
Fukura suzume sparrow



Plump sparrow ふくらすずめ fukura suzume


fat sparrow

This refers to a sparrow in winter, when it is all fluffed up to keep warm.

The name is a play on the sound of fukura . fuku 福 = good luck.
Toys are made to bring good luck to the people.

Daruma on a plump sparrow

clay doll from Aizu, Nakayugawa hot spring 中湯川土人形, Fukushima

With many more samples of this toy
source : hukurasuzume


Yamaguchi clay toy 山口人形
Niigata, Agano city. Mizuhara village 新潟県阿賀野市水原

These sparrows and other clay dolls have been made for more than 160 years.

. komori 子守 holding a child .

- - - - - Other patterns are
玉乗馬 horse on a ball
鯛持ち子供 child holding a carp
天神様 Tenjin sama
sarumawashi さる廻師 monkey leader
onago sensei おなご先生 lady teacher
馬乗鎮台 soldier on a horse
熊金 Kintaro and the bear
犬子 puppy (little dog)
. hatobue tsugai 鳩笛つがい pair of pidgeon whistles .
. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer

source : sakura.ne.jp/claydolls


It is also the name for a way to tie your kimono belt (obi), mostly done by unmarried women.


a pattern for various items


a wafer named like this
ふくらすずめ 最中

From a shop in Tosu town, Saga 佐賀県鳥栖市.
This town was a roadside stop on the way from Kyoto to Nagasaki, Kyushu.
The shop Mizutaya 水田屋 makes them since almost 120 years ago. When the train line passed here first, the smoke from the train reminded the shop owner of this plump sparrow.

source : dining-express

. Monaka 最中 Wafers and Daruma .


- source : 門司ヶ関人形工房 -


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


kigo for late winter

. WKD : fukurasuzume ふくら雀 "inflated" sparrow" .

nabatake no fukura suzume mo kasumi kana

the plump sparrows
in the vegetable field
are also in the mist

Kobayashi Issa


roojin to fukura suzume ni fuyu fukamu

for this old man
and the plump sparrow
winter deepens

Murakoshi Kaseki 村越化石 (1922 - )
"Fossil Murakoshi", his poet name

born in Fujieda town, Shizuoka
He suffers from Hansen's disease (leprosy) since he was 16 years.

. MORE . haiku with plump sparrows .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011


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