ibotori 疣取り / イボ取り / いぼとり take away warts
ibotori san いぼとりさん deity to take away warts
ibogamisan いぼ神さん Shinto deity to take away warts
Warts and problems of the skin are becoming a bigger problem in old age.
There are quite a few shrines and temples to pray for prevention or healing.
Jizo Bosatsu いぼとり地蔵 is the most common of the deities to offer help.

いぼとり神様・仏様の全国リスト - 平松洋
Buddhas and Kami to take away warts in Japan
listing 1172 places !
source : hiramatu-hifuka.com/iboibo
At many places, you take home some offering (a stone, branch or wart of a pine tree 松イボ) to rub on the warts till they are healed, or bring a special offering to have your prayer granted.
Other places offer sacred springs or wells to use the water.
jikaku 痔核 / iboji 疣痔じ blind piles, hemorrhoids
. ibotori Fudo イボ取り不動尊 to take away warts .
. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .
This long Japanese list will take a while to complete ! -- under construction
- ABC - List of wart-taking deities from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Aichi 愛知県
. Sakashimagawa Jizo 逆しま川地蔵尊 Jizo Bosatsu from River Sakashima .
. . . . . . . . . . Kanagawa
ibotori Jizoo イボ取り地蔵尊 Jizo Bosatsu to take away warts

Take one of the small stones and rub in on the wart or painful part of the body until the pain is gone.
In return, bring a small stone as an offering.
. Fukusenji 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji - Yokohama .
. . . . . . . . . . Kyoto
南丹市 Nantan town
ibokami, ibogami 疣神 Deity taking away warts

source : kattyan.dyndns.org
The fragrant water from the well behind 帝釈天堂 Taishaku Hall helps to heal warts.
. Taishakuten 帝釈天 Taishaku Ten .
. . . . . . . . . . Shizuoka
Fukuroi town 袋井

In the Mikawa district, there had long been the statue of a Jizo called
yuzu no ki Jizoo 柚の木地蔵 Jizo of the Yuzu citron.
Once upon a time, there lived the village leader Fujisaemon 籐左衛門 who had a daughter of 9 years, called Ryuu. All of a sudden many warts appeared on the body of the young girl. Her mother was quite perplexed and suggested:
"Well, since this is a great shame, let us go to the Yuzu Jizo and pray for help."
The younger sister Shin also went with them and prayed:
"Please take away the warts from my older sister. I do not mind if you put them onto me!"
When the mother heared her pray like this, she scolded her:
"Oh dear, that is not a good thing to say. What will you do if you get all the warts?"
But after three days, all the warts had gone from the elder sister's body and began to show on the younger sister.
So mother took the younger sister again to visit Yuzu Jizo and prayed again with great intensity.
This time Jizo heared her soon and granted her prayer, taking the warts from the girl's body.
Since then the local people called the statue ibotori Jizo 疣取り地蔵.
- reference : www.chuen.net/mukashi

Until to our day, people come here to pray and bring flower offerings to the Jizo.
. Fukuroi no marudako 袋井の丸凧 round kite from Fukuroi .
Hoosenji 法泉寺 Hosen-Ji - ibogamisan いぼがみさん
静岡市清水区八木間町574, Shimizu ward, Shizuoka town

source : hiramatu-hifuka.com/iboibo
a hootoo 宝塔 stone marker
Use the water in the tea bowl before the stone marker to rub onto the wart.

CLICK for more samples if 疣取り地蔵 ibotori Jizo Bosatsu.
. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 - Introduction .

source : http://oosaki.main.jp/view
ibotori myoojin いぼとり明神 Myojin taking away warts
ibotori jinja 疣取り神社 shrines offering to take away warts
. . . CLICK here for Photos of shrines !
- - - - - Legends about warts - 28 entries to explore
- source : yokai database -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #ibotori #warts -
イボ取り不動尊 Ibotori Fudo
ReplyDeletevarious temples in Japan
照光山 Shokozan 禅定院 Zenjo-In 無量寺 Muryo-Ji
ReplyDelete練馬区石神井公園5-19-10 / Nerima ward, Shakuji-I Park 5-19-10 Tokyo
In the compound near the graveyard is a statue of いぼ神地蔵 ibogami Jizo.
Chichibu, Nokkinboo 破風山のノッキン坊天狗 Nokkinbo Tengu, Nokkin-Bo Tengu
ReplyDeleteニョッキンボウ Nyokkin-Bo
at Mount Happusan 破風山, 601 m high, Mount Happu, Minano, Saitama.
At the temple 水潜寺 Suisen-Ji, Nr. 34 of the Chichibu Pilgrimage to 34 Kannon Temples, Nokkin-Bo Tengu is venerated as a protector deity.
Nokkin-Bo is ibo no Kami イボの神, a deity to take away warts. The local people came here to worship, bringing some Sake rice wine in bamboo containers. Even nowadays, a lot of "Cup Sake" is offered here.
Rokubu Jizo
ReplyDeleteKumamoto 熊本県
上天草市松島町阿村 Kami-Asakusa, Matsuchima, Amura
This Jizo helps taking away warts and is also called
ibotori Jizoo イボとり地蔵 Jizo taking away warts
People use the water offerings to spread them over their skin for healing.
If they get healed, they bring some Tofu as an offering.
Ibotori Yakushi Nyorai from Ehime