
. Chiba Folk Toys


Chiba Folk Art - 千葉県

Boosoo 房総半島 Boso Hanto Peninsula
Booshuu 房州 Boshu Southern part of Chiba
Chooshi 銚子 Choshi town
Kazusa 上総 Central part of Chiba
Shimofusa 下総 Northern part of Chiba


various parts of Chiba prefecture

. Booshuu uchiwa 房州団扇 Handfan from Boshu .

. Tanabata uma 七夕馬 Tanabata Star Festival Horse .

Chooshi town 銚子市 Choshi

. Funadama 船霊(ふなだま) Goddess of the ocean - amulet .

Futtsu town 富津市 Futsu

. Kazusa Toojin tako 上総唐人凧 Tojin kite with Chinese faces .
They make a terrible sound when climbing in the sky
From the Kazusa region.

Kamogawa town 鴨川市

. ganman no tai (gamman) 願満の鯛 
sea bream after the fulfillment of a vow

Kashiwa town 柏市

Shimofusa kubi ningyoo 下総首人形 head dolls
They are hand-twisted (tebineri 手捻り) heads of the 12 zodiac animals.


Shimofusa hariko 下総張子 papermachee dolls from Shimofusa

They were first made by people from Tokyo, who had come here after the second WW. They were also shown in the 大阪万国博覧会 Osaka Exhibition in 1970 and became famous.
Some dolls have beans inside and make a sound カラカラ karakara if shaken.
The mouse on a red pepper 唐辛子鼠 is about 12 cm high.

Shimofusa tenjin 下総天神 Tenjin sama is another famous papermachee doll.

. hahako 母子 / 母と子 mother and child dolls .

source : blog.nihondorei.com
The doll is about 10 cm high.


. kosho Daruma 古書だるま Daruma from old books .
松本節太郎 Matsumoto Setsutaro (1903 - 2004)

. Kubi ningyoo 首人形 head dolls INFO .

Katsuura 勝浦 Katsu-Ura and Chikura town 千倉

. Funadama 船霊 Goddess of the ocean - amulet .

Kazusa region 上総地方

hoojari ほうじゃり Hojari

They used to be made for the "small New Year" celebrations on January 15.
Other names used regionally are

kabakaba カバカバ // hotohoto ホトホト

They were displayed in homes with a new bride. They show a man and a woman (made of straw) and some tools for the new household and farm tools made from bamboo and tree bark.

These arrangements were either kept at home or given to others as a present of goodwill and good luck in the new year. Children gathered at a friend's home and made them themselves on January 2.
On January 3 they put them in a special box to walk around their neighbourhood to give them away. In return they received some rice, rice cakes (mochi) or even some small coins.
The children brought these back to the home and ate the rice cakes together.
In the evening, all gathered around the irori open hearth and sang songs to "drive out the birds" from the rice fields (torioi uta 鳥追い唄), special to the New Year celebrations.
Now this custom has died out and many have completely forgotten about it.

. torioi, tori-oi, tori oi 鳥追 "chasing away the birds" ritual .

Mobara town 茂原市
Mutsuzawa machi 睦沢町芝原

Shibahara tsuchi ningyoo 芝原土人形 Shibahara clay dolls
Shibahara ningyoo 芝原人形 Shibahara dolls

They are made like Imado clay dolls 今戸人形 since the late Edo period by Tanaka Kinzoo 田中錦(金)造. He was a scholar of Confucian learning and made these dolls in the time when farmers were not busy. Many figures were made with the technique of making roof tiles.
Inside is a small clay ball that makes a sound when the dolls are shaken.
The Tanaka family :
田中錦造 Kinzo (初代)-春吾 ?Harugoro(二代目 錦造の長男)-謙治 Kenji(三代目 錦造の次男)
In 1916 Kenji separated and started his own business. In 1955 he became an important cultural master of Chiba prefecture. He had no follower so the line ended with him.
But later the clan decided to carry on and 千葉惣次 became the fourth doll maker.
There are now about 130 different motives, 70 of them made by Kinzo. 45 are from the Imado motives.
They are painted with light colors like the original Imado dolls. Most have some red around the eyes.

. doll of Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 .

source : plaza.across.or.jp/~t-matusita/
san sukumi, sansukumi 三すくみ / 三竦 "a three way deadlock" of ideas
by 田中謙次.
In Kabuki, this is a combination of a snake, which eats a toad, which eats a slug, whose slime is poisonous to the snake. It represents the circle of deaths by disliking.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

- - - - - Two clay dolls made by 田中金造 Tanaka Kinzo in the early Meiji period:

source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp/oldtoy...
縞小僧 Shima Kozo
(8,4 cm high)

source : sakigake-one.sakura.ne.jp/oldtoy...
武内宿禰 Takeshiuchi no Sukune - Takeshi-Uchi
(15,1 cm high)

. Takenouchi no Sukune 武内宿禰 / 竹内宿禰 / 建内宿禰 .
legendary statesman and Kami / Takeshiuchi no Sukune - Takeshi-Uchi


Honno no ema 本納の絵馬 / 本納絵馬 votive tablets from Honno village

They are a special cultural property of the prefecture.
The paintings have the refinement of Japanese paintings.
Many are made by the painter 矢部宏 Yabe Hiroshi, now in the 5th generation.
The pieces are well fitted for interior decorations.

Mobara City Museum of Art and Local History
茂原市立美術館・郷土資料館 / 1345-1 Takashi, Mobara, Chiba
- source : city.mobara.chiba.jp -


sodedako, sode-dako, sode tako 袖凧 fisherman's coat kite
"sleeve kite", sode kite - (in form of a happi coat or kimono)
with various motives, sometimes warriors.
It has a hummer on the top and needs strong wind to fly and produce a sound.
They are flown to pray for the health and upbringing of healthy children.
. . . CLICK here for Photos ! ">. . . CLICK here for Japanese Photos !
.reference : kazusatako .
. photos of "sode-dako" .

Noda town 野田市

Noda tsuchi ningyoo 野田土人形 clay dolls

source : www.asahi-net.or.jp

Made in the Northern Part of Chiba 北総, a region also famous for its soy sauce production, like Choshi 銚子. During the Edo period the soy sauce was transported to Edo town via the Edogawa waterway 江戸川の水運.
The clay dolls from Noda reflect the production of soy sauce. The doll on the left making soy sauce 醤油人形 is about 11 cm high.
The group on the right shows Momotaro and a children's song about playing with the demons (鬼遊び唄).

Onjuku choo 御宿町, Onjuku

tsurushibina, tsurushi bina つるし雛、吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls and other dolls

Princess Daruma Couple
Daruma goes down seven times and up eight times, so a good couple can overcome the vicissitudes of life together.
- source : onjuku.or.jp/tsurushibina/gallery

. tsurushibina, tsurushi bina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 small hanging hina dolls .

. WKD : Hina Doll Festival (hina matsuri 雛祭り) .

Sawara town (Sahara) 佐原市

Sawara hariko 佐原張り子 papermachee dolls

佐原張子三浦屋 Miuraya store, Katori / 香取市佐原イ1978

Made since the Meiji period.
The Rabbit pounding rice had been the New Year Postcard in Heisei 11, year of the rabbit.

- - - - - Sawara Daruma 佐原だるま - - - - -

. kameguruma, kame kuruma 亀車 turtle on wheels .

. . . CLICK here for more Photos of the Miuraya store !

Toogane town 東金市 Togane

Toogane no ema 東金の絵馬 votive tablets


. Reference and Photos . Gangu Guide .
. Reference and Photos . Yama no Ie . Folk Toys .
Reference by Isamu Folk Toys // Asahi Narumi .


. WASHOKU . Regional Dishes from Chiba

. Chiba Folk Toys - this BLOG .

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - - - #Chiba #shimofusa #boso - - - - -

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