
Netsuke amulets - INFO


Amulets in the form of a netsuke 根付お守り
netsuke omamori

netsuke mamori 根付守り
omamori netsuke お守り根付

amulets on a string
amulets on a strap

Netsuke (根付)
are miniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function (the two Japanese characters ne+tsuke mean "root" and "to attach"). Traditional Japanese garments—robes called kosode and kimono—had no pockets; however, men who wore them needed a place to store their personal belongings, such as pipes, tobacco, money, seals, or medicines.
Their solution was to place such objects in containers (called sagemono) hung by cords from the robes' sashes (obi).
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Netsuke 根付 with Daruma .

- quote -
A makie and lacquer wood netsuke of masks and a Daruma roly-poly-doll, by Masanao.
Carved as a shishi mask with attached cloth, a Buaku mask and a Daruma roly-poly-doll.
Second half 19th century
- source : lempertz.com -

Shibata Zeshin - (1807-1891) - Ojime


Many shrines and temples sell amulets with a little string or strap,
in the form of a nesuke.

eto netsuke mamori 干支根付守り
zodiac animals as small netsuke on strings


. Kanda Myojin 神田明神 Shrine in Tokyo .

A little carved rabbit comes with a small slip of paper to write your wish on.
Then you pray to Daikoku for fulfillment.

fuku usagi 福うさぎ守 amulet with an auspicious rabbit
shrine Takase jinja 高瀬神社, Toyama prefecture

. Daikoku Ten 大黒天 Daikoku and the Rabbit .


. Kumano Hongu 熊野本宮 Shrine in Kumano .

yatagarasu michibiki mamori やたがらす導き守り
the way-leading crow amulet


. Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴ヶ岡八幡宮 Kamakura.

The dove is the messenger of the deity Hachiman.
The dove comes in gold, silver or white clay.


. Oosaki Hachimangu 大崎八幡宮 Osaki Hachiman Shrine .

orizuru negai mamori 折鶴ねがい守り
folded crane amulet for making a wish


Daruma Strap だるま ストラップ

. . . CLICK here for Daruma Strap Photos !


- - - - - Netsuke and strap with Matsuo Basho - - - - -

gotoochi kitti ご当地キティ Kitty chan from various places

Basho from Matsushima ご当地キティ 松島・松尾芭蕉

Basho and Sora in Sendai 仙台


from Yamagata

Rirakuma Basho, relax bear from Tohoku

from Iga Ueno 伊賀上野

inro 印籠 - いんろ pillbox, small medicine container - Basho's outfit
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. Business in the name of Matsuo Basho .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !
netsuke omamori 根付お守り
netsuke mamori 根付守り
omamori netsuke お守り根付

. Japanese Reference .

- English reference -
Netsuke Strap Omamori Anime
Sakura Omamori Netsuke Cell Phone Charm
Kitty Omamori Netsuke
. . .


source :tukubaskecth.tsukuba.ch

manekineko cats have occupied the famous Inro of Mito Komon !

. inroo inrō 印籠 / 印篭 / いんろう Inro, pillbox, pill box, Pillenschachtel .


. Doobutsu 動物 Animals and Talismans .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #netsuke -


  1. keitai strap with the deities of the Kojiki !

    KOJIKIシリーズ 祝!全員集合セットストラップ


  2. The Folklore and Fashion of Japanese Netsuke
    By Maribeth Keane and Ben Marks —


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