okoso zukin, okoso-zukin 御高祖頭巾 / お高祖頭巾 hood for winter
These are dolls of women with okosozukin, a special large hood, usually worn in winter to keep warm.
Sometimes also worn by women who needed to hide their mouth or face, serving as a veil. The cloth is square and can be tied under the chin with a string.
The hood can be wrapped clockwise or counter-clockwise.
. zukin 頭巾 (ずきん) hood - introduction .
..... maruzukin 丸頭巾(まるずきん) round hood
..... hoorokuzuki 焙烙頭巾(ほうろくずきん) flat round hood
The "okoso-zukin" (combination hood and veil) was a winter costume for women. Covering the entire head and part of the face, it is a square cloth with a string that is tied under the chin. Women sometimes used the "okoso-zukin" to cover their mouth. Women wrapped it in both a clockwise and counter clockwise direction.
source : oldphoto.lb.nagasaki-u.ac
- ABC - List of winter hoods from the Prefectures
................................................................................ Aichi 愛知県
Inuyama tsuchi ningyo 犬山土人形 clay dolls from Inuyama
Okoshi tsuchi ningyoo 起土人形 clay dolls from Okoshi
................................................................................ Hiroshima 広島県
Tsuneishi hariko 常石張子人形 papermachee doll from Tsuneishi
................................................................................ Hyogo 兵庫県
丹波系土人形 clay dolls from the Tanba region
about 10 cm high
................................................................................ Kagoshima 鹿児島県
Choosa tsuchi ningyoo 帖佐土人形 clay dolls from Chosa
................................................................................ Kyoto 京都府
Fushimi tsuchi ningyoo 伏見土人形 clay dolls from Fushimi
................................................................................ Nara 奈良県
Hase tsuchi ningyoo 初瀬土人形 clay dolls from Hase
................................................................................ Shiga 滋賀県
Obata tsuchi ningyoo 小幡土人形 clay dolls from Obata
................................................................................ Yamagata 山形県
Sagara tsuchi ningyoo 相良土人形 clay dolls from Sagara
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. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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