
- GGG -


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- - - - - CONTENTS - GGG - - - - -

. gakubuchi 額縁 picture frames .

. Gakugyoo jooju 学業成就お守り success at school
..... gakugyoo mamori 学業守り
..... gakumon jootatsu  学問上達 to have success at learning
..... chie sazuke 知恵授け becoming wise, learned
..... chie soomei 知恵聡明 become wise and learned

. gakuningyoo, gaku ningyoo 額人形 - doll in a frame .

. gamaguchi, gamakuchi がま口 / 蝦蟇口 small purse - "mouth of a toad" .

. Ganbyoo chiyu kigan 眼病治癒祈願 prayer for healing
of eye disease

. gangu 玩具, omochcha おもちゃ  toy, toys and their legends . *

. Gankake 願掛け守り to make wish, wish-prayer .
..... Gankake Daruma 願掛けだるま

. Gankiri 癌切り, ganfuuji 癌封じ amulets for healing cancer .

. ganman no tai 願満の鯛 sea bream for a fulfilled wish .

. Ganshu Fudo 眼守不動  Protector of Eyes .

. garamono 柄もの toys with a handle .

. garasu 硝子 glass, glassware, Glas .
and kiriko 切子 cut glassware
Edo Garasu 江戸硝子 Edo Glassware
Matsugaoka 松ヶ岡ガラス工業 Matsugaoka Glass - Yamagata
Ryuukyuu garasu 琉球硝子 Ryukyu glassware - Okinawa
Tsugaru Glas 津軽のガラス工芸 - Aomori
- - - - - biidoro ビードロ vidro

. gashapon ガシャポン capsule toys .

. geemu 江戸ゲーム games enjoyed in Edo .
[ 折鶴 orizuru (origami folded crane) ]
[ 影絵 Kage-e (shadow pictures ]
[ 文字絵 Moji-e (picture with characters ]
[ 知恵の板 Chie-no-ita (tangram) ]
[ 判じ物 Hanjimono (watch and guess puzzle) ]

. Geinoo jootatsu 芸能上達 amulet to improve in the performing arts .

. . GIFU . Hida, Mino . .
Gifu choochin 岐阜提灯 Chochin lanterns from Gifu

. Gigei Jootatsu 技芸上達御守 arts and crafts
geijutsu saichi omamori 芸術才智御守
geidoo jootatsu omamori 芸道上達御守

. ginki 銀器 objects made from silver .
..... Tokyo Silversmithery 東京銀器

. goboosei 五芒星 pentagram amulet .
abe no seimeiban 安倍晴明判 "seal of Abe no Seimei"
seimei kuji 晴明九字 "nine letters of Seimei"
kikyoo in 桔梗印 seal of the Japanese bellflower / seimei kikyoo 晴明桔梗 "Bellflower of Seimei"

. Go-en, go en ご縁 - 五円 Good karma and five yen .
May we be bound by good fortune and good karma!

. gofukuya 呉服屋 draper's stores (Kimono shops) .
..... kiwataya 木綿店 cotton cloth dealers

. Gofuku Meguri 五福めぐり visiting five temples . in Fushimi, Kyoto

. Gofun 胡粉 whitewash .

. Gogaku 語学力  improve language skills .

. Gohei 御幣 ritual Shinto wand .
nusa, oonusa おおぬさ

. Gokayama hariko 五箇山張子 papermachee dolls .
Gokanyama Daruma 五箇山の達磨

. Gokoku hojo (gokoku hoojoo) 五穀豊穣
good harvest of the five grains

. gomen geta ごめん下駄 wooden clogs . from Nikko - 日光下駄

. gookaku, gokaku kigan 合格祈願 to pass an examination
Examen bestehen
... gookaku enpitsu 必勝 合格えんぴつ pencils to pass an examination

. Gorufu ゴルフお守り Amulet to win at Golf .

. Goseki hariko 五関張子 papermachee dolls from Goseki . - Urawa, Saitama
- (not Gokan)

. Gosho ningyoo 御所人形 dolls from the Imperial Palace .
Kyoto, Gosho dolls

. gotenmari, goten mari 御殿まり "Ball of the Palace", Goten decoration ball .

. Grafitti / Graffiti / Graffitti . グラフィティ .
..... street art

. guchikiki guchikiki 愚痴聞き deities listening to complaints .

gunjin gangu 軍人玩具 toys with soldiers
. . . CLICK here for more Photos !

. gunjindako 軍人凧 kite with a soldier . -Shizuoka

. GUNMA, GUMMA 群馬県  Gunma, Gumma .


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