
Kukai Kobo Daishi mamori

. 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説  Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .


Kukai Kobo Daishi
(774-835) (Kooboo Daishi, Kuukai)

Founder of Shingon  真言 Japanese Esoteric Buddhism

Read the introduction here

. Kobo Daishi, Kukai 弘法大師 空海 .


namu Daishi henjo kongo 南無大師遍照金剛

仙台 虚空蔵尊 - 大満寺
Sendai, Kokuzo Bosatsu, Temple Daimanji


namikiri Fudo 浪切不動明王 Wave-calming Fudo

From Temple Nr. 36 of the 88 henro pilgrim temples of Shikoku

. Namikiri Fudo Myo-O 浪切不動明王 .


空海修行大師道中御守 Kukai as a student in China
from temple Kaigen-Ji in China 開元寺

source : stladys.com/oroshiuri/kukai

. 広幡山 Kobanzan 観蔵院 Kanzo-In 善應寺 Zeno-Ji . - Tokyo
with a statue of shugyoo daishi 修行大師 Shugyo Kobo Daishi during his ascetic training


A handcarved statue for your personal use.
for 厄除け、招福 warding off evil and bringing good luck.
and for 家内安全、合格祈願、難病克服 a happy family, passing an examination and warding off illness.

made from byakudan 白檀 sandalwood

source : online shopping


sango シナ海珊瑚 from Chinese sea coral
made in Tosa, Shikoku
about 5,5 cm high, to fit in a pocket

source : nishida corals


. Gankake Daishi 願掛け大師 Kukai to make a wish .
at Kawasaki Daishi Temple 川崎大師

source : ameblo.jp/tarragon/entry

shoozuka no baasan しょうづかの婆さん "the Old Hag of Hell "
shoozuka is dialect for soozuka 三途河・葬頭河 - sanzu no kawa, the river to the other world.
Visiting this statue will cure of toothache and help become beautiful.

. Datsueba, the Old Hag of Hell / 三途の婆 sanzu no baba .

. biyoo jisha 美容寺社 praying for beauty .


chirimen ちりめん弘法大師 made from crepe silk

with more keyholders of chirimen
source : tensho/keyhorder


Kobo Daishi, Wood Statue

Statue of seated Kōbō Daishi holding a vajra in right hand and a prayer ring in the left. The vajra is a fundamental icon of Shingon Buddhism -- Japan's version of Vajrayana (Tantric) Buddhism. The vajra is a symbolic weapon that represents a thunderbolt (irresistible force) and indestructibility (it can cut any substance but not be cut itself, like a diamond). It thus represents spiritual power. Vajra in Sanskrit means diamond (lit. adamantine, unsplittable), while yana means vehicle. Vajrayana is thus translated as "The Diamond Vehicle." This splendid carving is a reproduction of the most common and traditional artistic depiction of Kōbō Daishi in Japan.

For more on Kōbō Daishi, please see:

source : Mark Schumacher


Kuukai Yakuyoke 空海 厄除け to ward off evil

Kukai O-Mamori 空海 お守り

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Japanese Reference with all the HENRO pilgrims goods and amulets:
Reference : eitikai.co


Daishi Senbei 大師せんぺい rice crackers

Kukai as a pilgrim in Shikoku

. Shikoku Henro 四国遍路 Information .

. Kawasaki Daishi 川崎大師 .
平間寺 Temple Heiken-ji

. 弘法大師 空海 - 伝説  Kobo Daishi Kukai Legends .


. Regional Amulets and Talismans from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



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