
pokkuri Jizo


pokkuri Jizoo ポックリ地蔵 / ぽっくり地蔵 Jizo Bosatsu granting a sudden death
pokkuri Jizō

pokkuridera ぽっくり寺 / pokkuri san ポックリさん a temple famous for pokkuri prayers and amulets

The wish of many, to live happy and healthy and in the end - be gone in a second.
Temples who cater to the wish of a sudden death are growing rapidly in Japan with its ageing population.

. pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" .

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 Introduction .


nakayoshi pokkuri Jizo 仲良しポックリ地蔵 two friendly pokkuri Jizo
Gaya-In 伽耶院(がやいん)temple Gaya In of the Tendai sect
兵庫県三木市志染町大谷 - Hyogo, Miki town

two friendly pokkuri Jizo

おにゃんこみくじ mikuji sacred lots with smiling cats

usu Inari 臼稲荷 sanctuary of Inari with mortars
伽耶院・本堂と多宝塔 main hall and 2-storied Tahōtō - Tahoto pagoda
- source : kobe.travel.coocan.jp

There is no entrance fee for the temple visit, but visitors are encouraged to pick 10 weeds off the road as a thank-you gesture.

The temple is also famous for its annual fire rituals 伽耶院の採燈大護摩.

- Homepage of the temple with many more photos :
source : gayain.exblog.jp

Everyone is welcome by Jizo san - ようおまいり

source : d.hatena.ne.jp/akashi-goto


o-wasure pokkuri Jizo お忘れポックリ地蔵 "forget it all and pop off"
Kanjizaiji 観自在寺 Kanjizai-Ji
愛媛県南宇和郡愛南町御荘平城2253-1 - Ehime, Ainan town - Henro Temple Nr. 40

Sometimes this Jizo is dressed with a white bib.

In his great compassion Jizo will take away your pain and worries and will bring you happiness.
He will also help the pilgrim on his hard way and in the end lead him to the Paradise in the West.

The main statue of the temple is Yakushi Nyorai, the Buddha of Medicine.

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kanjizaiji.com

- quote
Kanjizai (観自在) is the name of Avalokitesvara (観音, Kannon) which is used in the Heart Sutra (般若心経, Hannya-Shingyo).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

source : ojisanjake.blogspot.jp
Fudo Myo-O 不動明王 on the approach to the main hall at Kanjizaiji.

. General Henro Information 四国お遍路さん Pilgrims in Shikoku .


- - - - - pokkuri Jizo ポックリ地蔵 pokkuri Jizo - - - - -

Chootokuji 長徳寺 Chotoku-Ji
横須賀市長井5‐17, - Kanagawa, Yokosuka town
長徳寺裏の墓地右端, in the graveyard of the back mountain in a small sanctuary

namu Jizoo 南無地蔵 Hail to Jizo!

It is best to visit this Jizo on a day with a 4, three times a month.
Even people from Tokyo come here to pray to avoid "long illness" (naga-wazurai 長患い)


Jikufuji 地福寺 Jifuku-Ji
徳島県板野郡藍住町勝瑞字西勝地227 - Tokushima, Aizumi town

source : endingplanner.com

This Jizo is quite famous in the neighbourhood.


Jizooji 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji
香川県三豊市高瀬町上勝間地蔵寺原 - Kagawa, Mitoyo city

Nr. 23 of the Sanuki Pilgrimage to 33 Kannon temples 讃岐三十三観音霊場.

This temple is one of the "three great Pokkuri temples" 日本三大ポックリ.
The other two are in Nara, Anichiji 阿日寺 Anichi-Ji and Kichidenji 吉田寺 Kichiden-Ji.
- see the main pokkuri information -

But this temple seems to be more famous for rituals for dead babies.

It is famous for its lotus pond.

sasuri Jizoo san さすり地蔵さん Jizo to rub

This Jizo will help not to become senile (boke) if you rub its head.

. Boke yoke, boke-yoke ボケ除け - ぼけ除け not to become senile .
- bokefuuji ボケ封じ boke


Kashima Jinja - Kayaba 鹿島神社 - 萱場
茨城県取手市萱場 - Ibaraki, Toride town, Kayaba

There is a small sanctuary for Jizo in the compounds, which is usually closed with a lock on the door.

This statue is from the year 1717.

. Kashima Shrine 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu .


Kooshooji 郷照寺 - Koshoj-Ji
香川県綾歌郡宇多津町1435 - Kagawa
Nr. 78 of the Henro Pilgrimage in Shikoku

pokkuri sama ポックリさま, one of the three great pokkuri temples in Sanuki さぬきの三大ぽっくりさま.


Raiooji 来応寺 Raio-Ji
愛知県常滑市大谷大字奥条27 - Aichi, Tokoname town

On the Chita Peninsula 知多半島, Nr. 58 of the Chita Henro pilgrimage 知多四国霊場58番目.

The monk 来応善荷 Raio built a Kannon Hall in the back mountain of the temple in 1582, the beginning of pilgrims for the Nyoirin Kannon 如意輪観音.

There are now 5 pokkuri Jizo in the compound. Since olden times people have come here to pray for a fast drop into paradise ぽっくり往生.


. pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #pokkurijizo -

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