
Hokuto Big Dipper



Hokuto 北斗 the Big Dipper, the Pole Star

Hokushin Bosatsu 北辰菩薩
Myooken Bosatsu 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu

Originally a deification of the Polestar (hokushin 北辰)

Details are here :
. The Star Shrines, Hoshi Jinja 星神社 .

Ama no nanaboshi (Shishisei) 天の七星 The Seven stars in the Sky
the big dipper is Hokuto Shichisei 北斗七星, also identified with this deity.
. Shrine Shimo Jinja  霜神社 .


Hoshida Myooken Guu  星田妙見宮  Shrine Hoshida Myoken Gu

Hoshida Jinja 星田神社
: 9 Chome-60-1 Hoshida, Katano, Osaka

Amulets from the shrine

hokuto shishisei reifu 北斗七星霊札 amulet of the big dipper constellation

Clay bell with black turtle - snake (genbu 玄武).
This bell has already been used to pacify bad influence by the famous samurai
Kato Kiyomasa and Kusunoki Masashige.

It has been reproduced recently by Nakano san.

Homepage of the shrine

source and photos : myacyouen-hitorigoto

Fudo on the access road to Hoshida Myoken Shrine.

. Fudō Myō-ō, Fudoo Myoo-Oo 不動明王 Fudo Myo-O
Acala Vidyârâja - Vidyaraja - Fudo Myoo .


Komatsu Jinja 小松神社 is another name for this shrine.
in 大阪府交野市星田

Deity in residence
Ame no minaka nushi no kami 天之御中主大神


source : amamori.exblog.jp

zooka no sanshin 造化の三神 Three Deities of Creation
. Amenominakanushi .


Important festivals

Feburary 8 - 2月8日 星祭り Star festival
July 7 - 7月7日 七夕祭 Tanabata Star festival
July 23 - 7月23日 hoshifuri matsuri 星降り祭 Star falling festival

During the reign of emperor Saga Tenno 、嵯峨天皇 (810 - 823) Kobo Daishi came to this region and in the evening, three stars fell from the sky.
One of the stars landed here at Mount Myokenyama 妙見山 at the shrine Komatsu jinja 小松神社. Later the first temple was named 神禅寺, later re-named to 星田神禅寺.
Later the three deities of Sumiyoshi were celebrated here and the place re-named
Hoshida Jinja 星田神社.
The other stars of that remarkable night fell down at
Hoshida Takaokayama 星田高岡山の星の森
Furiboshiyama, Temple Koorinji 降星山光林寺

Hoshida Myooken 星田妙見 Hoshida Myoken

In the back on top of the mountain are two large boulders with sacred ropes 磐座 iwakura.
Maybe these two boulders were seen as the two lovers who meet once in the night at the Tanabata star festival.

One of the shrine treasures is a statue of the genbu 玄武像 tortoise.

Look at more photos :
source : tohara/hoshida-myouken.html


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


Daruma at the hall for special amulets at Takasaki

少林山達磨寺 - Reifudoo 霊符堂

Special amulets for each year of the Asian zodiac 干支霊符

- Reference for : 干支の霊符


Big Dipper Amulet

source : wsclove.ocnk.ne

Made from an old woodblock since the Edo period.

Around the middle deity with a genbu at its feet are 72 smaller amulets. They seem to be of Chinese origin, to protect the emperor from fire and other catastrophies.
In Japan, they protect the people from the 72 evil influences during the lifetime, if you pray to the amulet sincerely in the morning and in the evening, every day.

- quote -
Chintaku Reifujin 鎮宅霊符神
'Also known as the "Tutelary God of Houses" in Japan's Onmyōdō 陰陽道 (Yin-Yang) circles.
Identified with Myōken in Japan.
The esoteric ritual known as Anchinhō 安鎮法 (abbreviated as Kokuchin 国鎮) was performed in the imperial palace to secure the safety of the state. The principal deity was Fudo (Acala), and the ritual itself was one of the four great rituals of Tendai (Sanmon Shika Daihō 山門四ケ大法). A similar ritual performed at an ordinary house was called Kachin 家鎮 or Chintaku 鎮宅 (aimed at protecting the household from calamities); hence Chintaku Reifujin's moniker as Tutelary God of Houses.'
- source : Mark Schumacher -


Amulet with eight corners for extra luck in the four directions
From temple Kinkakuji 金閣寺 in Kyoto

showing the four protecting animals

. Kinkaku-ji .

. The Four Directions 東西南北 .
The Four Protecting Animals, Shijuu (四獣,四聖獣)
. . . . . and
The Four Gods, Shijin (四神)
with their own amulets.


北斗七星と霊符 reifu amulet

source : saikohime.blog


Amulet as strap お守り携帯ストラップ

source : Strapoya store


hokuto no shio 北斗の塩 "salt of the pole star"

Each pack of salt has been consecrated by the priest. It can be eaten, offered to the deities on the house alter, used to purify the earth or home or just kept as a personal amulet.

. Kanshinji 観心寺 Kanshin-Ji - Osaka .
Hokuto Nyoirin Kannon 北斗如意輪観音 Nyoirin Kannon of the Big Dipper
- and hoshizuka 星塚 seven "star mounds"


Big Dipper in autumn, aki hokuto 秋北斗(あきほくと)
kigo for all autumn

Big Dipper in Winter, fuyu hokuto 冬北斗 (冬の北斗)
Big Dipper in the cold, kan hokuto 寒北斗(かんほくと)
kigo for all winter

koe sumite hokuto ni hibiku kinuta kana

its sound clear,
echoing to the Northern Stars:
a fulling block

Tr. Barnhill

The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.

Written around 貞亨年間, Basho age 41 to 44.

With an allusion to a Chinese poem by
. Li Po, Li Bo, Li Bai 李白 Ri Haku .

北斗星前旅雁横とう. 南楼月下寒衣を打つ.

MORE about the fulling block
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. WKD : Stars and Kigo .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011




  1. 天御中主大神 / Ame no minaka nushi no kami 天之御中主大神

    celebrated at
    Hidaka Jinja 日高神社 Hidaka Shrine

    岩手県奥州市水沢区日高小路13 / Hitakakōji-13 Mizusawaku, Ōshū-shi, Iwate

  2. Legend about
    . Myoken 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu - 妙見大菩薩 Myoken Daibosatsu .

    Misasa Onsen Hot Spring 三朝温泉

  3. Bunshoosei 文昌星 Bunshosei
    and 魁星 Kaisei - the Star Demon

    Bunshosei is a manifestation of one of the seven polar stars.

  4. Yanagishima 柳島 Yanagishima district "Island of Willow Trees"
    Meguro ward 墨田区 toward Koto ward 江東区 :
    The temple hall 妙見堂 Myoken-Do was erected to venerate Myoken Bosatsu and many people came here to pray. ...


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