korori Kannon ころり観音 / コロリ観音 Kannon Bosatsu granting a sudden death
pokkuri Kannon ぽっくり観音 / ポックリ観音
KORORI seems to be a favorite pronunciation in Northern Japan.
pokkuridera ぽっくり寺 / pokkuri san ポックリさん a temple famous for pokkuri prayers and amulets
The wish of many, to live happy and healthy and in the end - be gone in a second.
Temples who cater to the wish of a sudden death are growing rapidly in Japan with its ageing population.
. pokkuri ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" .
. Kannon Bosatsu 観音菩薩 - Introduction .
korori ころり to bring a sudden change

source :tencoo.fc2web.com/jinja
at tempel 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji in Hachioji near Tokyo.
under construction !
Fumonji 普門寺 Fumon-Ji
群馬県桐生市菱町4-2274 - Gunma, Hishimachi, Kiryu - Mui-San Fumonji 無畏山普門寺
enmei chooju pokkuri Kannon 延命長寿ぽっくり観音 Kannon for a long life and sudden death

十一面観音 Kannon with eleven heads
The previoud head priest had declared this Kannon as POKKURI and since then business was good.
The Kannon Hall is on a hill with 88 steps up (88 is a lucky age 米寿 to reach).
People come here to pray for a long life and sudden death.
This temple features a Daruma market on the third sunday in January.
- source : www.kiributsu.jp/hp/hishi/fumonji
- quote
In 1575, during the time Lord Narashige Yura governed Kiryu, he had this temple transferred from Seradago to its present location.
During the great fire of 1843, the temple building was reduced to ashes. After about one hundred years, the main temple building and repository were reconstructed. The tmple returned to its original state of prosperity.
At present, the temple is a leading Zazen Dojo in the Kanto area. It is also well-known for its Daruma Fair on January 15. Fumonji is also popularly recognized as the temple with a statue of the 11-faced Kannon (goddess of mercy).
Behind the temple one can see the Fumonji archeological site from which both Jomon and Yayoi Period artifacts have been excavated.
- source : www.kiea.jp/Fumonji.html

- source and more photos : blog.goo.ne.jp/ttmida

. Daruma ichi 達磨市 Daruma markes in Japan .
Hasedoo 長谷堂 Hase-Do Hall
korori Kannon 長谷堂コロリ観音 - Nyoirin Kanzeon 如意輪観世音
山形市長谷堂18 - Yamagata city, Hasedo
The hall is located in the former castle park.

The temple was founded in 1601 by the caretaker for the feudal lord Makino 牧野番内 at the Hasedo Castle, to place his precious seated statue of a Nyoirin Kannon, which had been made around 880 and was about 36 cm high 1尺2寸. It used to be venerated to grant eternal life in paradise and now is famous for its pokkuri prayers.
The temple hall has been rebuilt in 1764.
The chant of the temple 御詠歌:
ありがたや まいるこころは長谷堂のみちびきたまえ、みだの浄土へ
いくたびも まいるこころは はせどうの やまもちかひも ふかくなりけり
. Nyoirin Kannon 如意輪観音 Wishfulfilling Kannon .
Komagata Chooju Kannondoo 駒形長寿観音堂 Komagata Choju Kannon-Do Hall
Kannon for a long life
群馬県前橋市駒形町476‐1 - Komagata Town, Maebashi, Gunma

source : endingplanner.com
This hall is a sub-temple from the famous pokkuri temple in Nara, but this is just a small hall.
. Anichiji 阿日寺 Anichi-Ji - Nara .
Kooanji 弘安寺 Koan-Ji - Nakada Kannon 中田観音
福島県大沼郡会津美里町米田字堂ノ後甲147 - Fukushima, Onuma District, Aizumisato, Yoneta, Donoato−甲147
- source : www.aizu-reichi.gr.jp/nakada
Kooryuuji 高龍寺 Koryu-Ji
pokkuri musubi Kannon ポックリ結び観音
愛媛県越智郡吉海町名2916-2 - Ehime, Imabari

Woodblock with a design by the head priest from a temple in Yamaguchi. 山口県 西長寺 住職 川西恵諦師の作品
People pray to this sleeping Kannon to keep them in good health and help them die in peace.
To make the wish come true they tie a special paper slip with their name on the umbrella above the statue (musubi).

kinchaku 巾着袋 small bags as amulets sold at the temple
- source : kouryuji.jp
Myoohooji 妙法寺 Myoho-Ji - Torioi Kannon 鳥追観音

The temple was founded by priest Tokuitsu in 807.

The Torioi Kannon statue was made by priest Gyoki with the wish to show people an east pass-over to the paradise of Amida.
Other sources quote Kobo Daishi carving this huge statue of 8.5 meters out of a living tree.
One of the three korori Kannon of Aizu 会津ころり三観音.
There are also “three hidden monkeys” engraved in the temple, and it is believed that it brings happiness to people who find them.
The temple was destroyed during an earthquake in 1611, but rebuilt soon after in 1613.
- source : www.torioi.com
. 得一 徳溢 Priest Tokuitsu, Toku-Ichi . (760 - 835)
. 行基菩薩 Gyoki Bosatsu . ((668-749)
- - - - - three korori Kannon of Aizu 会津ころり三観音
Kooanji 弘安寺 Koan-Ji - Nakada Kannon 中田観音 (see above)
Eryuuji 恵隆寺 Eryu-Ji - Tachiki Kannon 立木観音 Kannon carved from one tree

- source : tachikikannon.jp

Tookokuji 東谷寺 Tokoku-Ji - nearby is a small sanctuary for
pokkuri enoki Kannon ポックリ榎観音
茨城県取手市小文間 南会館横の祠 Ibaraki

But there is also a sign for "enoki Daishi".
There is not much information about this Kannon.
- source : endingplanner.com
. WKD : enoki 榎 nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree .
enkiri enoki 縁切榎 Chinese hackberry tree to cut bad bonds
at the Nakasendo road, Itabashi town 板橋宿
Ryuusenji 龍泉寺 Ryusen-Ji, Ryusenji
八王子市長房町16 - Hachioji, Tokyo
Number 13 on the pilgrim route to 33 Kannon temples in Hachioji 八王子の三十三観音霊場第十三札所.
Once an old man felt the end near, told his relatives "They are coming to bring me to paradise", closed his eyes and was gone.
Nowadays many people come here during the higan 彼岸 days of the spring and autumn equinox, when the statue is shown to the public.
Look at the photo at the top of this page.
. pokkuri ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" .
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
Aizu Go Yakushi 会津五薬師 Five Yakushi temples in Aizu Wakamatsu
ReplyDeleteand more Aizu Yakushi temples
torioi, tori-oi, tori oi 鳥追 "chasing away the birds" ritual