
Sano Town Tochigi

. Tochigi Folk Toys .


Dolls from Sano Town 佐野 Tochigi


. Sano dorei 佐野土鈴 clay bells from Sano .
Seven Gods of Good Luck

Sano ramen dorei 佐野ラーメン土鈴 clay bell of a Ramen noodle soup shop in Sano
- quote -
The city of ramen noodles, the classic dish for everyone!
Home to one of Japan’s most famous local ramen noodles, Sano-city is in the south of Tochigi.
Sano Ramen is made with water of the finest quality listed in the 100 best spring waters in Japan, and wheat especially suited for noodle-making. Beaten by a green bamboo stem, these noodles are aerated for good thermal conductivity. As a result, they are cooked in a second and maintain a chewy but smooth texture. The clear broth, having a taste of soy sauce and a rich flavour, is distinctive and never boring for its simplicity. Sano Ramen has admirers of all ages.
- source : travel.tochigiji.or.jp... -

. hakoniwa gangu 箱庭玩具 toys for a landscape garden .

Horigome ningyoo 堀米人形 dolls from Horigome village

source : popyah

umanori shoogun 馬乗り大将 general on a horse

These dolls were made by Yamaguchi Teizoo 山口壬三 Yamaguchi Teizo, who also makes clay dolls.

This is one of the

hassaku ningyoo 八朔人形 Hassaku dolls

given as a present for the first child born in a family.

朔 signifies the first day of each month, and the first day of the eighth lunar month hassaku 八朔 (now August) was the most important one.
People would cut some rice ears and offer them to the gods with the prayer for a good harvest, since the typhoon season was now at its best.


tanemaki Gonbei 種まき権兵衛 Gonbei sowing seeds

source : popeye.sakura.ne.jp/tochigi...

The local song of a man sowing seeds:
If Gonbei sows seeds, the crows come and pick them up.


source : hisamaro

On the right there is Daikoku with his lucky hammer.
On the left - well, there is Ebisu, but holding some "hassagku oranges".
See below.

source : kibidango_mail
dorei 土鈴 clay bells

Momotaro with his monkey, dog and pheasant.

. Okayama and Momotaro 桃太郎 .


clay bells from Sano

clay bells from Horigome
source : www.asahi-net.or.jp...

. Sano hatobue 佐野鳩笛 dove flute from Sano city .


. WKD : "August 1" 八朔 (はっさく) hassaku .
Nowadays it corresponds to the first of September in its climate, and thus has become a kigo for mid-autumn.

. Hassaku はっさく (八朔) hassaku orange .
Introduced in the late Edo period via Hiroshima.
hassakukan 八朔柑(はっさくかん)
Rather small but very sweet and a tint of bitterness.
hassaku refers to the old name of the first of August.
Hassaku Apfelsine


source : mifyu1018

go ishi Daruma dorei 碁石だるま土鈴
clay bells with Daruma as stones for the Go game.

from Aizawa Ichitaro 相澤市太郎, Tochigi

. WKD : Go game, Igo 囲碁 .


. . . CLICK here for Photos 佐野土鈴 !

. . . CLICK here for Photos "堀米人形" Horigome !

. Reference - Horigome.


. Tochigi Folk Toys .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #sano #sanotochigi #sanoramen

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