
Kanai Anzen

. yakuyoke 厄除け warding off evil - Index .


Kanai anzen 家内安全 "peace at home"
wellbeing for the family

kazoku omamori 家族お守り family protection
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kaun takamori, ka-un takamori 家運隆盛 good luck for the family
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... a type of omamori, or Japanese amulet of the Shinto religion. Its purpose is to promote good health and to help those with illnesses and protect the family.

Literally, kanai anzen means
"Please keep my family from harm,"
and you can see this written upon ema votive plaquets as well as omamori suzu (bells). In the form of an omamori and suzu, this prayer is carried on one's person.
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. Kanai Anzen from this BLOG

. Kanai Anzen Daruma Kokeshi だるまこけし .


壷阪寺 Tsubosaka dera, Nara

Mayoke men - Demons to ward off evil

開運厄除 ・家内安全 魔除面 ward off evil
鬼門を守る、kimon - unlucky quarter
眼病退散 eyes、
トイレでこけない toilet
厄年退散 unlucky year

桃鬼…良縁成就・夫婦円満 couple
黄鬼…金運招来・財運向上 money
赤鬼…開運厄除・家内安全 family
青鬼…開運厄除・家内安全 family
緑鬼…学業成就・無病息災 health

also available at this temple

眼のお守り me no omamori

omou tsubo 思う壷守 "may all things go just as I want it"

Fudo Myo-o to ward off all evil 不動明王

壷阪寺 Tsubosaka dera, Nara
〒635-0102 奈良県高市郡高取町壷阪3番地(お里沢市の霊蹟)

source : Tsubosaka dera Homepage

. Oni 鬼 Demon Amulets .

. Minami Hokkeji 壷阪寺 Tsubosakadera .


kado no ume kanai anzen to saki ni keri

plums at the gate
praying for the well-being of the family
with their blossoms . . .

Tr. Gabi Greve

. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

This hokku has the cut marker KERI at the end of line 3.

a plum tree blooms
by the gate, protecting
the family from harm

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku was written in the 2nd month (March) of 1816, when Issa was living back in his hometown. In Issa's diary there is no headnote, but in some later versions a headnote is attached: "Congratulations on your new house." The language indicates that Issa is sending felicitations to someone who has just moved into a new house. Apparently Issa later used this hokku to congratulate someone else.

In Issa's time epidemics, disasters, and early death were more common than today, and people often made prayers at shrines and temples in order to protect family members against sickness, accidents, and other harm. Amulets that claimed to be able to ensure family wellness and safety were also extremely popular. Issa, however, looks not to amulets but to the vigorous blooming of a plum tree by the gate of one house. The strength or perhaps the ki, the spiritual energy, of the healthy, robustly blooming tree, the hokku suggests, will surely help the family living in the house avoid illness and harm and live long, happy lives.

Chris Drake


. Kanai Anzen from this BLOG


- #kanaianzen #family -

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