
Ketsueki Blood Type



Ketsuekigata O-mamori 血液型お守り Blood Type Amulets

Blood types in Japanese culture
There exists a common, popular belief in Japan and other East Asian countries that a person's ABO blood type or ketsueki-gata (血液型) is predictive of his or her personality, temperament, and compatibility with others, similar to how astrological signs are used in other countries throughout the world, although blood type plays a much more prominent role in Japanese and the societies of other East Asian countries than astrology does in other countries' societies.

Ultimately deriving from ideas of historical scientific racism, the popular belief originates with publications by Masahiko Nomi in the 1970s. The scientific community dismisses such beliefs as superstition or pseudoscience.

Current popularity
Discussion of blood types is widely popular in women's magazines as a way of gauging relationship compatibility with a potential or current partner. Morning television shows feature blood type horoscopes, and similar horoscopes are published daily in newspapers. The blood types of celebrities are listed in their infoboxes on Japanese Wikipedia. A series of four books that describe people's character by blood type ranked third, fourth, fifth and ninth on a list of best selling books in Japan in 2008 compiled by Tohan Corporation.

Although there is no proven correlation between blood type and personality, it remains popular with the many matchmaking services that cater to blood type. In this way, it is similar to the use of astrological signs, which is also popular in Japan. Asking one's blood type is common in Japan, and people are often surprised when a non-Japanese does not know his or her own blood type.

Blood type harassment, called "bura-hara" (wasei-eigo-a portmanteau of "blood" and "harassment"), has been blamed for bullying of children in playgrounds, loss of job opportunities, and ending of happy relationships.

Type A
Best traits - Earnest, creative, sensible, reserved, patient, responsible
Worst traits - Fastidious, overearnest, stubborn, tense

Type B
Best traits - Wild, active, doer, creative, passionate, strong
Worst traits - Selfish, irresponsible, unforgiving, erratic

Type AB
Best traits - Cool, controlled, rational, sociable, adaptable
Worst traits - Critical, indecisive, forgetful, irresponsible, "split personality"

Type O
Best traits - Confident, self-determined, optimistic, strong-willed, intuitive
Worst traits - Self-centered, cold, doubtful, unpredictable, "workaholic"

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


ketsuekigata mikuji 血液型みくじ sample of sacred lot

Shrine Nihashira Jinja, Futahashira Jinja, Futabashira Jinja 二柱神社 (にはしらじんじゃ)
Nishiura-61 Ichinazaka, Izumi Ward, Sendai
source : f-shrine.com/
Sendai, Miyagi


- ABC - List of blood-type amulets from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Hyogo

. Shrine Mikuriya Jinja 御厨神社 Akaishi Town .


. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi Akiu (Akiho)

ketsuekigata mikuji 血液型みくじ

. Akiu Otaki Waterfall Fudo Temple 秋保大滝不動堂 .
Saikooji 西光寺 Saiko-Ji

. Waterfalles named "Fudo no Taki" 不動の滝 .


. . . . . . . . . . Tokyo

ketsuekigata mikuji 血液型みくじ

Tokyo Daijingu 東京大神宮 
source : www.tokyodaijingu.or.jp

. Tokyo Daijinguu 東京大神宮 Tokyo Daijingu .


Bloodtypes and Haiku

ni-juu oku koonen no gishoo
omae no B-gata

twenty billion light-years of perjury:
your blood type is "B"

Hoshinaga Fumio 星永文夫

"Blood-type B is rare in Japan; Type A is happier, but Type B carries a sense of melancholy. So, I felt my rebelliousness or revulsion could not be Type A – it must be blood-type B."
Hoshinaga Fumio (p. 173).
quote from
Poems of Consciousness, Richard Gilbert
source : Simply Haiku Summer 2008

In Japanese the blood type is called
ketsuekigata, ketsueki-gata 血液型, blood group

When the Japanese ask me their favorite question

Ketsuekigata wa nan desu ka?
(What is your blood type?)

I usually reply

My blood tpye is ZENIGATA !

. Detective Zenigata Heiji 銭形平次 .


boorei to yuurei ketsueki gata chigau

the blood type
of a vengeful spirit and a ghost
are different

Hata Yooko 波多洋子 Hata Yoko


yawarakaku meguru ketsueki kari watashi

my blood
flows so gently -
geese crossing over

Oda Kaori 小田かをり

. WKD : kari wataru 雁渡る geese crossing over .


. - Body Parts and Haiku - .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



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