
Jingu Kogo Empress

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 - Legends .


Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后

Regent-Empress Jinguu Koogoo  神功皇后
AD 170 - 269, Regent from 201 - 269

She was the wife of the 14th Emperor, Chuuai who reigned from 192 - 200. According to the Nihonshoki, after the death of her husband, she crossed over the sea to conquer three Korean Kingdoms, Koguryo, Paekche and Silla while pregnant with the future Emperor, Oojin 応神天皇. After her return to Japan she gave birth (after many years of legendary pregnancy) and returned back to Yamato with the baby Oojin to punish those who didn't accept him and reigned in his name. Nihonshoki also says that Himiko should be another name of Jingu but many historians don't agree with this thesis.

Legend has it she had a pair of divine jewels (the Tide Jewels) that allowed her to control the tides when she began her bloodless conquest of Korea.
Her son is also known as Hachiman 八幡
, later being subject to the Hachiman belief originating in Usa, where the main shrine of the present Hachiman Cult is located.

Jinguu Koogoo is venerated as a Godess for Easy Childbirth and Warfare at Sea.
(Alternative words: Empress Jingukogo, Jingu Kogo, Jingu-kogo, Okinagatarashi-hime.)

The Great Hachiman Shrine in Usa  宇佐神宮
This is the head shrine of more than 40,000 Hachiman shrines throughout the country. It is one of the three most revered shrines in all of Japan. (The other two main shrines are Izumo and Ise).
Built in the Edo period this huge shrine is a national treasure.

. Hachiman Shrines in Japan .

The first Hachiman Shrine dedicated to Emperor Ojin:

. Konda Hachimanguu 誉田八幡宮 / 譽田八幡宮 Konda Hachiman .
Habikino, Osaka

. kanju manju 干珠満珠 the tide jewels .


Jingu Kogo as a Shinto deity

She is well known in relation to many local legends, Daruma dolls and hina dolls in Japan.
Here I list a few featured in the Darumapedia.

. Awashima Matsuri 淡島祭 .
Shrine Awashima Jinja, Wakayama
The Shrine Awashima in Wakayama is said to date back to the 3rd century and the legendary empress Jinmu.
and nagashibina 流し雛 "floating old hina dolls"

. Ikkanbari Princess Daruma 一閑張・姫だるま
Matsuyama town, Dogo Hotspring

. Kashima Shrine 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu .
Hitachi obi no shinji 常陸帯の神事 Hitachi Belt Ceremony

. Matsuyama no Hime Daruma 松山の姫達磨
Princess Daruma from Matsuyama

. Miho Jinja 美保神社 Miho Shrine
美保神社の和布刈神事 mekari shinji
Cuttind kelp at Miho Shrine

. Nada Fighting Festival (Nada no Kenka Matsuri) .
Himeji, Hyogo prefecture
with three portable shrines for the family of :
Hondawake no mikoto 品陀和気命 - Ojin Tenno  応神天皇 (son of Jingu)
in the center (later to be deified as Hachiman)
Okinagatarashi hime no mikoto
息長足姫命 - Emperess Jingu on the left
Hime Ookami 比咩大神- wife of Hachiman

. Nagata Shrine in Kobe 長田神社  神戸 .
Nagata Shrine was founded by Empress Jingu Kogo at the beginning of the 3rd century, when she came back from her war with Korea and was on her way to Kyoto.
She also founded the Hirota shrine in Nishinomiya 広田神社 and
the shrine Ikuta jinja 生田神社 in central Kobe to honor Kotoshiro nushi no kami 事代主神, the son of Okuninushi no mikoto 大国主命, known as Ebisu in Buddhism.

. the "Eight shrines of Kobe" 神戸八社 .

. Takasago Shrine 高砂神社 . - Hyogo prefecture
A place for happy couples and weddings.

. Toyomitsu Jinja 豊満神社 . - Shiga prefecture
Amulets to win and for female beauty

. Ushimado Village 牛窓町 Okayama
and the ushi oni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon"

. Uto no Hime Daruma 宇土の姫達磨
Princess Daruma from Uto, Kumamoto

. The Demons from 蓋井島 Futaoi Island, Yamaguchi .


Jingo Kogo on a festival float, remembering Sumiyoshi Shrine

Sumiyoshi Shrines 住吉.
These popular shrines are devoted to three deities known as the Sumiyoshi Sanjin 住吉三神. The Osaka-based Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine (Sumiyoshi Taisha 住吉大社) is the central shrine of a nationwide network of related shrines, but the oldest is based in Hakata, Japan. Most shrines in the group are devoted to three deities known as
Sokotsutsu no Onomikoto 底筒男命,
Nakatsutsu no Onomikoto 中筒男命, and
Uwatsutsu no Onomikoto 表筒男命.

A fourth deity, added in later times, is known as
Okinagatarashihime no Mikoto 息長帯日 (aka Empress Jingū 神功皇后).

The four are known collectively as the Sumiyoshi Ōkami 住吉大神 (the great gods of Sumiyoshi; also called the Sumiyoshi no Ōgami no Miya 住吉大神宮; also called Sumiyoshi Daijin 住吉大神).
The Osaka-based Sumiyoshi Grand Shrine is also considered to be the ancestral origin of Japan's popular Hachiman deity. Hachiman, Japan's god of war, represents Emperor Ōjin (Japan's 15th emperor), who was long ago deified as the god Hachiman to protect warriors on land.
His mother (Empress Jingū) was added to the Sumiyoshi triad in later times, and the three (four) are considered gods protecting sailors and those who battle on the sea, while Hachiman represents the god protecting those who battle on land. The term "Sumiyoshi" also refers to an architectural style.
source : Mark Schumacher

- quote -
Uwazutsunoo, Nakazutsunoo, Sokozutsunoo
Three kami produced during Izanagi's purification.
When Izanagi returned from the land of Yomi, he bathed at Awakihara of Tsukushi in order to purge the pollution of death. According to Kojiki, when he rinsed at the bottom of the sea, the deity Sokozutsunoo was produced together with Sokotsuwatatsumi (see Watatsumi); when he bathed in the middle of the water, Nakazutsunoo was produced together with Nakatsuwatatsumi; when he bathed at the surface of the water, Uwazutsunoo was produced together with Uwatsuwatatsumi. .....
- source : Kobori Keiko Kokugakuin 2005 -

. Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Shrines in Japan .
- Introduction -


... the link between Empress Jingu (Jingo) and trout fishing.
The character for AYU 鮎 (sweet trout) is thought to be a kokuji 国字, i.e. "Japan-made" kanji, created by combining
the characters for fish 魚 and divination 占.
This recalls the famous Nihon shoki (Kojiki) incident about the Empress' divination before commencing her campaign.
the Noh the play "Tamashima" 玉島 (or "Ayu" 鮎,)
... a courtier from the capital (waki) who meets a woman (shite) who is fishing (either a solitary "fishing woman" onna no tsuri or as the variants have it, a fishing boat with a companion, tsure). She turns out to be Jingu's sister "Princess Toyohime", not the Empress herself.
source : pmjs google group


. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 / 神宮皇后 - Legends .

. Hondawake no mikoto 譽田別命 Homudawake .

. Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru .
Her legendary War General

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011




  1. Uozaki 魚崎(うおざき)"the cape of fish"
    Kobe, Higashi Nada ku 神戸市東灘区

    Jingu Kogo passed here on her war with Korea. More than 500 ships were anchored in the bay.
    So the place name was changed (this is a pun in Japanese) with 500
    五百崎(いおざき)"the cape of the five hundred"

    IO (500) sounds very close to UO (fish)
    with haiku by ISSA

  2. taisha, ooyashiro, Ōyashiro 大社 big shrines


  3. Hachiman gudōkun 八幡愚童訓
    Hachiman Gudokun (written around 1300)
    Tales of the God of War Told to the Simple

    "Hachiman Gudokun" is a history of temples and shrines that narrates the miracle and divine virtue of Hachimanshin (Shinto god of War) which is considered to have been compiled in the middle or late Kamakura period.

  4. Legend from Takarazuka 宝塚 Hyogo 兵庫県
    takara zuka 寶塚 a mound full of treasures
    This name refers to the treasures burried by Jingu Kogo. If people find something worth picking up on this mountain, they will be lucky.

  5. Fukuoka 福岡県
    福岡市 Fukuoka city / 筑前住吉神社一夜の松
    Chikuzen Sumiyoshi Jinja


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