
Mimi ear ears Ohren



Mimi 耳 amulets for ears

. Health Amulets 健康御守 kenkoo omamori .

Amulets from temples and shrines with a deity for the ears

. Ear Pick, Ear Cleaner 耳掻き mimikaki .
with Daruma and other dolls

. Daruma and Earrings 耳飾りと mimikazari .


- ABC - List of Ear Amulets from the Prefectures

. . . . . . . . . . Hiroshima

It comes in red or white.

Mimigo Jinja 耳明神社 Shrine Mimigo Jinja
also called
有徳神社 - 耳を明るくして人のことを聞くと徳が有り

There is Oyama Shrine in Innoshima 因島, which is one of those islands in the Setonaikai sea. Oyama shrine looks over Seto Island Sea, and as a god of sea and mountains has been seeing the happiness of people there since ancient times.

Gods are enshrined in OYAMA SHRINE 大山神社.
This god is believed as a god for mountain, architecture victory and luck, voyage and traffic.
Another God Name : MIMIGO OKAMI 耳明大神.
This god is believed as a god for the illness of ears and misfortune.

Legend of MIMIGO OKAMI: 
Long time ago, a grandmother's grand child suddenly could not hear. This is why "MIMIGO Shrine" as has been recognized as a God that can heal the illness of ears, and many people worship it. This shrine first became known among fishermen.

Since old days, as a turban shell is similar to an ear, a custom of giving a turban shell with voice and alcohol has been done when you visit this shrine, you knock at the pillar in the shrine three times, saying "MIMIGOSAN 耳明さん".

It is the only one shrine in Japan that many people worship for ear problems.

MI MI the third day of the third month
is the Festival of the Ear

source : mimigo.jinja.net

The Big Ear at the entrance of the shrine,
together with a big bell to sound softly, with the wish to get better hearing ability.


. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi

. amazake Jizoo 甘酒地蔵 Jizo and sweet rice wine .
and the death of Date Munekiyo 伊達河内守宗清 (1600 - 1634).
People with ear diseases come to his grave and offer a 竹筒に甘酒 bamboo container full of sweet rice wine to get healed.

. . . . . . . . . . Osaka

A temple for thunder and ears
kaminari to mimi no o-tera 雷と耳のお寺

Saifujkji 西福寺 at Kuwabara

They sell amulets for miminari 耳鳴り ringing and buzzing in the ears.
On the third of the third month MI MI - there is a special prayer event for people suffering from ear diseases.

kuwabara kuwabara is like a spell for lightning not to strike here.
It is analogous to the English phrase "knock on wood" to prevent bad luck.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

The God of Lightning and thunder does not like mulberry trees (kuwa 桑), thus many are planted around the temple.

But the Sanskrit spell word is
kuwanbara クワンバラ

a pun with kaminari and miminari

Izumi Town, Kuwabara village 大阪府和泉市桑原町152

.  Fuujin, Raijin 風神雷神 Deities of Wind and Thunder .

Shotoku Taishi (with 8 ears)
. 八耳聰聖徳太子 .
Temple 蟠竜寺 Banryu-Ji, Iwate prefecture

. . . . . . . . . . Tokyo

. Miminashi Fudoo 耳無不動 "Fudo Myo-O without ears" .
Senkooin 仙光院 Senko-In.
Tokyo, Arakawa ward - 荒川区荒川3-22
三峰神社境内 - 袈裟塚の耳無不動


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


uguisu ni mimi sobadaten Enkuu butsu

he pricks his ear
to listen to the uguisu -
this Enku statue

Shintani Hiroshi 新谷ひろし

. Enku, the Master Carver 円空 (Enkuu) .

- #mimiears -

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Ears and Haiku .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



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