Health Amulets 健康御守 kenkoo omamori

. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 The Buddha of Healing .
and his amulets
. Rokusan sama 六三さま Rokusan, Deity of Illness .
and how to appease him
byooki heiyuu 病気平癒 illness and healing
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byooki heiryoo 病気平療 healing disease
. byooma taisan 病魔退散 warding off disease .
byoo yakuyoke 病厄除け amulets to prevent disease and ward off evil
. Hirota Jinja 廣田神社 - Aomori .

from shrine Kitano Tenmangu
enmei chooju 延命長寿 long life in good health
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Enmei Jizoo 延命地蔵 life-prolonging Jizo .
. gankiri 癌切り, ganfuuji 癌封じ amulets for healing cancer .
. kenkyaku 健脚守り strong legs, health for the legs .
..... Ashikoshi 足腰お守り strong feet and legs
mubyoo sokusai 無病息災 staying healthy
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There are some specialities for various ailments.
. Agonashi Jizo あごなし地蔵尊 to cure toothache .
歯痛平癒 and more deities to help with toothache
. bihada 美肌 for beautiful skin . *
hada no byooki 肌の病気 skin disease
. 瓦牛 The bull from 深草神社 Fukakusa Jinja, Wakayama.
diabetes prevention 糖尿病 tonyobyo
櫟野寺 Rakuya-Ji 滋賀県甲賀市 Shiga
. ganbyoo chiyu kigan 眼病治癒祈願 eye diseases
meme ema めめ絵馬 amulet with votive tablets for eyes
Hemorrhoids cure
. Kunigami Jinja 国神神社 / 國神神社 . - Tochigi
. himodoshi, hi modoshi 火もどし / 火戻し to give the fire back .
magic healing of yakedo 火傷 burn, scald the skin
. Mimi 耳 amulets for ears .
Mimigo Okami 耳明大神
. mini torii kuguri ミニ鳥居潜り crawling through a small Torii gate .
for good health, getting pregnant, having healthy children and more
. seki no jiji baba 咳の爺婆尊
grandpa and grandma preventing sore throat and cough .
Temple 弘福寺 Kofuku-Ji, Tokyo
more to be added
Hands and Arms to be healthy 手先・腕 健康 祈願
tesaki ude no kenkoo higan

This amulet is dedicated by people who pray for the health of their fingers and hands. Some pray to become skilled as needle workers and seamstresses, others pray to be healed from rheumathism in the arms. Some even offer it with the hope that the market prize for silk will improve.
source :www.city.himeji.lg.jp
I have not found one special word for this talisman yet.
It comes under the general header of prayers for good health.
成就院(たこ薬師)Temple Joju-In
and the "Tako Yakushi" 多幸薬師
. O nadeishi おなで石御守り rubbing stone .
Officials of the Edo period came there to pray and one even had his warts healed.
tako 胼胝 is also th word for warts and calluses. So use this stone to rub it over your affected body parts, your skin, eyes ... anything.
byooki heiyuu 病気平癒 illness and healing
source : www.kakinomoto-jinja.or.
In the compound of the shrine is a tree called 盲杖桜 "Blind Stick Cherry"
Once upon a time a blind person from Fukuoka came here to pray for health, reciting the following words :
ほのぼのとまこと明石の神なれば 我にも見せよ 人丸の塚
and was healed in an instant, leaving his walking stick, which turned into a cherry tree.
from Kakinomoto Shrine
. Kakinomoto Jinja 柿本神社 - Akashi, Hyogo - .
- with an octopus amulet to pass an examination - okutopasu - オクトパス - oku to pass - octopus
anzan 安産祈願 for an easy birth
hatsu miya moode 初宮詣 first visit of the baby to a shrine
shichigosan 七五三詣 seven-five-tree year old children
kenkoo omamori 健康御守 amulet for good health

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. Reference .
. HEALTH . on this BLOG .
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 The Buddha of Healing .
and his amulets
. WKD : Body Parts and Haiku .
- #kenko #healthamulets -
. Kunigami Jinja 国神神社 / 國神神社 . - Tochigi,
ReplyDeleteto cure Hemorrhoids to cure Hemorrhoids