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- - - - - CONTENTS - BBBB - - - - - 

. Bagan, uma no gangu 馬玩 horse toys .

. Bakemono, O-Bake お化け Ghosts and Demons
Yotsuya Kaidan, One Hundred Ghosts walking at Night 百鬼夜行

. bakeneko 化け猫 monster cats .

. bakemono yashiki 化物屋敷 home with monsters .

. ban 幡 prayer flags . ..... goshiki ban (五色幡) - - nobori 幟     

. Bandai Atami no hariko 磐梯熱海の張り子 papermachee dolls .
Bandai Atami, Fukushima

. bandana, bandanna, バンダナ - hachimaki 鉢巻 headband, kerchief .
- - - - - Bandana omamori - Ichigaya Kamegaoka Hachimangu shrine, Tokyo

. bangasa 番傘 Bangasa, "numbered umbrella" .

. Bankoyaki 萬古焼 Banko pottery . - Yokkaichi, Mie

. basara ばさら / 婆娑羅 / バサラ flamboyant elegance .

. bashoofu 芭蕉布 Bashofu cloth from banana tree fiber . - Okinawa

. bast, jinpi seni 靭皮繊維 bast fiber art .

. bekkoo 鼈甲 / べっこう / べっ甲 tortoiseshell craft - Nagasaki .
..... Edo Bekko 江戸鼈甲 Tortoiseshell Products

. bekkakoo べっかこう Bekkako kite from Shizuoka .

. beni-e 紅絵 black-line hand-colored woodblock print .

. Benkei 武蔵坊弁慶 Musashibo Benkei dolls .

. Benkei-Gōshi 弁慶格子 Benkeigoshi Grid Pattern .

. benta ningyoo 弁太人形 Benta doll, Penta doll . - Hinagu, Kumamoto

. beraboo tako ベラボー凧 kite with a face sticking out the tongue .
- Noshiro 能代市, Akita

. Bichuu kagura ningyoo 備中神楽人形 Kagura dolls from Bitchu .
Okayama. Kagura Kaido Road (かぐら街道)

. Bigaku - Aesthetics in Japan エスセティクス - Nihon no bigaku 日本の美学 .

. bihatsu kigan 美髪祈願 praying for beautiful hair .

. Bihoku ningyoo 尾北人形 dolls from Bihoku . - Aichi

. bijin 美人 beauty - beauty amulet 美守 - bijin kigan 美人祈願お守り .
- - - - - biyoo no kami 美容の神様 deities of beauty

. bijin Kannon o-mamori 美人観音御守 to become beautiful like Kannon Bosatsu .
- temple Nariaiji 成相寺 Nariai-Ji, Kyoto, Amanohashidate

. Bijin ningyoo 美人人形 dolls of beautiful ladies .

. Bijin Benten omamori 美人弁天お守り Benten for Beauty . - Akashi Benten 明石弁天

. Bingata dyed cloth from Okinawa 沖縄紅型 .

. Bisai tsuchi ningyoo 尾西 Bisai clay dolls . - Aichi - (Onishi)

. Boke yoke, boke-yoke ボケ除け - ぼけ除け not to become senile .
- bokefuuji ボケ封じ boke

. bonbori ぼんぼり / 雪洞 paper lantern .

. Bondeko ぼんでこ fertility stick Akita

. bonkyoo 梵篋 box for special sutras. .

. Books and Reference .

. boonoya ningyoo 坊ノ谷人形 clay dolls from Bonoya valley . - Shizuoka

. boosan kanzashi 坊さんかんざし / 坊さん簪 "priest with umbrella" .

. Boshu uchiwa 房州団扇 / 房州うちわ Handfans from Boshu, Chiba .

. botchan ningyoo 坊ちゃん人形 "Botchan" dolls .
- and Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石 in Dogo Onsen, Matsuyama, Ehime

. boze ボゼ Boze masks from Akusekishima . - Kagoshima 悪石島

. Budoo mamori 武道守り Budo - Martial Arts amulets .

. Bugaku 舞楽面 Bugaku dance masks .

. buji sugiru 無事杉る守 amulet to pass through difficulties in life.

. bunazaiku ぶな細工 beech tree craft - BUNACO . - Aomori

. bunbuku chagama ぶんぶく茶釜 Bunbuku tea kettle . - legend and dolls

. bunguruma ぶんぐるま spinning top making a sound . - Miyazaki, Sadowara

. bunko 文庫 trunk or box to store books .

. Bunya ningyoo 文弥人形 puppets of storytellers . - Sado
and in Kagoshima, 東郷文弥節 - 人形浄瑠璃 Togo Bunya-bushi ningyo joruri

. buriburi gitchoo 振振毬杖 / 振り振り毬杖 / 振々毬杖 toy from Kagoshima .

. butsudan 仏壇 Buddhist family altar .

. butterfly toy . - Okinawa

. byakko hariko 白虎張り子 white tiger .
byakkotai 白虎隊起き上がり "White Tiger Unit" - Daruma doll

. byakudan ビャクダン - 白檀 - sandalwood .

. Byooki heiyuu 病気平癒 illness and healing, health
..... byooki heiryoo 病気平療 healing disease
..... nanbyoo heiyuu 難病平癒 healing of chronic disease
Vertreibung der Krankheitsgeister

byooma taisan 病魔退散 warding off disease, bring health .

. byoo yakuyoke 病厄除け amulets to prevent disease and ward off evil .
Hirota Jinja 廣田神社, Aomori


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