
Tsunashiki Tenmangu

- for boke yoke see below !


Tsunashiki Tenmangu Shrine 綱敷天満宮

near temple Sumadera in Suma-Ura Park
綱敷天満宮 (神戸市) - 兵庫県神戸市須磨区鎮座
Address: 2-1-11 Tenjin-cho. Suma-ku. Kobe City Hyogo Japan Telephone: 078-734-0640.

source with more photos : mari24

There are some more shrines with this name in Japan

綱敷天満神社 (神戸市) - 兵庫県神戸市東灘区鎮座
綱敷天満神社 (今治市) - 愛媛県今治市鎮座
Imabara, Ehime
綱敷天満宮 (福岡市) - 福岡県福岡市博多区鎮座
綱敷天満宮 (築上町) - 福岡県築上郡築上町鎮座
綱敷天神社 - 大阪府大阪市北区鎮座

. Tenman-Gu Shrines in Japan 天満宮.
Sugawara Michizane 菅原道真


The Tsunashiki Tenmangu Shrine
is described in the old book "Nihon ni-ju-gosha no hitotsu" (one of the 25 shrines of Japan) under the name 'Settsu no Kuni Tsunashiki Tenjin' and has Sugawara Michizane as its principal deity.

Michizane was a Heian period(794-1192) court official who was sent to Kyushu for demotion.

On the way his vessel met with a storm.
In order to escape the wind and rain, he landed in Suma and stayed for night.

The fisherman of the village wound a large round mat from a thick fishing net rope and placed it under a pine tree for him to rest upon.
In 979, out of remembrance and respect for Michizane, the people of the village constructed the shrine.

Michizane is thought of as a deity of study, so many students can be seen praying here, especially on the shrine's festival day; January 25th .

Michizane wrote many poems about ume (Japanese apricot) and so many people also come to pray here during ume blossom season.
source : arichan


Annual Festivals
元旦・歳旦祭 【1月1日】
とんど祭 【1月15日】
初天神大祭 【1月24日25日】
First Tenmangu Festival of the New Year
梅花祭 【2月24日・25日】 Plum Blossom Festival
祈年祭 【2月17日】
天満宮学業講祭 【4月25日】
天神祭 【7月24日・25日】
七五三 Shichi Go San in November
新嘗祭(にいなめさい) 【11月25日】
納め天神祭 【12月25日】
大晦日 【12月31日】
source : event


mede Daruma 目出だるま Daruma with eyes popping out

. Me da deru ... to have good luck - Daruma .


Click on the image for more !

Amulets, lucky charms from this shrine, there are two pages

必勝はちまき headband for winning
合格はし chopsticks
音楽守り music amulet
source : tsunashikitenmangu.or.jp - Part 1

for safe surfing 波乗り祈願の御守

kaminari yoke 雷除御守 protection from lightning while working outside

勾玉(まがたま)腕守り magatama

しあわせ守り shiawase
ペット守り for your pet
梅の香りまもり scent of plum blossoms

. Magatama 勾玉腕守り Magatama jewels, curved beads .

source : tsunashikitenmangu.or.jp - Part 2

nasu mamori なす守り "eggplant amulet"
pun on : may it bring forth fruit


boke yoke ボケ除け守 not to become senile

- - - - - boke yoke amulets from other temples :

boke yoke Jizo ぼけ除け地蔵尊守

source : www.shibusawa.info
boke fuji Kannon ボケ封じ観音尊守

bokeyoke Yakushi ぼけ除け薬師

amulet against palsy and senility - from pokkuri temple
chuufuu yoke 中風除 amulet against palsy and apoplex
source : pokkuri ぽっくり寺.jp/omamori

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. sasuri Jizoo san さすり地蔵さん Jizo to rub the head .
and not become senile - Jizooji 地蔵寺 Jizo-Ji, Kagawa

. pokkuri  ぽっくり amulets for a sudden death, "drop dead" .

ぼけ封じ 転法輪山 養学院 - boke dementia
Yoogakuin 養学院 Yogaku-In - Michibiki Fudo みちびき不動
. 三河三不動尊霊場
Mikawa - Aichi Fudo Pilgrims .


Join Matsuo Basho and other poets

. Suma-Ura and Iro no Hama Beach
須磨浦 と 色の浜 .


Amulets with eggplants  

mamori fuda kakete sodatsu ya hatsu nasubi

growing strong
protected by a talisman -
first eggplants

Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶

. Eggplant Amulets 茄子守り札 .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



1 comment:

  1. ぼけ封じ 転法輪山 養学院 - boke dementia
    Yoogakuin 養学院 Yogaku-In - Michibiki Fudo みちびき不動

    Mikawa Fudo


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