
- MMM -


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- - - - - CONTENTS - MMM - - - - -

. machibikeshi, hikeshi 町火消し人形 fire brigade toys .

. madobutsu まどぶつ toy for the girl's festival . Iwate

. Magatama 勾玉おまもり Magatama jewels, curved beads .

. magewappa まげわっぱ / 曲げわっぱ "bent box" for food .
magemono 曲物 cirulare box

mai onna 舞い女 dancing woman, dancint lady
Hyogo, Tottori

. maigiri 舞錐 "dancing drill" (mawashigiri 回し錐).
- and more about nuibashi 縫針 sewing needles

. maiko ningyoo 舞妓人形 Maiko Dance Girl Dolls .

. mai-musume 舞い娘 dancing girl . by 吉田孫吉 Yoshida Magoyoshi

. maki ningyoo まき人形 / マキ人形 Maki dolls . - Hirado, Nagasaki

. makura kabaa 枕カバー pillow cover talisman .

. mamedaiko, mame taiko 豆太鼓 toy drum with beans .

. mamegoma まめゴマお守り little Mamegoma with dolphin .

. Mamorifuda 守り札 - Introduction

. mamushiyoke, Kitami no mamushiyoke 喜多見のまむしよけ amulets against poisonous snakes .
and 齋藤伊右衛門忠嘉 Saito Iemon amulets

. Mamushi yoke まむし除け to ward off poisonous snakes .   知立神社 Chiryu Shrine, Aichi 

. managu tako, managudako まなぐ凧 "kite with big eyes" .
- Yuzawa 湯沢, Akita

. Manbyoo nugui no nuno 万病ぬぐいの布)
Towel for chronic diseases .
Temple Toji 東寺, Kyoto

. Manekineko 招き猫とだるま The Beckoning Cat

Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi まんが日本昔ばなし Folktales
. Legends about Fudo Myo-O 不動様 .
. Legends about the Kappa 河童 Water Goblin .
- Legends about Jizo Bosatsu tba
- Legends about Kannon Bosatsu tba

. mangan 満願 a wish fulfilled .
and ganman 願満の鯛 in Chiba

. mangan Jizo 満願地蔵 Jizo fulfilled a wish .

. manhooru マンホール manhole patterns .

. Manjuu kui ningyo 饅頭食い人形 boy eating manju  .

. Manpuku mikuji 万福みくじ
amulet for tenthousand-fold good luck .

. manzai 漫才 . 万歳 / banzai 萬歳 New Year Dancers .

. Märchen, Japanische Märchen (Japanese Folktales) in German .

. mari まり - 毬 - hand ball 手毬 temari, kick ball 蹴鞠 kemari .

. marionetto マリオネット marionette, puppet on strings .

. marudako, marui tako 丸凧 round kite .

. Marugame uchiwa 丸亀団扇 handfans from Marugame . - Kagawa

. Marukibori ningyoo 丸木彫り人形 plain woodcarving dolls .

. Masaru まさる amulet from Fukushima .
MASARU 神猿 (lit. Kami Monkey).

. Masaoka and Tsuruchiyo 政岡と鶴喜代 clay dolls .
- Meiboku Sendaihagi 伽羅先代萩 "The Disputed Succession"

. Mashiko 益子 and Mingei pottery 益子焼 .

. Masu masu, masumasu 益々福が増す升 lucky cup .

. Matsue 松江 folk art - Shimane .

. Matsumoto town 松本 craft from Nagano .
- . Matsumoto kagu 松本家具 Matsumoto furniture .

. matsutake daki 松茸抱き embracing a pine mushroom doll . - Saitama

. Matsuyama kagami 松山鏡 The Mirror from Matsuyama - Legends .

. mattaku マッタク / マツタク Mattaku kite . - Okinawa

. mawari nezumi 回り鼠 three mice that turn round and round . - Nagoya

. Mayoke 魔除守り ward off evil, no evil .
..... mayokemen, mayaoke men 魔除けメン Demons to ward off evil

. Mayu ningyoo まゆ人形 / 繭 dolls from silk cocoons .

. ME - me no omamori 眼のお守り amulets for eye, eyes - Augen .
ganbyoo chiyu kigan 眼病治癒祈願 healing of eye diseases
- megane Daishi めがね大師 Kobo Daishi with glasses

. medetai 目出鯛 auspicious carp .

me ga deru 目が出る for good luck

. Meiji koogei 明治工芸 industrial art from the Meiji period .
special artworks of master craftsmen, see jizai koogei

. Meishi 名詞 o-mamori meishi お守り名詞 visitor cards as amulets .
Japan Smile Project

. Men, omote 面 mask, face masks . INFO .
- - - . menbue, men no fue 面笛 masks as clay whistles . Aomori

. mekuridashi ningyoo 目くり出し人形 dolls with rolling eyes .
. . . . . donguri me どんぐり目

. Menko 面子・めんこ・メンコ playing cards .

. metal ware - imono 鋳物 ironware, cast iron, metal art and more .
- Introduction

. Mibudera 壬生寺 Mibu-Dera masks and toys . - Kyoto

. michibiki inu 導き犬 "dog leading the way" clay bell . - Wakayama

. michibiki no himo 導きの紐 "guiding string" in five ritual colors .

. michikiri, michi-kiri 道切 cutting off a road with amulets .
to prevent a kappa or yokai from entering a village

. Mickey Mouse, Minnie ミッキー&ミニー .

. . MIE - Mie - Ise Shrine . .

. Migawari 身代りお守り personal substitute 身代わ御守
migawari saru 身代わり猿 monkey charm, Nara

. Mihara ningyoo 三原人形 dolls from Mihara .
Hiroshima, with Daruma

. Miharu hariko 三春張り子 papermachee dolls .
Fukushima, with Daruma

. Mikawa Dolls 三河人形 .
Mikawa Papermachee Dolls / 三河張子 hariko
Mikawa Clay Dolls / 三河土人形 tsuchi ningyoo

. Mikawa no gingitsune 三河の銀狐 the silver fox doll from Mikawa . - Mikawa, Aichi

. Mikawaya Ryokan 三河屋旅館 - Hakone . - Chrysanthemum art

. Mikawachi yaki 三川内焼 Mikawachi pottery . - Nagasaki

. Mikimoto pearls from Ise / みきもと幸吉 Mikimoto Kokichi (1858 - 1954) .

. mikoshi 神輿 festival float / danjiri だんじり .
. . . . . Matsuyama no mikoshi 松山のみこし mikoshi models *

. Mikuji, O-Mikuji 御籤、みくじ sacred lots and fortune telling .

. Mikuni tsuchi ningyoo 三国土人形 clay dolls from Mikuni / 三国人形 . - Fukui

. Mikuriya ningyo 御来屋人形 Mikuriya clay dolls . - Tottori

. Mimi 耳 amulets for ears .
Mimigo Jinja 耳明神社 Shrine Mimigo Jinja

. mimizuku みみずく起き上がり  little owl tumbler doll .

. Mingei 民芸 Folk Art and Craft - Introduction .
Mingeikan 民芸館 Folk Art Museums

. Mingei Kukkii みんげいクッキー Mingei Folk Art Cookies collection .

. mini torii kuguri ミニ鳥居潜り crawling through a small torii gate .
with a wish to be granted

. Mini noogu ミニ農具 miniature farmer's tools .
Azuma region, Gunma

. minogame 蓑亀 mino kame, "turtle with a raincoat" art motives .

. Mino Nakano tsuchi ningyoo 美濃中野土人形 Mino Nakano Clay Dolls . - Gifu

. Mino washi 美濃和紙 Mino paper . - Gifu
Mino kami ningyoo 美濃紙人形 paper dolls from Mino paper

. minwa 民話 Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

. minwa 民話 folktales .

. minzokugaku 民俗学 / 民族学 folklore studies, ethnology .
- - - - - cultural anthropology of Japan

. minzoku ningyoo 民俗人形 folklore dolls .

. Miroku, Miruku Shin ミルク神 Miroku Bosatsu figure, Mushaama . - Okinawa

. Misaki ミサキ / 御先 / 御前 / 御崎 the Misaki deity .
- and shichinin misaki, nananin misaki 七人ミサキ group of "Seven Misaki People"

. mishadako, misha tako みしゃ凧 Musha samurai kite . - Matsue, Shimane

. Mitsuyama, Hitotsuyama 三つ山 一つ山張子 three festival floats .

. Miyajima craftwork and woodcarving 宮島の諸玩具 - Hiroshima .

. . MIYAGI . .

. Miyajima craftwork 宮島の諸玩具 .
Miyajima hariko 宮島張り子 papermachee dolls
Hiroshima, and Itsukushima Shrine 厳島神社

. Miyanojo ningyoo 宮之城人形 dolls from Miyanojo - kagoshima .

. Miyanokai 宮の峡 人形 clay dolls . - Hiroshima

. . MIYAZAKI, MIYASAKI - Miyazaki Miyasaki 宮崎県   . .

. Miyoshi ningyoo 三次人形, Miyoshi-deko dolls from Miyoshi . - Hiroshima

. mizugame to hishaku 水瓶と柄杓 water container and ladle .

. Mizuhiki 水引 ceremonial paper strings .

. Mizuki Shigeru 水木 しげる and Ge Ge Ge no Kitarō ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 .

. mochitsuki ningyoo 餅つき人形 dolls pounding rice .

. Mojigaseki Ningyoo 門司ヶ関人形 Mojigaseki Dolls .
from Moji Harbour 門司, Fukuoka, Shikoku

. mokko, boke 木瓜 Chinese quince, Japanese quince - Chaenomeles japonica.
mokkogata, mokko no katachi 木瓜形 mokko-shaped, four heart-shaped lobes (pottery, Tsuba . . .)
mokko mon 木瓜紋 Mokko crest
- google for photos -

. mokkoo 木工 Mokko, woodwork, wood working .

. Mokuchoo ningyoo 木彫人形 carved wooden doll .

. mokugyuu 木牛 Mokugyu, wooden fighting bull toy .

mokushin toso kamihari ningyoo : fabric and colours on toso over a wooden core

. momen 木綿 cotton in the Edo period .

. momo 桃 peach fruit art motives .
「神桃」"Divine Peach" / Momoko モモコ kokeshi
momo nose uma 桃乗せ馬 horse carrying a Peach
momo no omamori 桃 お守り amulets with a peach
yakuyoke momo 厄除桃 peach to ward off evil - . Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 .

. momo no hana 桃の花 peach blossom art motives .
momo no hana no omamori 桃の花 お守り amulets with a peach blossom

. Momotaroo 桃太郎 Momotaro, the Peach Boy .

. mousepad マウスパッド - with Daruma .

. moyoo 模様 Moyo patterns .

. Mubyoo sokusai 無病息災 staying healthy .

mugiwarazaiku 麦藁細工 mugikara no saiku 麦稈細工 haniicraft from wheat straw
. mugiwarazaiku 麦わら細工 handicraft from wheat straw .
- - - - - . mugiwara hebi 麦藁蛇 / 麦わら蛇 serpent made from wheat straw .

. mukaeru 六蛙(むかえる)six frogs for good luck .

. Muken no Kane 無間の鐘 "Unlimited Bell", "Soundless Bell" .
- muken jigoku 無間地獄 Hell of Avici. Buddhist Hell of "Uninterrupted, Eternal Torment"

. mukkuri ムックリ mouth harp - Hokkaido .

. Mumyoi-yaki 無名異焼 Mumyoi ceramics, Sado Island . - Niigata

. Munakata Shiko, Shikō Munakata 棟方志功 . - (1903 - 1975) woodblock printmaker

. Murakami tsuchi ningyoo 村上土人形 Murakami clay dolls. . - Niigata

. Murakami kibori tsuishu 村上木彫堆朱 Murakami carved lacquerware . - Niigata

. Muraoka ningyoo 村岡人形 Muraoka clay dolls . - Hyogo

. Musaigai 無災害 protection from catastropies and fire .
Schutz vor Brand- und anderen Naturkatastrophen

. Musha ningyoo 武者人形 Samurai Dolls. Warrior Dolls .
kabuto ningyoo かぶと人形"helmet decorations"
gogatsu ningyoo 五月人形 dolls of the fifth lunar month
ayame ningyoo あやめ人形 "iris dolls"
..... shoobu ningyoo 菖蒲人形 (しょうぶにんぎょう)

. Mushifuji Inu 虫封じ犬 Dog to ward off the three worms .

. mushikago 虫かご / 虫籠 basket for keeping insects . .
mushiya 虫家, mushi-uri 虫売り dealer for insects
mushiko uri 虫籠売り vendor of insect baskets and cages

. Mushiokuri ningyoo 虫送り人形 figures "to ward off insects" .

. Mushikiri shishigashira 虫切り獅子頭 lion head "to cut away insects (mushi)" .
- - - - - the three "mushi" of children's bad behaviour
kan no mushi 疳の虫 / 癇 insect of nervousness, short-temperedness
nakimushi 泣き虫 insect of crying too much
hara no mushi 腹の虫 insect causing diarrhea

musubime 結び目(むすびめ)all kinds of ritual knots and loops
kobu 瘤(こぶ) / 2端 / 連結用 / 1端 / 0端
- reference : wikipedia -
- see mizuhiki above.

. Myoochin hibashi 明珍火箸 Himeji Myochin Wind Chime Tongs . - Hyogo

. myoofu dorei 命婦土鈴 clay bell of "Myofu", the Inari Fox .


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- #manekineko #mochitsuki -

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