
Sports - Nishino Jinja



Shrine Nishino Jinja 西野神社 札幌 

This is a shrine in Sapporo, Hokkaido
Heiwa 1o 3chome, Nishi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido

Video about the shrine as a powerspot :
source : 11ch.tv/sapporo

Since 2009, this shrine promotes amulets for all kinds of
traditional Japanese martial arts

budoo mamori 武道守り

They are mostly sold during the autumn festival of the shrine.
There are three types, for archery, sword fighting and judo.

On the back side is the crest of the shrine and its name.


amulets for sports hitting the ball

卓球 - 籠球 - 野球 - 排球 - 庭球 - 羽球 - 蹴球

歳徳神 for the deiry of the year
竈神鎮火札 for the deity of the kitchen hearth
商売繁盛・家内安全 good business and family

amulets to carry with you - many manga figures
ウルトラマン Ultraman
リラックマストラップ rirakkuma bear
サッカーエンブレム socker Fussball
勝ち守り(サッカー)winning amulet for sports
稚児・すこやか守り child protection
福ろう根付け fukuroo lucky owls
たれぱんだストラップ守 panda
けろけろけろっぴ frog Kerokerokeroppi
ダニエル cat Daniel

yume kanau mamori 夢叶う守 may your dream come true

and many more beautiful brocade bags

amulets to ward off evil

sama ema 左馬絵馬 horse bending left

traffic safety amulets

交通安全ステッカー sticker for your car

amulets for good health
五臓六腑兵丹守 for your intestines
勾玉守 magatama
水晶腕輪守 chrystal bracelet / crystal

all kinds of colorful EMA votive tablets


arrows and New Year items


amulets for schooling and examinations

gookaku Daruma 合格守

amulets to find a good partner
enmusubi 縁結び守
koi mikuji 恋みくじ

other types of amulets and mikuji


zodiac animals for the year

a maneki inviting Dragon 招き辰 for 2012 !


Deity in residence
protector of Japanese Martial Arts budoo 武道

Hondawake no mikoto 譽田別命 (ホンダワケノミコト)
another name for Hachiman Daishin 八幡大神, the deity prortector of samurai sports.
Another name is Oojin Tennoo 応神天皇 Ojin Tenno, the 15th emperor
Homutawake no mikoto 誉田別尊(ほむたわけのみこと)

Homepage of the shrine
source : nisinojinnjya


[Homudawake no mikoto](Kojiki)(Nihongi)
Other names: Hondawake no mikoto(Kojiki, Nihongi)

Given name of Emperor Ōjin, offspring of Emperor Chūai and his consort Okinagatarashihime. According to Kojiki, Homudawake was an alternate name for Ōtomo Wake no mikoto. It is also said to have been the original name of the central deity (saijin) Kehi ōkami of the shrine Kehi Jingū. An alternate account related by Nihongi in relation to Emperor Ōjin's early life states that as crown prince, Homudawake had exchanged names with the kami Kehi ōkami (Izasawake no kami), with the result that the original name of Kehi ōkami was Somudawake, while the crown prince's was Izasawake.

Motoori Norinaga, however, claimed that this interpretation of events was based on a misunderstanding by the editors of Nihongi. Based on the Kojiki version, Motoori stated that Izasawake no ōkami's desire to change names with the crown prince did not mean that each took the name of the other, but rather merely that the deity wished to be allowed to receive one of the crown prince's names. The crown prince's original names were Ōtomowake no mikoto and Hondawake (or Homudawake) no mikoto, but he later became known as the emperor Honda no sumera mikoto (Emperor Honda), which means that he must have given the name Ōtomowake to the kami. As a result, while Kehi ōkami originally had the name Izasawake no ōkami, it came to be known after this event as Ōtomowake no ōkami.
source : Nishioka Kazuhiko, Kokugakuin

. Warrior Deity Hachiman 八幡神 .

. Hondawake no mikoto 品陀和気命 .
and his mother, Regent-Empress Jinguu Koogoo  神功皇后 Jingu Kogo


Amulets for other sports
from the collection of Nishino Jinja


. Atariya 当たり矢 arrow to hit good luck .

. Kyuudoo 弓道 Kyudo Japanese Archery .


- quote
sakkaa サッカー Soccer Omamori
Fukagawa Fudo-do is well-known for its prayers and charms for road safety, and you can even have prayers said for your car at the Kotsu Anzen Kigan-den hall. But the charm that caught our eye is the official Japan Football Association ‘Soccer Omamori.’ There are three kinds of omamori, all with the emblem of the national team on them, for 700 yen each, so you can buy one to support the national team and also to improve your own skills.
A must for any football fan.
- source : www.timeout.jp/en

. Amulets from Fukagawa Fudo 深川不動堂 - 御守り .

- - sakkaa お守り サッカー soccer amulets

. Soccer club of Tokyo FC東京 .


. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling .

- - tenisu お守り テニス Tennis amulets

yakyuu お守り 野球 baseball amulets

. . . . .

. . . CLICK here for Sports Amulet Photos !

. Reference .

. MORE - Amulets for Sports in this BLOG .

Joys of Japan, 2012

Saturday night---
the Mets play the Yankees
New York,New York

- Shared by Fred Masarani, New York -

win or lose
the boxing champ's
loyal fans

- Shared by Bos Tsip, Manila -


. The Dragon Art Gallery – 2012 .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



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