. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
Mukai Tengu 向い天狗 Tengu facing each other Introduction: . Tengu and Japanese Culture . . Tengu 天狗と伝説 Tengu legends "Long-nosed Goblin" . source : 内田静馬 Kawagoe Gallery . reiken baizoo 霊験倍増 double your spiritual achievements This amulet helps the seekers of spirituality, the mountain ascetics and others on this way. It also helps against fire, prevents evil influences and keeps the owner healthy. 火難避け、魔除け、厄除け、無病息災 source : www.eisai.co.jp . ema collection from shrine Dairoku Ten Jinja, Hanno town 第六天神社 (飯能市 Hannoo shi) A long-nosed goblin and a karasu bird tengu are facing each other. They are the servants (kenzoku 眷属) of the deity of this shrine. If you hang the ema tablets at the entrance of the home, illness and bad influence will not come in. If you bind them to a bamboo pole and hang them in the rice fields, the crop will be bountiful and nobody will steal it from your paddies. (Yes, sometimes crops are harvested over night by "burglers".) This shrine is famous for its Tengu legends. The deity Dairoku Ten Maoo 第六天魔王 is supposed to be a tengu. MATEN 摩天(まてん) means a deity who is tempting and disturbing human beings. . Dairokuten Ma-O In the temple compound is a large white oak tree 白樫(シラカシ), which was once hit by lightning and almost split, to form a cave. At its root, two stone markers are embedded now, dating back to the Kamakura period. ........................................................................................................................................................ 武蔵第六天神社 Shrine Dairokuten Jinja 埼玉県さいたま市岩槻区大戸1752 source : www.dairokuten.or.jp Annual Festivals: 1月1日 - 歳旦祭 New Year Festival 2月3日 - 節分祭 Setsubun 4月1日~5月31日 - 観花祭(第六天講社大祭) 6月30日 - 夏越大祓 summer purification 7月14日 - 御神幸祭 Ritual for the Shrine Deity 7月15日 - 例大祭 Great Annual Festival 8月13日~8月16日 - 夏期慰霊祭 Rituals for the Dead 11月1日~11月30日 - 七五三祭 Shichi-Go-San for children 12月31日 - 大祓 great purification ritual 毎月1日月次祭 monthly rituals on the first day 天狗様は、第六天神社の御使役として、 諸々の心願を叶える仲立ちをされています。古来より当社に伝わる向かい天狗の絵馬は、火難・盗難・疫病を除き、邪気を祓い、以って家内安全・商売繁昌・五穀豊穣等に霊験著しい護符であります. source : www.dairokuten.or.jp - tengu amulets ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This old ema is 92 cm wide and 68 cm high. It dates from around 1624 - 1644, the time of Tokugawa Shogun Iemitsu. From shrine Nagamiya Hikawa Jinja 長宮氷川神社 Kamifukuoka shi town 上福岡市 source : www.nagamiya-hikawa ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . . . CLICK here for Photos ! . Reference . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Fuji Tengu 富士天狗(富士太郎)Tengu from Mount Fuji Daraniboo, Daranibō 陀羅尼坊 Darani-Bo, Daranibo This is the most important of all the Tengu goblins from Japan. In Gotenba town, he is called "Fuji Taro". This amulet is sold at the Tengu shrine at the 5th station of Mount Fuji as proof that its owner has climbed the mountain. It is an amulet for easy childbirth (because of the female aspect of the Fuji deity), but also for strong family bonds, a good harvest of fields and sea and safe travel. Darani-Bo is one of the . 四十八天狗 48 Tengu of Japan . . WKD : Mount Fuji 富士山, Fuji-san, or Fujiyama . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: source : zenmaitarow Tengu Kokeshi 天狗 こけし wooden dolls The two on the left are like totem poles. The middle one is from mount Myoogisan 妙義山, Myogisan Gunma. . . . CLICK here for more Photos ! .............................................................................................................................................. An old man has a lump or tumor on his face. In the mountains he encounters a band of tengu making merry and joins their dancing. . . . . "The Old Man's Lump Removed" (瘤取り爺さん Kobu-tori Jiisan) . |
- #tenguamulets -
. Regional Folk Toys from Saitama .
. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List .
. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
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