
Otakapoppo Hawk Sasano



Otakapoppo おたかぽっぽ / お鷹ぽっぽ toy hawk
O-Taka Poppo, Otaka poppo

From Yonezawa, Yamagata

CLICK for more photos

The word poppo is a local dialect for toy.

He is an amulet for the good fortunes of the family
(kaun, ka-un takamori 家運隆盛)

This toy has a long tradition of more than 200 years.
It dates back to the 9th Daimyo of the town Yonezawa,
Uesugi Yoozan 上杉鷹山公 (Uesugi Yozan).

He had it made by the farmers in winter, when they could not go out. It soon became a source of income for them.

Today it is one of the most popular souvenirs of Yonezawa.

Lord Yozan took the Chinese character for hawk, taka, as part of his name to honor the strength of this animal, and to ensure its protection from evil for himself and his people.

Each toy is carved from one piece of wood and the tail is especially carefully carved.

Special knives are used to carve the tail.
sarukiri サルキリ
chijire  チヂレ


source : popyah/yamagata

There are many samples in the regional folk museum of Yonezawa.

. . . . .

There is also a huge statue in front of the temple
Sasano Kannon 笹野観音

This temple of Shingon Buddhism has been constructed around 810. Its main deity is a Kannon Bosatsu with 1000 arms and 1000 eyes.

The statue is flanced by Jizo Bosatsu and Bishamonten.


This temple celebrates a special
fire purification winter ritual on January 17.
Hatsu Ju-shichi-do Matsuri 十七堂祭り

Cooked radish and sweet sake are distributed.
There are also stalls selling traditional arts and crafts including Sasano Ittobori wood carvings.

Saito Goma 柴燈護摩のご祈祷
page with photos:


Uesugi Yoozan 上杉鷹山公 Uesugi Yozan
(1751 - 1822)

He founded the domain school
. Koojookan 興譲館 Kojokan .
in Yonezawa.

He is very famous, there are many books and novels about him.

Statue of Lord Yozan

one of his famous quotes

Do and it will be done;
don’t do and it will not be done:
if something is not done,
that is because no one did it.


. Reference . Uesugi Yozan Harunori


Sasano ittoobori 笹野一刀彫 Sasano Ittobori
carvings with one knife

- ebay 2015 -


Sasano Ittoobori Daruma 笹野一刀彫達磨 Sasano Daruma

from the Shimazu Collection 島津コレクション

source : syumi-uu

. tora 寅 / トラ tiger - from Yamagata .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


noki tsurara otaka poppo no eiki shisen

icicles on the eaves -
the spirited glare of

Nakada Nobuko 中田のぶ子

. WKD : Hawk (taka)


Sanriku coast -
a hawk soars high
above the rubble

. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

source : www.47news.jp

Miyagi Prefecture, Minami Sanriku Town 宮城県南三陸町
March 11, 2011




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