gankiri 癌切り, ganfuuji 癌封じ / がん封じ amulets for healing cancer
Many temples and shrines sell amulets for general health, including the healing of cancer disease.
. kenkoo omamori 健康御守 amulets for good health .
. byooma taisan 病魔退散 amulets for warding off disease .
CLICK for more amulets !
under construction
- ABC - List of cancer amulets from the Prefectures
. . . . . . . . . . Ehime
Temples dedicated to the Buddha of Healing.
He can be adressed for help with all kinds of illnesses and diseases.
. Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来 Buddha of Medicine .
. . . . . . . . . . Fukuoka
. gankiri Fudo 癌切り不動明王 Fudo Myo-O to take away cancer .
Nyoirinji 如意輪寺 Nyoirin-Ji
福岡県小郡市横隈1729 Fukuoka prefecture, Ogoori 小郡市 Ogori city, Yokoguma
. . . . . . . . . . Gifu
Jizooji 地蔵寺 - 金錫山 Kinshakuzan - Jizo-Ji
ganfuujidera 癌封じ寺 Ganfujidera
岐阜県下呂市宮地939 / Gifu-ken, Gero-shi, Miyaji 939 - near Gero Onsen
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地蔵寺 Jizo Temple
Prayers to the Jizo images are said to help sufferers of internal illnesses including cancer (cancer in Japanese is gan, hence the alternative name of the temple Ganfujidera).
The temple grounds are full of scores of statues of Jizo, both large and small, many of them capped with a red bonnet.
The pleasant temple grounds of Jizoji abound with images of Jizo (the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha) and the temple also attracts supplicants who seek an easy delivery and help with conceiving a child.
- source : japanvisitor.blogspot.jp -
The main statue of Enmei Jizo 延命地蔵願王菩薩 is never shown.
It is said to have a staff 錫杖 of pure gold (kinshaku, hence the name Kinshakuzan 金錫山).
During an epidemic in the Heian period people suffered a lot.
After a statue was brought from Yudonoyama, people begun to get healed when visiting here. Now apart from healing cancer, the Jizo is also helpful in getting pregnant and rearing children and traffic safety.
- Homepage of the temple ガン封じ寺
- source : jizouji.com -
. . . . . . . . . . Kanagawa
Jyoogyooji 上行寺 Jogyo-Ji
Hokyuzan Daizen-in Jogyoji
鎌倉, Kamakura, 2 Chome-8-17 Omachi,
source : matome.naver.jp/odai
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Jogyoji Temple
one of the Nichiren Buddhism temples in Kamakura. Founded in 1313 by Nitten. . It was used to be health pray for Minamoto and Hojo vassals. This is very small temple, but there are nice carvings, especially dragon on the gate. There is also Seven Lucky gods for good luck, and Hariti for having baby, and protect form illness.
One of the Sumurai who assassinate Ii Naosuke, Matsunosuke Hiroki did Harakiri in this temple, and there is his tomb in this temple.
This temple enshrines cure stone, Inari for health, and Hariti for babys. So, if you have health problem, visiting this temple is one of the choice you can have.
- source : mustlovejapan.com -
朱印 temple stamp
お守り amulet
- reference : Kamakura 上行寺 -
. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi
Daimanji 大満寺 Daiman-Ji
宮城県仙台市太白区向山4丁目4−1, / 4-4-1, Mukaiyama, Taihaku-ku, Sendai
Resident Priest Rev. Enmyo Nishiyama
English introduction to the temple:
- source : daimanji.or.jp/eg/main-e1 -
The temple offers a set of amulets for prevention, healing, safe surgery, recovery after surgery and prevention of recurrence:
『がん封じ祈祷』 ガンにならないようにご祈願するご祈祷
『がん平癒祈祷』 ガンの治癒回復をご祈願するご祈祷
『手術成功祈祷』 手術成功をご祈願するご祈祷
『術後回復祈祷』 術後回復をご祈願するご祈祷
『再発転移防止祈祷』 ガン再発、並びに転移防止をご祈願するご祈祷
source : kokuzouson.org/s/docs
- Homepage in Japanese of the Temple
- source : daimanji.or.jp
. . . . . . . . . . Oita
Tsubakidoo Henjooin 椿堂 - 遍照院 Tsubakido Henjo-In
大分県豊後高田市黒土1400, Kurotsuchi, Bungo Takada, Oita
Tsubaki Kannon Hondoo 椿観音本堂
第四十八番札所 善通寺椿大堂(守り本尊、十一面観音・弘法大師)
gankiri kigan Kannon 癌切り祈願観音
mizuko Jizoo son 水子地蔵尊 - gankiri Jizoo 癌切り地蔵
Healing cancer of women, from the head down.
- Homepage of the temple
- source : tsubakidou4849.com -
. . . . . . . . . . Osaka
Ishikiri Tsurugiya Jinja 石切劔箭神社 - Ishikiri Jinja 石切神社
1 Chome-1-1 Higashiishikirichō, Higashiōsaka-shi, Ōsaka
- Homepage of the shrine
- source : www.ishikiri.or.jp
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Affectionately called "Ishikiri-san," Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine,
located in Higashiosaka City at the foot of Mt. Ikoma, has long been familiar to people in Osaka from olden times as a deity who cures dembo (tumors and boils). Believed to have special powers to heal diseases, the shrine is worshipped by many people even today. The name "Ishikiri-Tsurugiya Shrine" is derived from the enshrined objects of worship:
a sword and arrow (tsurugi and ya) that are able to cut (kiri) and penetrate any rocks (ishi).
Walking along the 1 km approach to the shrine from the station, visitors can find a number of fortune-tellers' signboards, eateries, herbal medicine pharmacies, and grocery stores. The street's unique, retrospective atmosphere makes visitors feel as if they are experiencing a time warp.
- source : www.osaka-info.jp/en
The Torii is of a very special structure.
A Cancer Pilgrimage in the Mountains of Japan
By Andrea DenHoed
The Tamagawa baths, situated in the mountains of Japan’s Akita prefecture, have long been believed to hold medicinal powers. Today, the area attracts cancer patients from all over the country, who hope that the naturally acidic hot springs and radioactive stones might heal them. The Japanese photographer Tsutomu Yamagata first heard of the baths when his father was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. His father died soon afterward and never went to to Tamagawa, but, three years ago, Yamagata began visiting the valley himself to photograph the pilgrims who hoped to benefit from its healing force. “I felt that I saw a representation of the Japanese view of life and death within this valley,” he said.
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“People fighting cancer throw themselves at the mercy of the radiation that fills the valley,” he writes. The scene reminded him of a depiction of the supreme enlightenment of Nirvana, in which Buddha lies in the center of the ten great disciples. The image, he writes, “describes the stage where all Bonno (earthly desires) are entirely gone.”
- source : newyorker.com -
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. Japan - Shrines and Temples .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
- #gan #cancerhealing #jizobosatsu -
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