zui-un moyo 瑞雲文様 auspicious cloud art motives
sai-un, saiun, sai un 彩雲 "colorful clouds"

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. kumo (un) 曇 cloud, clouds in Japanese Culture .
- Introduction -
Auspicious clouds were used as amulets to make sure the rain falls regularly
to sustain the growing of a good rice harvest.
. ame 雨 rain in Japanese Culture .
- Introduction -
. amagoi 雨乞 rain rituals .
- Introduction -
Yakumo (eight clouds) is another name for
cloud iridescence, zui-un 瑞雲 or sai-un 彩雲.

source : kamigata-ginka.
誉田屋源兵衛の帯展 Obi exhibition by Kondaya Genbei
. Yamanashi Folk Art - 山梨県 .
. ema 絵馬 votive tablets .

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source : kumano.net
At the shrine Kumano Hayatama Taisha 熊野速玉大社 the head priest commissioned a large ema in 2004. The crow is made of silver and produces a divine golden shine (mihikari 神光) from its back, enlightening all around it.
The crow carries a brand of the sacred shrine tree (nagi no ki 梛の木 / 凪の木) . It is walking on auspicious red clouds, which appear on special situations (zui-un 瑞雲).
This votive tablet was offered with the wish for a better life of all mankind.
. Kumano Shrines Wakayama .
. kimono 着物 robes and obi 帯 sash .
Robes of noble ladies were often lavishly decorated with these clouds, to make sure their Lord would get necessary rain in his domaine.

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- Details -

- source : blog.livedoor.jp/halibako -
More art motives

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source : huuraiki.exblog.jp
- Legends about zui-un from the Prefectures
. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .
................................................................................ Kanagawa
Kamakura 鎌倉市
A priest named Yuusoo 祐崇 Yuso (1426 - 1509) had walked all around the Eastern Regions and studied hard before coming to 光明寺 Komyo-ji as head priest, where he lectured about the sutras. When he got older he decided to recite the Nenbutsu prayer for 10 nights at the beginning of winter. But after the first day he felt ill and saw 瑞雲 a lot of auspicious clouds hovering around him. Now he knew he was about to die. So he corrected his position, sat straight, recited his last Nenbutsu and passed over to the next world.
................................................................................ Kyoto
Once upon a time a messenger from Korea was on his way to Kyoto. He came from Naniwa via the river 淀川 Yodogawa and looked out for the Imperial Palace far away in the North-East. There he felt a premonition and knew that on the Imperial Throne there would always be 天然の瑞雲 natural auspicious clouds.
................................................................................ Tokyo
. Ennin 円仁 Jigaku Daishi 慈覚大師 .
When Jigaku Daishi set out for a pilgrimage to the East he stayed first some time at 浅草寺 the Asakusa Temple. Once day an old man with white hair appeared and told him, that in the East there was 霊地 a sacred place where he should place a statue of himself. So he prepared a statue and set off to the East. Suddenly he saw auspicious clouds all in one place and then a 青竜 green dragon in the clouds.
So Ennin founded a temple here for the dragon. The dragon was happy about this and then his features dissolved again in the sky.
But from time to time there were 竜燈 dragon lights in the area now.
. ryuutoo 龍燈 / 竜燈 "dragon lantern" .
A phenomenon at the Ariakekai sea in Kagoshima, Kyushu, in the evening hours.
It is also seen in other parts of Japan as a light that the Dragon God sends out to honor the deities of Shinto and Buddhism in Japan.
- source : nichibun yokai database -
- H A I K U -
nen atarashi zui-un-borishi yagumogoto
a new year starts -
this Yagumogoto
with cloud pattern carvings
下田稔 Shimoda Minoru

yagumogoto, yagumo-goto 八雲琴 two-string zither
. koto 琴 Koto, Japanese zither .
Zui-Un Kaku Cemetery 瑞雲閣
Nagoya 名古屋大須の万松寺
- source : banshoji.blog.fc2.com -
- - - - - 瑞雲寺 Zui-Un-Ji temples
金龍山 瑞雲寺
龍光山 瑞雲寺
羽黒山 瑞雲寺
醫王山 瑞雲寺
- reference -

Plate by Imaizumi Imaemon 13th -
十三代 今泉今右衛門 染錦 somenishiki 瑞雲模様 zui-un moyo
- source: yahoo auctions -
. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .
. karakusa 唐草 / からくさ Karakusa art motives .
Some look quite similar to the rain cloud patterns.
. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .
. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #zuiun #zui-un #auspiciousclouds -
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