type Hakata clay dolls
. Hakata-ori 博多織 weaving . - Fukuoka
. hake 刷毛 craftsmen's brush, brushes .
. Hakone yosegi saiku 箱根寄せ木細工 yosegi-woodwork .
Hakone, Kanagawa
. Hakoniwa gangu 箱庭玩具 toys for a landscape garden .
. Hakota ningyoo 倉吉のはこた人形 Hakota dolls from Kurayoshi. Tottori
. hakuroku, hakushika, shirojika 白鹿 white deer legends .
. Hakutaku, Kutabe 白澤 monster and amulet . *
. hakuuchi, haku-uchi shokunin 箔打職人 craftsman pounding gold foil .
. Hamada Shooji, Hamada Shōji 浜田庄司 / 濱田庄司 Hamada Shoji (1894-1978) .
. Hamamatsu hariko 浜松張り子 papermachee dolls . - Shizuoka
. Hamaya, 破魔矢 an arrow for the New Year
. hamono 刃物 and 打刃物 uchi-hamono - blades and cutlery .
. hanafuda 花札 flower trump .
. hanakago 讃岐の花かご / 花籠 / 花篭 flowerbasket, flower basket .
. Hanamaki ningyoo 花巻人形 dolls from Hanamaki .
. hanatebako, hana tebako 花手箱 box with flowers . - Hitoyoshi, Kumamoto
. Hanasachi omamori はなさちお守り flowers amulet .
. Hanasaka Jiisan 花咲かじいさん Grandpa making trees blossom .
..... legend and clay bell
. hanaya 花矢 flower arrow for bear rituals . - Hokkaido
. Hanayama ningyoo 花山人形 Hanayama dolls . - Yamagata
. Hanayome ningyoo 花嫁人形 bride dolls .
hanekaeru, hane-kaeru 跳ね蛙 jumping frog toys
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. haneto ningyoo はねと人形 Haneto "jumping" dancer doll . Aomori
. hanga 版画 woodblock print .
. Haniwa 埴輪 / はにわ terracotta clay figures and dolls .
the clan Hajibe, Haji-Be 土師部 / 土部 // Nomi no Sukune 野見宿禰 // もがり【殯】 mogari funeral rites
. hanjoo 繁盛 Hanjo, Prosperity .
..... shoobai hanjoo 商売繁盛 good business
..... hanei jooju 繁栄成就 florishing prosperity
. hankotanna, hanko tanna はんこたんな black cloth . - Tohoku
. Hannya 般若 / はんにゃ Hanya Mask .
. ha no itami 歯の痛み amulets for teeth, toothache - Zahnweh .
. Happoo yoke shugo 八方除守護お守り protection for the eight directions .
..... hooyoke 八方除守護, happoo josai 八方除災
happoo fusagari 八方塞がり
to ward off evil influence from all eight directions
. haradashi 腹出し showing the belly doll .
from Kabuki, 暫“Shibaraku”
. Haramachi odoke 原町おどけ funny dolls of Haramachi town .
. harami はらみ / 孕み amulets to get pregnant .
. haribako 針箱 sewing box "box for needles" .
and all about sewing needles / haki kuyoo 針供養
. Hariko 張子 / 張り子 papermachee dolls .
..... harinuki 張りぬき papermachee dolls (papier-mache)
. harugoma 春ごま spinning tops of Spring . - Miyazaki, Sadowara
. harukoma 春駒 Spring horse, auspicious decoration .
. hasami 鋏 scissors . hanabasami 花鋏 scissors for flowers and gardening
. Hasamiyaki, Hasami-yaki 波佐見焼 Hasami creamics . - Nagasaki
. Hase tsuchi ningyoo 初瀬土人形 clay dolls from Hase .
Nara, Hatsuse 初瀬
. hashi, o-hashi お箸 chopsticks .
hashishi, hashi shi 箸師 making chopsticks
waribashi uri 割り箸 売り selling disposable chopsticks
Edo Kibashi 江戸木箸
. Hashihime 橋姫 "Princess of the Bridge" - legend and tea bowl .
. Hashioke, hashi-oke 箸置け, hashi-oki 箸置き chopstick rests .
. Hassaku ningyoo 八朔人形 dolls for Hassaku
hassakubina 八朔雛 hassaku Hina dolls
celebration on the first day of the eighth lunar month
- - - - - . hassaku dango no uma だんごの馬 / 朔だんご馬/ 八朔団子馬 horse offerings for Hassaku . - Sanuki, Kagawa
. Hasu no mi ningyoo はすの実人形 lotus seed dolls .
. hato 鳩 dove, pidgeon art motives art motives - Taube .
. hatobue 鳩笛 pidgeon whistle, dove flute .
. Hatsukaichi hariko 廿日市 張り子 papermachee dolls.
Hiroshima, Hatsukaichi town
. hatsu uma, hatsu-uma 初午 First Day of the Horse - amulets .
. hatsu tatsu neko, hatsutatsu neko 初辰猫 cat on the first day of the dragon .
- - - - - 住吉大社 Sumiyoshi taisha, Osaka
. Hayachine region of Iwate 早池峰 Kagura and art .
. Hayase tsuchi ningyoo 早瀬土人形 clay dolls from Hayase .
. Hebiyoke no gofu 蛇よけの護符 amulet against snake bite .
. heijooshin 平常心 Heijoshin, the even mind amulet .
. Hemorrhoids cure - Kunigami Jinja 国神神社 / 國神神社 . - Tochigi
. Henro 四国お遍路さん Henro Pilgrims Dolls from Shikoku .
. herahera odori ningyo ヘラヘラ踊り人形 Herahera dance doll . - Kagawa
. heso 臍 navel, bellybutton folklore .
. Hidehira nuri 秀衡塗 Hidehira-nuri Lacquerware, Hiraizumi . - Iwate
. Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉 / Taiko Hideyoshi 太閤秀吉 dolls .
(1537 - 1598) / Hashiba Hideyoshi 羽柴秀吉
. Higo temari 肥後てまり hand balls from Higo . - Kyushu
. Hiji ningyoo 日出人形 Hiji dolls .
Oita, Hiji 日出(ひじ)village
. Hikimono gangu 挽き物玩具 / 挽物 wood toys made on a wheel .
. hikimono 挽物 wood turnery, woodturning . - Shizuoka, Nagano
. Hikosan 英彦山 Shrine amulets from Fukuoka.
. Hikoo mamori 飛行守り "Hiko-Mamori", fly safely
. Himatsuri ningyoo 火祭り人形 doll from the fire festival .
Nachi, Wakayama
. Himeji hariko 姫路張り子 papermachee dolls .
Hyogo. and Himeji Daruma
. Himeji kawazaiku 姫路革細工 leather art from Himeji .
. Himeyama ningyoo 姫山人形 Himeyama wooden dolls . - Himeiji, Hyogo
. himodoshi, hi modoshi 火もどし / 火戻し to give the fire back - healing .
. hina ema 雛絵馬 votive tablets with two deities . - Oita
. Hina ningyoo 雛人形 Hina Dolls .
Doll Festival March 3 雛祭り
. hinomaru, hi no maru 日の丸 the Japanese Flag .
- hinomaru yosegaki 日の丸寄せ書き Good Luck Flag of soldiers
. Hi no yoojin 火の用心 "beware of fire" / 火事 kaji .
goma seihai 護摩聖灰 sacred ashes from a Goma fire ritual
hinoyoojin 火迺要慎 and Atago Gongen 愛宕権現
- - - - - . hi no yoojin 火の用心 watch out for fire - fire prevention goods .
- hibuse Daruma 火防達磨 fire and war preventing Daruma / hibuse 火伏せ
- hibuse shishi 火防獅子 lions heads to protect from fire ... and many more
. Hirashimizu ningyoo 平清水人形 Hirashimizu dolls .
- - - - - Hirashimizu-yaki 平清水焼 Hirashimizu pottery / Yamagata
. Hiromi tsuchi ningyoo 広見土人形 clay dolls from Hiromi .
Hime tsuchi ningyoo 姫土人形 clay dolls from Hime / Gifu
. Hirose-gasuri, Hirose Kasuri 広瀬絣 Ikat - Tottori .
. . HIROSHIMA Hiroshima 広島 . .
. Hirosaki 弘前 folk toys from Aomori .
. Hisanohama hariko 久の浜張り子 Papermachee dolls .
Fukushima. (久之浜 Ku no Hama)
. Hita 日田市 - Bungo no Kuni Hita 豊後国日田 . - Oita
Hita geta 日田下駄 geta wooden sandals from Hita
Hita Gion Matsuri 日田祇園祭り Hita Gion Festival
Hita Tenryo Matsuri 日田天領まつり Hita Tenryo Festival
Hita urushi日田漆 laquerware from Hita
. hitobashira 人柱 human sacrifice, "human pillar" .
- - - - - ikenie 生贄 / 生け贄 human sacrifice
. Hitogata 人形, katashiro 形代 paper dolls .
for purification purposes
. hitsuji 羊 / mi 未 ram, sheep .
. Hiyoko mamori ひよこ型孫守 fledgeling amulet to protect grandchildren .
. hiza no itami 膝の痛み amulets for hurting knees .
. . HOKKAIDO . and . AINU . .
. HOKURIKU 北陸 folk toys .
. Hokuto 北斗 Big Dipper amulets .
Pole Star amulets, Polarstern-Talisman. 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu
hokuto shishisei reifu 北斗七星霊札 amulet of the big dipper constellation
. hokuto no shio 北斗の塩 "salt of the big dipper" talisman .
- at Kanshinji 観心寺 Kanshin-Ji, Osaka
. Honno no ema 本納の絵馬 / 本納絵馬 votive tablets from Honno village . - Mobara, Chiba
. hoochoo, waboochoo 和包丁 knife, knives, Messer .
. Hoojari ほうじゃり Hojari dolls from Chiba
. Hoojoo tsuchi ningyoo 北条土人形 clay dolls . Tottori
. hooju 宝珠 wishfulfilling jewel .
and hoo no ki 宝の杵 treasure mallet
. hooki 箒 / ほうき Hoki, broom, Besen .
. hookyoointoo. hōkyōintō 宝篋印塔 Hokyointo stone pagoda monument .
. Hoosoo-e 疱瘡絵 smallpox prevention
. Hooyoke 八方除守護お守り protection in all directions .
. hoozuki ningyoo 鬼灯人形 Hozuki Lampion Flower Dolls .
. Horigome ningyoo 堀米人形 dolls from Horigome village .
Sano Town 佐野 Tochigi
. Horikoshi tsuchi ningyoo 堀越土人形 Clay dolls from Horikoshi . - Yazu, Tottori
. hoshi daruma, hoshidaruma 星だるま Daruma with stars .
- and 星のカービだるま Hoshi no Kirby Daruma
. Hoshi fuuji mamori 星封じ守り "bring the stars under control" .
..... hoshiza 星座お守り your star constellation
. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai - God of Good Luck .
. Huish Marcus Bourne Huish . - (1843- 1904) - Author about Japanese Art
. hyakutoku kimono 百徳着物 hyaku toku "one hundred virtues " .
..... semori 背守り amulets on the back
. . HYOGO - Kobe, Himeji . .
. hyoogu 江戸表具 scroll mountings .
Edo Hyogu 江戸表具 scroll mounting from Edo
. Hyootan, hyootan 瓢箪 Hyotan gourd art motives .
. Hyottoko ひょっとこ .
short for hi otoko 火男 - comic figure
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
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