
Kagoshima Shrine



Kagoshima Jingu 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Shrine

Hayato-cho Uchi, Kirishima. 隼人町, 霧島市

Look at more photos :
source : kagoshima/hayato

another name is

Oosumu sei hachimangu 大隅正八幡宮

This shrine is said to have been build by the first emperor
. Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 .

The Daimyo of the Shimizu clan took care of the shrine.
There is also a huge camphor tree in the precincts, maybe more than 800 years old, as a sacred tree where the deities reside.


Deities in residence

. Hoori 火遠理命 hoori no mikoto .
Hiko hohodemi no mikoto 彦火火出見尊
Yamasachihiko (山幸彦)

. Toyotama Hime 豊玉姫 .

. Empress Jingu Kogo 神功皇后 .
Emperor Chuai
Emperor Ojin


Old toys from the shrine

The most important and well loved

. taiguruma 鯛車 sea bream on wheels .
It dates back to the legend of Umi no Sachihiko and Yama no Sachihiko. Yama no Sachihiko came down to the ocean and pulled a fishhook out of the mouth of a sea bream.
On the 10th of March there used to be a special festival in memory of this day.

Toys of modern times

fue daiko 笛太鼓 flute with a drum
hagoita 羽子板 battledore
hajiki saru はじき猿 "flicking monkey"
keshoobako 化粧箱 cosmetic box

take katana 竹刀 bamboo sword
yumiya 弓矢 bow and arrow

The wooden cosmetic box is made without any nails, and only held by strong paper.
It is said to be the box of princess Toyotama Hime, when she got married.

shitataki tarojo シタタキ タロジョ
or したたきたろじゃ
This is the child's expression for the bird
kibitaki 黄鶲 narcissus flycatcher
Ficedula narcissina.
. WKD : Narcissus flycatcher, kibitaki 黄鶲 (きびたき) .


Old samples of these toys

with an old ponpachi ポンパチ / 初鼓
amulet drum for the first day of the horse
Made from strong paper and soy beans on a string to produce the sound "pon pon" when you flipped the stick.

It is a small drum, that was fixed to the legs of a horse, which was also decorated with a bell and a five-colored cloth (鈴懸馬 suzukake uma) and paraded in the town.
On this festive day, now a Sunday nearby, many stalls can be found near the shrine and modern versions of this toy drum are sold again.

source : h_murataya

The first day of the horse (hatsu uma 初午祭り) is a very important festival at the Kagoshima shrine.
Horses of nearby villages are trained for the situation, to walk or "dance" on the road to the shrine among the noise of all the visitors. It takes about a month to train a horse properly.
The first horse in the procession is the most important, often coming from Kida 木田 village.
With the ageing of the villagers, it becomes more and more difficult to find horse trainers.

. Denden Daiko でんでん太鼓 toy drum .


dorei 土鈴 clay bell
hatobue 鳩笛 pidgeon whistle

. hatobue はと笛 / 鳩笛  pidgeon whistle, dove flute .


source : www.asahi-net.or.jp


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan - Kagoshima .

. Kirishima Shrine 霧島神宮 .
in Kagoshima

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



1 comment:

  1. . ta no kansaa matsuri 田の神さあ祭り / 田の神さぁ / タノカンサー.
    鹿児島の田の神さあ Kagoshima
    In Kyushu, the Ta no kansaa 田の神さあ is still venerated in more than 300 communities ...
    This Tanokami protects the Shrine fields of 鹿児島神宮 Kagoshima Jingu. His face is that of an old man with a beard. It is about 90 cm high.
    In the right hand he holds a メシゲ, in the left hand a bowl for cooked rice.
    This is the classical form of Tanokami as represented in local dance rituals.
    The Tanokami Mai 田の神舞 dance ritual is held on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month (now on a Sunday near to it).
    After this dance, the saotome 早乙女 rice planting woman begin their work.



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