
Sewapororo Nipopo Inau Hokkaido



Sewapororo セワポロロ

Sewa is a deity from the North.
The dolls are made by the Uilta tribe ウイルタ.

source : Asahi Gangu Guide

They are even more archaic than the Nipopo dolls.
see below

They were made by the northern tribe of the Orokko オロッコ族 as amulets to bring good luck. Many Orokko came from Sakhalin to Abashiri after the war.

The headgear looks like a crown and gives them a gentle look.
Around the neck they wear a piece of seal skin. The body is cut and with wood shavings like the "inau dolls" in a way to imitate the wings of a bird.
inau イナウ shavings are made to express greatfulness to the deity.

The Orokko also keep celebrating the
fire festival
Orochon no hi matsuri オロチョンの火祭り

In July in Abashiri.

An important part of this festival are the Sewapororo.
sewa is the name of a great deity, who knows all and can do all things. If you pray to him sincerely, he will grant the wish.
The festival is also held to appease the souls of the ancestors and as a prayer for good harvest.

There are about 30 different kinds of these figures.


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nipopo ニポポ Nipopo human figures

Abashiri 網走

Nipopo Dolls ニポポ

Sakhalin Ainu shamans produced abstract wooden figurines called nipopo ("wooden baby"), used primarily as amulets for curing or warding off childhood disease.
The addition of strips of red and blue cloth or a blue bead (on the upper figure) was thought to increase their power; such dolls were dressed in inaw-kike (wood shavings) to increase their efficacy. The two- headed figure may have been a charm to enhance the probability of giving birth to twins. (Twins were believed to bring success in fishing and hunting among the Sakhalin Ainu and neighboring Eastern Siberian groups.
A similar belief was also held by the Kwakwaka'wakw, the native people of Canada's Northwest Coast.) These nipopo were collected in Novoe, Sakhalin, in 1945. Both have the deep patina of long-held personal treasures.

Read a lot more :
The traditional center of Ainu life was the house or "chise."
source : AINU


source : Isamu Folk Toys

inau ningyoo イナウ人形 dolls with wood shavings
Lake Akan ko 阿寒湖

Lake Akan is a famous tourist spot with a well-known Ainu hamlet selling local souveniers, mostly woodcarvings.

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inau, inaw 木幣 ritual wand, cult stick
This wand with wooden shavings is used for Ainu rituals.
It is made from willow wood, dogwood or other soft wood.

The same technique is used to make simple dolls.
They are made with the wish to recover from illness, to have a safe hunting excursion and bring home a good harvest.
After a storm or flooding, they are made to appease the deities.

Dolls are often made in a pair of a man and woman.
Others show a man with bow and arrow hunting.

source : Asahi Gangu Toys


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