
. Haiku and Dolls .



Haiku, Kigo and Dolls

ningyoo 人形 doll, puppet

The word puppet, just like the word doll , simply used like that, are not a kigo.
Other translations for ningyoo are
marionette, dress-up doll, figures
Dolls are used as toys by girls all year round.

But we have special dolls for seasonal festivals :

Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri) in March

. Dolls for the Boys Festival in May  


kigo for autumn

. kiku ningyoo 菊人形 (きくにんぎょう)
figures made from chrysanthemums

. Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養
Memorial Ceremony for used dolls


kigo for all summer

ukiningyoo, uki-ningyoo 浮人形 (うきにんぎょう)
floating dolls

..... uite koi 浮いて来い(ういてこい)float and come back

Light toy dolls in various forms, even like goldfish, made of styrofoam, celluloid, wax, tin or other material, which children can use at a pond or lake.
Some have a metal thread and can be pulled along the water edge. They can have the form of humans or water birds or anything else.

shizumete mo mata shizumete mo ukiningyoo

source : mariko

never give up

sinking them
and sinking them again -
these floating dolls


kigo for late summer

omukae ningyoo 御迎人形(おむかえにんぎょう)
welcoming the dolls

At the Tenjin Festival in honor of Sugawara Michizane

Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真 and kigo


The Chinese characters can also be read HITOGATA.

. paper doll slips for purification rituals  

You buy them at a temple or shrine, rub them on your bad parts or blow your bad luck on them and have them burned or floated down a river (hinagata nagashi ひとがた流し), taking away your worries and bad fortune.

hitogata no tamoto ya kaze o haramezu ni

the sleeve of
a purification doll ...
can not make the wind pregnant

Nishino Fumiyo 西野文代


kairaishi 傀儡師 (かいらいし) puppeteer
Puppenspieler, Marionettenspieler

..... kugutsu くぐつ、kugutsu shi くぐつ師(くぐつし)

ningyoomawashi 人形廻し(にんぎょうまわし)doll performance
dekumawashi 木偶廻し(でくまわし)"wooden doll performance"
Ebisu mawashi 夷廻し(えびすまわし)Ebisu performance
..... Ebisukaki 夷かき(えびすかき)
..... Ebisu oroshi 夷おろし(えびすおろし)
They performed special auspicious plays for the New Year only.

Taikan Monju (1766-1842)

tooku naru mono ni ko Sado no dekumawashi

since olden times
the puppeteers performance
from Sado Island

北島翠山 Kitajima Suizan

. Sadogashima 佐渡島 Sado Island - Niigata .

. WKD : New Year Performances .


source : eco-common.com

Calendar with Dolls and Haiku 俳句人形集

. Calendar with Hakata dolls and Haiku .


. Haiku about Dolls .
... waiting for translation ...


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



1 comment:

  1. 子供等に腰やゝかゞめ木偶廻し
    kodomora ni koshi yaya kagame deku mawashi

    the hips of the children
    slightly bent -
    puppet doll performance

    Takahashi Awajijo 高橋淡路女
    (1890 - 1955)


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