
Tora - Tiger - INFO


Tora トラ - 虎 - 寅 the Tiger Toys

. Tora Yakushi 寅薬師 "Tiger Yakushi" - Yakushi Nyorai .

The tiger is one of the 12 zodiac animals of the Asian calendar.
He is therefore a well-liked animal in folk art and handicraft.

. 2010 the Year of the Tiger 寅年 toradoshi
the white tiger in the West 白虎

It comes as a papermachee doll, clay doll or clay bell and other materials.
A tiger "can run for a thousand miles" and sees things far away, so it is a symbol for strength and good health. In China the tiger was known to ward off evil influence from the mind, so people put up little tiger figures to protect themselves and their families.

Something that is very special to you and you do not want to let go is called

tora no ko 虎の子 child of a tiger.
This shows the strong bond between a mother and her children.

Tigers are not native to Japan, but people of old have used their imagination to produce figures according to the tales they have heard and paintings they could collect from abroad. The first real tiger was brought to Japan via the Korean embassy in 1595 as a present to Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

This is an old clay figure from Fushimi, in the collection of the Japan Toy Museum.
The Tiger Collection of the Museum is from Nagao Zensaburo 長尾善三, who collected more than 1000 tiger pieces. Zensaburo was born in the year of the tiger in Osaka in 1902 and visited the Shinno-San festival when he was 12 years old.


. 12 zociac animals 干支  eto, kanshi .

Some tigers are made with a head that can wiggle

kubifuri tora 首振り虎 tiger with a wiggeling head
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. WKD : First Day of the Tiger (hatsu tora) .

Bishamonten helps those born
on the day of the tiger, in the hour of the tiger and in the year of the tiger.
He is especially venerated with tiger amulets at Mount Shigisan and Mount Kurama.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Bishamon-Ten . 毘沙門天 .


. Tora Daruma 「トラだるま」 .

. Daruma or Bukan 豊干 riding a tiger


. Daruma chan and Tora chan .


tora no dorei 虎 土鈴 clay bells with tiger
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

tora no ema 寅 絵馬 votive tablets with tiger
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

tora no hariko 寅 張子 papermachee dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


ABC - List of Tiger Toys from the Prefectures

Aichi 愛知県

. tora dooji 寅童子 Tora Doji .
Hooraisan Tooshoogu 鳳来山東照宮 Horaisan Toshoguand Tokugawa Ieyasu

Fukushima 福島県

koshidaka tora 腰高虎 tiger holding his hip up

source : folkcraft.samurai47.com

This is a papermachee doll in the tradition of Miharu Dolls.
Many were made after WW II. The tiger holding up his bottom is an old tradition from the Edo period. The male tiger has his head is slightly bent to the left and the mouth is wide open. There is also a female with the mouth closed, looking to the right. Thus they represent the "A-Un" spirit of Buddhism, represented in the Deva Kings.

. Miharu Daruma 三春だるま .

. Nio, Deva Kings 仁王 (Nioo)

byakko hariko 白虎張り子 white tiger
These white tigers from Aizu remind of the army“白虎隊”Byakkotai

source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/fukushima...
byakkotai okiagari 白虎隊起き上がり Daruma wobbeling doll soldier from Aizu 会津若松

- quote -
The Byakkotai (白虎隊, "White Tiger Unit") was a group of around 300 young teenage samurai of the Aizu Domain, who fought in the Boshin War (1868–1869).
- - - More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Ibaraki 茨城県
Hitachi Naka town ひたちなか市 / Nakaminato 那珂湊 the fishing port Nakaminato

yokomuki tora 横向き虎 tiger looking to the side
kao yokomuki 顔横向き face looking to the side

This amulet helps to avoid evil influences and keeps the children healthy.
It was first made by Iida Kishichi 飯田喜七, who had made Daruma dolls with the wish for safety at sea of the local fishing boats.
He then made the zodiac animals, especially the rabbit (usagi 卯) and this tiger 寅. He stopped producing, so there are no more animals for the following year of the dragon and later.
This is a papermachee doll.
It wiggles with its head, which is fixed in a special way that it looks to the side.
The yellow body is painted in vivid colors of red and black, with blue eyes.

. Nakaminato Hariko 那珂湊 張子 papermachee dolls from Nakaminato .


Ooarai isozaki jinja 大洗磯前神社
Isohama town 磯浜

The deity venerated at the shrine is
Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命.. Sukunahikona no mikoto 少彦名命 Sukuna Hikona, Sukuna-Hikona .

ema 絵馬  votive tablet


. Folk Toys from Ibaraki .

Ishikawa 石川県

Kaga mayoke tora 加賀魔除虎 tiger warding off evil
from Kaga
Decorated for the New Year to ward off evil.
This is a papermachee toy from Kaga 加賀の張子.

The tiger is quite round and cute and wiggles his head to invite good fortune.

. Folk Toys from Ishikawa .

Iwate 岩手県

Matsuyo tora まつよ虎 Tiger made by Matsuyo

A tiger made from straw 藁細工 is relatively seldom in Japan.
The inside is strong, with straw wrapped to form the body. Then igusa  イグサ / 藺草 /井草 grass is used to make the extremities, tail and head. After that some cloth is wrapped around the body to show the stripes.
Matsuyo 松代 was the first craftsman to make this kind of tiger.

Hanamaki ningyoo 花巻人形 dolls from Hanamaki

. Folk Toys from Iwate .

Kagawa  香川県     

hariko no tora 張り子の虎 papermachee tiger
Marugame town 丸亀

Takamatsu hariko 高松張子 papermachee dolls from Takamatsu

. Folk Toys of Kagawa .

Kyoto 京都

Rakuhoku 洛北 Northern Kyoto

Kurama yama no a-un-tora 鞍馬山のあうん虎 A-Un tigers

Like the A-Un 阿吽 spirit of Buddhism, see above, Nio Deva Kings.

Heian Jingu no fuku tora 福虎 lucky tiger

Rakusei 洛西 Western Kyoto
hariko no tora 張り子の虎 papermachee tiger

Bishamonten no tora 毘沙門天の虎 tiger of Bishamonten
In the Bishamon Temple Hall of Yamashina, these masks are kept.

tora no men 虎面 tiger maks

. Folk Toys from Kyoto .

Miyagi 宮城県   

toramai, tora mai 虎舞 tiger dance
Ichihasama choo 一迫町

. Folk Toys from Miyagi .

Nara  奈良県  

The world's biggest Fuku Tora 福寅 Lucky Tiger
. . . CLICK here for Photos of Fuku Tora !

Mount Shigisan, Temple Choogo Sonshi Ji 信貴山朝護孫子寺

The laughing tiger at Mount Shigisan 千手院の笑寅
Click the image for more photos.

Shigisan 信貴山,信貴山寺 Mount Shigisan Temple
The main deity of this holy mountain is Bishamonten.
see above for Bishamonten

. Folk Toys from Nara .

Osaka 大阪

shrine Sukunahikona jinja 少彦名命神社

Sukunahikona Shrine enshrines a guardian god of Dosho-machi 道修町, Osaka's medicine town. During the Shinno Festival on November 23, 23, people buy bamboo branches to celebrate the Buddha of Medicine, Shinno san 神農(じんのう)さん.

Another item sold in honor of Shinno Sama as a token for good health is a small tiger made of papermachee, Jinno no tora 神農の虎.

. 少彦名命 - Sukunahikona, the Deity of Medicine .
with photo of toy tigers offerings

. Folk Toys from Osaka .

Shimane 島根県

Izumo 出雲の『張子の虎』 Papermachee tiger
Stamp from 1961

. Stamps with Animal Toys .

. Folk Toys from Shimane .
Shizuoka 静岡

tora hariko 虎張り子 tiger papermachee doll
Hamamatsu city 浜松市

. Folk Toys from Shizuoka

Yamagata 山形県 

nemari tora ねまり寅 / ねまりトラ crouching tiger
nemaru is a word of the Yamagata dialect, meaning crouching, with the forelegs in a position as to jump off right away.

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. Sasano ittobori 笹野一刀彫 Sasano carving with one knife .

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. tora nori karako 虎乗り唐子 Karako riding on a tiger .

Yamagata hariko 山形張り子 papermachee dolls from Yamagata

. Folk Toys from Yamagata .


. Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 and Tiger Toys .

. Watonai (Koxinga) 和唐内 / 和藤内 and Tiger Toys .


. . . CLICK here for tiger Photos !

. Reference .


reference : brutus miyagemon


- google to check out :

宮城県 木地玩具 とら
Miyagi, woodcarving, tiger

栃木県 佐野土人形 開運とら(土鈴)出世とら(土鈴)
Tochigi, Sano clay dolls, tiger bringing good luck (like Daruma)
shusse tora 出世とら(土鈴) tiger for a career
(two clay bells)

東京都 江戸張子 招き寅(メス)(オス)
Tokyo, Edo hariko, papermachee dolls, maneki tora
(like a maneki neko 招き猫)

東京都 江戸張子 奴寅)Yakko Tiger from Edo

千葉県 佐原張子 とら車 toraguruma, tora kuruma
Chiba, tiger with wheels

埼玉県 春日部張子 首振りトラ kubifuri tora
Saitama, Kasukabe papermachee
埼玉県 春日部張子 だるま抱きトラ Daruma-hugging tiger
埼玉県 春日部張子 ねまりトラ nemari tora

静岡県 浜松張子 首振りトラ 虎車 toraguruma
Shizuoka, Hamamatsu hariko, tiger with wheels
静岡県 浜松張子 虎ころがし,tora korogashi

滋賀県 小幡土人形 トラ土鈴 ミニトラ
Shiga, Obata clay dolls, clay bell
滋賀県 小幡土人形 虎旦那 吠え虎
tiger danna, barking tiger

大阪府 大阪張子 起上がりとら
Osaka Hariko papermachee dolls, okiagari

京都府 伏見土人形(菱屋)とら
Kyoto, Fushimi clay dolls, from Mugiya

兵庫県 姫路張子 豆とら
Hyogo Himeji papermachee dolls, mame tora, small tiger

鳥取県 鳥取張子 
Tottori papermachee dolls
鳥取県 岩井温泉(木)寅
Iwai onsen hot spring
島根県 出雲張子 張子虎 Tottori Izumo

佐賀県 能古見土人形 とら鈴
Saga, Nogomi clay dolls, bell with tiger

熊本県 木葉土人形 寅
Kumamoto, Konoha clay dolls


Kitty chan as a tiger 寅年キティ for 2010

tiger toys -
the little boy points
to Kitty chan


. 12 Zociac animals 干支  eto, kanshi .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #tigertora #toragiger #byakkotai #whitetiger -

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