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- - - - - CONTENTS - NNN - - - - -
. Nadeishi omamori なで石御守り "rubbing stone .
a small stone for your health
. Nagahama ningyoo 長浜人形 dolls from Nagahama .
Shimane, Hamada town
. . NAGANO . .
. . NAGASAKI . .
. Nagashibina 流し雛 "floating old hina dolls" .
. Nagi ningyoo なぎ人形 dolls from sacred wood .
From Kumano, Nachi
. naginata 薙刀 / 長刀 / 眉尖刀 Japanese halberd .
. Nagiso Rokuro Zaiku 南木曽 ろくろ細工 Nagiso Wood Turnery, Nagiso woodturning . - Nagano
. Nagoya yuzen 名古屋友禅 Nagoya textiles .
. Nakaminato hariko 那珂湊張り子 papermachee dolls .
Ibaraki. and Daruma
. Nakano tsuchi ningyoo 中野土人形 clay dolls .
Gifu - Ena Valley 恵那峡 - Mino Nakano tsuchi ningyo 美濃中野土人形 Mino Nakano Clay Dolls
. Nakano tsuchi ningyoo 中野土人形 clay dolls from Nakano town .
..... Tategahana ningyoo 立ケ花人形 dolls from Tategahana
..... tsuchibina 土びな Hina dolls from clay
Nagano 中野市- 長野県の北東部「北信濃」
. Nakayama ningyoo 中山人形 Dolls from Nakayama
. Nakayugawa tsuchi ningyoo 中湯川土人形 Nakayugawa dolls .
Aizu 会津, Fukushima 福島
. Namahage なまはげ demon figures .
. Namazu なまず / 鯰 catfish toys and legends .
. Naminori 波乗り祈願お守り for windsurfers and surfers .
riding the waves safely
サーフボード型 in the form of a surfboard
... and as an ema 波乗り祈願の絵馬
. Nanamaigasa (Shichimaigasa) 七枚笠 doll with seven red straw hats .
. nanbansen, nanban no fune 南蛮船 ship of foreigners . - Nagasaki
. nanban ningyoo 南蛮人形 Namban dolls of foreigners .
- - - -- nanban hina 南蛮雛 Namban hina dolls
. Nanbu 南部 Nambu Folk Art from Aomori .
- - - . Nanbu 南部 Nambu Folk Art from Iwate .
. Nanbu tekki 南部鉄器 ironware from Nambu - Morioka, Iwate .
- - - - - tetsubin 鉄瓶 iron kettle
. Naniwa dooki なにわ錫器 / 浪華 Naniwa tin work . - Osaka
. Nanoburokku ナノブロック nanoblock toys and Daruma .
. Naokimi Yamada Naokimi 山田尚公 - carver .
. . NARA Nara . .
. Naraigoto jooju 習事成就 sucess in learning .
. Narai tsuchi ningyo 奈良井土人形 clay dolls from Narai .
. Nara Ningyoo 奈良人形 dolls from Nara .
naritai 成りたい守り what I want to become - amulet
. naruko 鳴子 clapper, rattle .
. Narushima ningyoo 成島人形 Narushima dolls .
Yamagata, Narushima village
. Nasu mamori なす守り/ 茄子 "eggplant amulet" .
pun on : may it bring forth fruit
. Nebuta Float Festival in August ねぶた ねぷた Nebuta toys . - Tohoku
. negaibumi 願文 letter to say "thank you" to the deity .
at Tokyo Daijingu 東京大神宮
. Negaigoto 願い事守り amulet to make a wish .
. Neiwannyo 寧王女(ねいわんにょ) Princess from Okinawa .
. Nekkocho tsuchi ningyo 根っ子町土人形 / Nekocho 根子町土人形 clay dolls .
. Neko 猫 cat, cats, Katze, Katzen .
- see also : manekineko, beckoning cat #neko
. Nekojin, Catman, Tajimi Jones and and and .
. Nerimono, nerimono 練り物 twisted clay dolls - Introduction .
neri ningyo 練人形 kneaded dolls
. Netsuke omamori 根付お守り netsuke amulet .
omamori netsuke お守り根付
. New Year 正月 O-Shogatsu
A time to eat and drink for good luck and buy new lucky charms for the coming year.
The home is decorated with special talismans and amulets from the end of December till January 15.
. Ne 子 / nezumi 鼠 Rat, Mouse - INFO .
. Nibutani二風谷 and Ainu culture - Hokkaido .
. Nigiri fuku にぎり福 "good luck to grasp" .
Kamakura, Kanagawa
. Nihon Dorei Kan 日本土鈴館 Museum about Japanese Clay Bells .
Gifu Prefecture, Gujo, 白鳥町大島
. Nihonmatsu 二本松 toys from Nihonmatsu, Fukushima .
. . NIIGATA - Niigata 新潟 . .
. Nikkobori 日光彫 woodcarving from Nikko .
. ningyoo 人形 Ningyo, doll, puppet - and kigo and haiku .
. Ningyoobue 人形笛 doll flute .
. Ningyoofude, ningyoo fude 人形筆 pen dolls .
. Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養
memorial ceremony for old dolls
. Ningyoomawashi 人形廻し puppet performance
..... dekumawashi 木偶廻し(でくまわし)"wooden doll performance"
. Ninja otoshi 忍者落とし "hit the ninja" Ninja spies, Daruma Ninja
- Ise Azuchi Momoyama Bunkamura 伊勢安土桃山文化村
. Nipopo ニポポ Nipopo human figures .
Hokkaido, Ainu art
. Nirinsha omamori 二輪車守 amulet for two-wheelers .
. Nishijin ori Weaving from Kyoto 西陣織り Nishijin Weaving from Kyoto .
. nishiki, kin 錦 brocade .
. Nishio ningyoo 西尾人形 Nishio Dolls - Aichi .
. niso no mori ニソの杜 / 聖地 ritual family forest . - Fukui
. nitan bae ニタンバエ / 二反生え the cloth monster Nitanbae .
. Noboribetsu no Oni 登別の鬼 The Demons of Noboribetsu . - Hokkaido
. nobori hata ぼり旗 prayer flag as amulets .
. Noda tsuchi ningyoo 野田土人形 clay dolls from Noda town .
. Nogomi ningyoo のごみ人形 / 能古見 dolls from Nogomi . - Saga
. Nomura Silk 野村シルク . - Nomura Town in 西予 Seiyo City, Ehime
. Noo - Noh (能 Nō), or Nogaku (能楽 Nōgaku) .
Noh masks: 飛出 Tobide portraying demons or savages, and 癋見 Beshimi portraying goblins such as Tengu.
. Noogata hariko 直方張子 papermachee dolls from Nogata .
Nagasaki. and Daruma
. Nookyoochoo 納経帳 Nokyo-Cho - Pilgrim's stamp book .
. Noo ningyoo 農人形 dolls of farmers .
. Noren 暖簾 door curtains .
. noroi 呪い(のろい)to curse a person .
. Noroma ningyo 野呂間 puppets of simpletons . - Sado
. Noto no kiriko 能登のキリコ Lanterns from Noto . - Ishikawa
. Nozawa Hariko 野沢張子 papermachee dolls .
. nue 鵺 monster, beast .
. Nuigurumi ぬいぐるみ stuffed dolls .
. nunohiki ushi / nuno hiki 布引き牛 cow pulling cloth / Temple Zenko-Ji Nagano .
. nuri-e 塗り絵 - 塗絵 - ぬりえ drawing for coloring .
. nurishi, nuri-shi 塗師 lacquer master .
nushichoo 塗師町 laquer workers district / urushi 漆 laquer
kijishi 生地師(きぢし)prepared the vessels
nurishi 塗師 applied the lacquer base
makie-shi 蒔絵師(まきえし)applied the inlay images
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